2 | Miku

502 18 3

I can barely make out words. Voices sound like nothing more than a pointless noise, all mixing into one obnoxious, brassy uproar. The deafening howling of teenagers around me is like nails on a chalkboard — no, worse. Forcing my hands over my ears in desperate attempts to drown them out is a failure each time; all I achieve is looking like a complete moron, earning me weird looks and merciless sniggers. Each period, each day, I'm forced to sit here, grit my teeth and bare it. There's no escape. And the cycle repeats.

Who's genius idea was it to put a bunch of hormonal teenagers in one place for years on end? I'd like nothing more than to slap them multiple times. The increase of mental health issues doesn't make matters any better, whether it's caused by the stress school forces upon you everyday, or the media we all want to try and please. You're either the target, or the attacker. Weaklings will victimise weaker. It's a barbaric system.

We're all playing the same game, though approaching it in different ways. One way might totally fuck up someone else's. But in the end, we're all just selfish creatures that want nothing more than to benefit ourselves, and ourselves only. Getting rich, getting famous, whatever.

Why aren't the greater forces putting an end to this? Reports pop up frequently online, each one stating the end of the world is next week, next month, whenever; but it never happens. Most people probably find this relieving; we can live our full lives in so-called peace. This isn't a mindset I share. Sometimes — more often than not, might I add — I wish a meteor would hit this sad world and cure us all of our misery.

But for now, I suppose I have to abide by these stupid rules.

What's there to live for? Failing grades and underpayed jobs? Spending your life in solitude, or letting yourself become a puppet in a desperate attempt to please someone else? Adults would say I haven't even began living yet. That there's so much to look forward to in life. That shit will only get harder. Yet here I am, nothing more than a measly school student, and I wish I was never born.

Why? Well, why not?

The reverberating hysteria filling up the room drills ruthlessly into my skull, my will to live nothing more than a ticking bomb. My hands clench, edged nails digging into my sweaty palm, cutting so deep that the sight of metallic, cerise blood wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

My eyes fall upon the clock, placed ever so slightly unevenly on the wall just above the teachers desk. Five minutes. Five minutes until I've won. Three hundred seconds until I can break free from this jail cell, only to repeat the battle again tomorrow.

I hate school, and I know I'm not the only one. I know so many people share this opinion for many different reasons. But I really hate this garbage place, more than I can express with words. I hate the curriculum, I hate the teachers, I hate the students I'm forced to deal with. The judgemental pricks I've had to waste my youth-hood with.

As you can probably tell by now, I'm most definitely not a people person. For as long as I can remember, I've always been happy enough to stay silent in the corner and mind my own business, without dragging myself into chaos or keeping up with other people's drama. Isn't it pointless? Every school has their own adaptation of 'Keeping Up with the Kardashian's'.

Four minutes to go.

"Miku!" A voice from up ahead snaps, forcing me back down to reality. Glancing up through a curtain of teal bangs, I'm met with a cold stare. "You look like you've been paying attention." The sarcasm evident here is physically painful. "What was your answer for question 3a?"

The textbook before me is closed. I never bothered to open it. Never had the will to do so. "Umm.." I can feel everyone's gazes burn into me. My mind races. Goes completely blank. By this point, people are laughing. Whispering. I forget to breathe.

Vocaloid: Re:VERSE  [Miku x Luka]Where stories live. Discover now