11 | Luka

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I find myself back outside that same shop no more than half an hour later. Wrapping the soft white scarf tighter around my neck, I take a seat and watch as people rush in and out of the shop, clutching plastic bags filled with groceries, and slowly fade into the distance as they make their way back home, continuing on with their day.

People watching is something I have always found fun. It's crazy how sometimes, you can glance at a single person for a split second, and pretty much summarise their life story at a glance. Other times, though, individuals can be unreadable and mysterious — you can't judge a book by its cover, I guess.

Miku's bright eyes and cute smile springs back to mind, and I rest my head in my hand, thinking. There's something intriguing about the tealette — she's an open book on the surface, but something about her seems so... cryptic, almost. Like a clam clenched shut, you have no idea what's inside, and I'd be lying if I said I weren't intrigued.

My gaze drifts down to the rose gold watch, daintily wrapped around my left wrist. 3:35, five minutes past our meeting time; I hope she hasn't changed her mind about meeting up.

Clink. Clink. My acrylic nails tap noisily against the iron bench as I glance around, hoping to catch sight of a small girl with bright turquoise hair. And then I spot her, free of shipping bags, flowing teal hair pulled up into two cutesy pigtails. I can't help a grin from spreading across my tinted lips as I jump up from the bench and drift over to her.

"Hey," I greet her happily, to which she responds with a small wave of her pale hand, her smile mirroring mine. "You look adorable. I'm glad to see the pigtails return!" The tealette giggles bashfully, playing with a strand of long turquoise hair and looking at me through upturned eyes.

"I tried my best," she says shyly. "Hairstyles have never been my forte, and it's a bit more bumpy and uneven than when Rin did it, so, umm... I'm sorry about that." She peers critically into the store window, glancing at her reflection and suddenly narrowing her eyes.

I follow her gaze. Though the reflection is dull, I can make out Miku's pouty expression, and I pat her on the head, smiling. "It's perfect, hun. So don't worry about it so much." The tealette bites her lip and hides behind her bangs momentarily, before looking back at me and muttering a small 'thank you'.

The breeze is becoming more bitter and cold with every passing moment. A violent shiver runs through Miku's slender body, and she wraps her arms around herself in an attempt to keep warm. I flash her a quick smile before holding out my hand to the tealette. "Should we go? The cafe I spoke of earlier is just up the road, and it'll be a lot warmer in there."

For a long moment, Miku stares at my extended hand, visibly perplexed. I draw away and cock my head, azure orbs peering hopefully at the tealette. Slowly, she lifts her gaze to meet mine once again, before nodding her head and returning a small smile. "Sure."

The dully lit streets seem bland and monochromatic. Miku and I walk silently down the road, the tapping of our shoes against the cold concrete below one of the only sound breaking the silence. The wind whistles noisily through the street; occasionally, the odd couple walks past, gripping at each other for warmth and comfort.

"So," I pipe up, many questions springing to mind. Miku glances at me, head tilted slightly to the side, waiting for me to speak. "I've never seen you around before. Are you new around here? What school do you attend?"

The tealette averts her gaze to the ground, hands shoved in her pockets. "Nope, I've lived here my whole life," she responds, her tone of voice somewhat sad sounding. "I attend Crypton High. And fuck me, it's quite the shithole." She drags her scuffed shoes along the concrete, occasionally kicking at a stray pebble and watching it roll away through narrowed cerulean orbs.

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