3 | Luka

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"Sooooo," Miki pipes up, glancing towards Meiko and flashing her a sly smirk. "Update us. What's the status with Fuckboy Shion?"

It's Friday, finally the end of a crazy, chaotic week. Usually, I'd be jumping for joy; with the weekend swiftly approaching, I'd love to hang out with my friends and take a trip down to the beach, or maybe even spend a day at the nearby amusement park and finally force Meiko on the killer rollercoaster she's always too scared to ride. Either way, I have 48 hours ahead of me, and half of that time is to be wasted performing.

I can't quite explain my loss of passion for dance. Maybe I just grew out of it? Spending hours upon hours in a dance studio seems like a waste when I could spend that time with my friends. We only get one childhood, so why waste it away?

I know, I know — I sound like an ungrateful brat. I'm sure that's what my mother would say if I confessed this to her. And, for that reason, I'm holding off as long as I can.

Eventually, I'll have to come clean and tell her that I don't want to pursue dance any longer. Eventually, I'll have to come clean and tell her I'm lesbian, and have no romantic interest whatsoever in the half of the human population with a penis. Eventually, I'll have to come clean and tell her a lot of things I've kept bottled up for years on end, but I dread her reaction. She's strict, old-fashioned, prompt, and won't take any of my avowals lightly, that's for sure. It seems easier to keep them all to myself, and put on a facade whenever I'm in her presence.

I've never been very close with either of my parents. My father is always away from home on business trips overseas. He is a prominent worker for an extremely successful media and technology company, meaning he has a very steady income. Furthermore, it means I can get ahold of the latest iPhone quickly, easily, and cheaply. My mother, on the other hand, is a key representative of a major charity here in Japan. Not so much to help other people, more for the status and own-benefit than anything else.

My mother spends a lot of time at home, very much unlike my father. Though, even then, we are distant as can be. She usually spends her time making phone calls, meeting up with old friends just as posh and snooty as her and going out for a nice meal. She expresses no interest in spending time with me, or creating a tight, unbreakable bond like most mothers and daughters have. I find myself neglected, living under the same roof as her, but completely casted aside.

Even growing up she barely spent any time with me. Instead, she'd either leave me to my own devices, or hire a nanny that fulfilled the role she was supposed to have — though even then, I couldn't form any kind of relationship with them, for the nanny was different each time. I was lonely; when I wasn't at school with my friends, I was hidden in my bedroom, sat in front of a huge dollhouse, wishing I had a sibling to spend time with, or parents that would give me even just a little more attention.

I suppose my upbringing plays a major role in who I am today, for now, my best friends have become the family I never had, and for that, I am forever grateful.

Meiko grabs her phone from her bag and perches herself primly on the edge of the counter. "He hasn't found out my address yet, which is something." She brings up the text conversation and presents the phone to Miki, who is unable to keep a straight face after skimming through the messages exchanged.

"This guy is so self-important. He's such a nobody!" She cackles, wiping a fake tear from her eye as she wheezes. "He really thinks he's someone. When is someone going to break the news to him? His life'll flash before his sorrowful little eyes!"

I tilt my head and look up at my friends. "What'd he say?" I ask, having not read the conversation myself.

Meiko briefly flicks through the chat history, the illuminative screen reflecting in her chocolate brown eyes. "Nothing you've never heard before," she reports. "It's just his use of pick up lines are just... no."

Vocaloid: Re:VERSE  [Miku x Luka]Where stories live. Discover now