6 | Miku

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"I'm so tired..." I mutter sleepily, collapsing onto Rin's double bed and letting out a dissatisfied groan. The stubborn blonde stayed true to her word last night — she had sent me all the details regarding the dance recital within fifteen or so minutes of leaving my house, one of those instructions being to arrive at her house by 9 o'clock on the dot.

And thus, here I am, still half asleep, no thought put into my oversized hoodie, sweatpants and tangly hair, curled up amongst Rin's soft orange blankets and fluffy cushions.

The mattress moves slightly as Rin plonks herself down next to me. "You're so hopeless," she sighs, grabbing onto one of the blankets and trying to pull it free of my grip.

"Nooooo!" I cry, wanting nothing more than to fall back asleep. "It's so early... just five minutes, please?" My internal body clock is so used to sleeping in until midday come the long-awaited weekend, so waking up any earlier is always a challenge.

"You sound like a little kid!" Rin scoffs, yanking the blanket from my grasp before grabbing onto my arm and forcing me up. "Plus, it's five past nine! It's not even early!"

Defeated, I readjust myself so that I'm sitting cross legged, arms folded dramatically across my chest, knotty hair falling around my face. "Fuck you.." I mutter under my breath.

Rin raises an eyebrow, clearly having heard my snarky remark. "Excuse you!" She pouts, pulling an offended face mockingly. I stick my tongue out in wordless response, still refusing to budge.

The backstage workers and performers are required to be at the venue in an hours time, ready for the recital to commence several hours later. There is also a pre-show winter fair, which, ultimately, means more people to try and steer myself around. How fun, right?

I don't know what Rin was thinking, nor what she is expecting to come of today — I'm absolutely dreading every moment. Hell, we aren't even at the venue yet, and already, I can't wait to get back to the comfort of my bedroom.

Rin bites her lip, almost as if reading my thoughts. Well, she reads me like an open book at the best of times; I'm not even surprised anymore. "I know you don't believe, but trust me, it'll be so much fun. And hopefully it'll help build up your confidence a little bit, too?" she smiles, trying her best to sound encouraging, though there's a doubtful undertone to her voice that makes me feel even more nervous.

"Whatever you say," I respond with a long sigh. "Please, can we just get this over with?" The sooner the day starts, the sooner it will end, right? And I want nothing more than for it to end.

Rin shrugs her shoulders, averting her gaze momentarily. "Okay," she nods, her voice unusually quiet. She stays put for a moment, before leaping off the bed and turning to face me once again, her trademark enthusiasm returning. "So, I was thinking I could give you a makeover? Only a little one, but hey, looking good always makes you feel good, too!"

I narrow my eyes, unamused by her suggestion. "What are you trying to say about me?"

Rin freezes, a sheepish expression clouding her face. "Oh, nothing, nothing!" She peers at me through electric blue orbs, before cocking her head ever so slightly to the side and exhaling a shallow breath. "You just don't generally put much effort into anything anymore. You're so, so, so pretty, I just want to enhance that, I guess!" She flashes me half a smile, before continuing on. "You deserve to feel good about yourself, too."

At her unexpected sentimentality, I can feel a stubborn blush creep across my cheeks. Embarrassed, I hide behind a curtain of teal hair, praying to the gods above that Rin doesn't notice my — rather obvious — flushed expression. "Th-Thanks..." I stutter, unsure of how else to respond.

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