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When Camille and Matthew were kids, they were often left to their own devices. With their father hard at work, and their mother hardly working, their lives were quite lonesome. Their summers consisted of scavenging about the quarry for rocks and bugs, spending time at their grandfather's farm by feeding pigs and petting chickens, and then some.

But the summer Camille lost both her front teeth and Matthew grew three inches, their Grandfather had passed on and sold the farm. The quarry was out of bounds due to construction season, and without anywhere to go, mischief was at their fingertips.

It was a hot day in the middle of July, and since George was out of the country for business and Regina was out in the woods for another spiritual retreat, Daniel, Matthew and Camille were staying with their Uncle Moritz in Munich.

Camille had always liked Uncle Moritz. Despite being brothers, Moritz and George were nothing alike. Camille liked that Uncle Moritz lived in a cabin on the lake and always smelled like smoke and eucalyptus. She liked that he told thrilling and exciting stories even if some of them were made up. He wasn't tough and cold like her own father, but a burly, fun loving, caring person. She knew her father didn't like Moritz, which is why he was so hesitant to let them stay with him, but she didn't understand why. He was funny and friendly and even let them stay up for as long as they'd wanted.

As a child, Camille often wondered why Uncle Moritz didn't have a wife. He was a carefree spirit with a heart of gold, any woman would have fallen in love with him. He was great with kids, loved to cook, and even knew how to play the piano and sing. He was like a star, but a lone star in a pitch black night sky.

One day, while the boys were swimming in the lake, Camille was keeping Uncle Moritz company with he was chopping firewood. He let Camille chop a few logs, but she was no bigger than the axe and needed his help to hold it. All the while she sat on a tree stump, watching him chop wood, sweat dripping down the sides of his forehead and neck.

"Can I ask you something, Uncle Moritz?" Camille asked swinging her feet back and forth. He cleared the wood off the stump and put down the ax, giving her his full attention.

"Of course. Ask away love." He smiled warmly.

"Why aren't you married?" She asked in the most polite tone she could put on. She knew it was rude to ask personal questions, but she'd been dying to know why Moritz had lived solo for so long.

Moritz sat down on the stump across from her. "Well, I guess I haven't met the right person." he replied taking a drink of water. The sun was beginning to beat down on them, as it was nearing noon.

Camille raised her eyebrows. She couldn't quite believe him. "But how can that be?" She cried. "You're just like Prince Charming, but one that lives in the woods! And all the women want to be married to him." she explained. Moritz laughed.

"Listen now Camille. I want to get married one day, I really do. But not to a woman."

"You want to marry a man?" she asked innocently.

Moritz shook his head.

Camille traced a finger along the rungs of the tree stump. "I didn't know you could marry a man."

"Is that okay?" Moritz asked he had an innocent, glassy look in his eyes. Camille smiled.

"It's a bit weird." She giggled. Moritz nodded. "Yes. It is. But you would still love me, wouldn't you?"

"Of course!" Camille exclaimed. "You're my favorite uncle!"

Moritz smiled back at her and pulled her in for a hug. She didn't quite understand why he was crying. She wondered if perhaps she'd hurt his feelings. But, he kissed her forehead and told her to run along and call the boys in for lunch.

She understood now. 

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