PART I - things you should know

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PART I - things you should know


(Dedicated to fearlessly_me for winning my competition. You should request something from her. ;)

Why size should my cover be?

Wattpad recommends 256x400 for book covers. If your cover is not proportional to this, some of the image may be cut off. If you see a cover that is bigger than 256x400, the maker probably used a larger size like 512x800, which is just the recommended size with the measurements doubled. It will fit without getting cut off.

What size should my banner be?

This generally doesn't matter. I make my banners 500x125. Some people make them taller and some make them shorter. You can experiment with the sizes of your banners, if you like.

What graphics are made in the book cover club, and what are they for?

Book Covers - Book covers are probably the most popular kind of graphic. Because all books on Wattpad have covers, many people request these. They are added to books to attract readers and give hints to what the story is about.

Banners - Banners can be used in the "share your story" club to advertise. Users often post these along with a summary of their book. Sometimes banners are requested be used as a side or "chapter banner".

Story Ads - Story ads contain a summary of the book, the author, title, and sometimes other information like genres. Coding can be used to link a story ad to a story. Sometimes covers that have been made by other users are used in story ads.

Character Banners - Character banners feature a character from the story. A celebrity from a story's cast may be used. They tell who is playing the part as a character, and may say the title and author of the book.

Profile Pictures - See the orange bar that follows you around the page? On that bar, towards the right side of your screen, you can see your username and a picture. This is your profile picture. Some people make these, occasionally including usernames on them. Wattpad recommends 128x128 for profile pictures.

Book Jackets - Book jackets, unlike story ads, have a "spine" in the center, like with real books. Usually, a short summary or blurb is on the right half, and what looks like a regular book cover is on the left. The center is like a book spine, which may have the title and authors name on it. These are much like story ads, and can be used as side banners or for advertising.

Movie Posters - Real movie posters are used to advertise for films. Wattpadders may use them for this purpose-advertising-or as covers. They can have some of the story's cast on them, the rating, and when the book is supposedly being released.

Thread Designs/Banners - Lots of threads in the cover club have fancy banners that state things like "rules" or "forms". Makers can create these for other people, although they usually do it themselves. Sometimes thread designs are requested for discussions not in the book cover club.


NEXT PART: images and fonts

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