Chapter 10

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I sat in Dad's office, waiting for him and Alex to arrive. After my conversation with dad earlier that day, he wanted to have a meeting with me and my team's middleman. I smiled in anticipation. I am hoping that Alex would finally be transferred to another team and leave me alone. If not, I'd gladly sneak into his house with a surprise. I frowned at the thought of not having my knives. I was lost in thought when I left Kota's house that I forgot my precious babies. I mean, someone could get hurt.

The door opened behind me, and Dad and Alex entered. I smiled at Phil who smiled at me despite the exhaustion that lined his face. When Alex entered my vision, I dropped my smile and gave him my best glare. A satisfied smirk came to my face as he shivered. He carefully sat in the seat beside me but made sure that there was enough space between us in case I tried to launch myself at him. I wanted to laugh. A foot of difference wouldn't stop me from killing him.

I looked at Alex. Although he badgered me with calls, I haven't seen him for two months. He had changed his style. His brown hair with cinnamon highlights had grown out to his shoulders. His brown eyes that usually held a confident yet snarky attitude were hidden behind aviator sunglasses. I wanted to roll my eyes. He had no reason to wear sunglasses in a hospital. He acted as if he was the most important person in the world and that we should all bend to his will.

Dr. Roberts sat in his seat. Gone was the kind doctor, but the strict and touch Academy councilman. "Alex, from what I have heard from Sang and her team, you have been contacting her when they are in the middle of a mission. Despite the previous warnings not to do so, you continue. Why is that so?"

Alex swallowed which made me smile inwardly with delight. "I was concerned about the team. They are an important part of Section S. It's my job as their handler to make sure that they are safe and unharmed."

I wanted to snort but kept my face blank. Handler, my ass. I wouldn't put my team in this pompous chihuahua's hands even if he was the last Academy member on earth. He wanted to control this team, which ultimately meant controlling me. As if that would happen. Over his dead body which I know that my team and I could arrange.

Dr. Robert's eyebrows rose. "When did we assign you as their handler? In fact, I remember that we had to pull you as handler from another team when you tried to assign an unauthorized mission. So tell me Alex when did I assign you to something higher than a contact?"

Alex gulped. Behind his sunglasses, his eyes darted towards me. He was unsure if I would save him or be his angel of death. "I pushed the boundaries, I admit. I only did so because I have the upmost concern for them."

Dr. Roberts stared at him, unblinking and unfazed by his answer. For three minutes, he stared at Alex, making him squirm in his seat. I wanted to scoff and snarl at him. How in the world did this man get into the Academy? Especially into the position to know about Section S. With a sigh, Dr. Roberts waved to the door. "Leave."

Alex stood uncertain and confused. "Leave?"

Dr. Roberts frowned. "Yes, that's what the door is for."

Trembling, Alex left the room, leaving me alone in the room with the councilman. I turned towards the older man and lifted an eyebrow. "Well?"

The stern councilman disappeared, and my dad came back. He slumped forward, resting his head on his bend elbows on his desk. "The council and I have discussed what is to be done with him. We have gone over his file and followed up with other teams he has been handler or middleman for. We have confirmed suspicious and psychotic behavior, and there is evidence that he is the mole." Looking up, he met my gaze. My heart broke for him. I knew that when he accepted the position for councilman for Section S he would be going against everything that he held. He did it so he could know my whereabouts. He usually was the person who wanted to look at another way. But now he had to face being the one to deal out the mission. "The Section S Council has deemed Alex Fenris guilty as the mole and needs to be exterminated. Agent Banshee, complete this mission."

I smiled, ways to kill him passing through my mind. "Okay." I stood up. Before I opened the door, I looked back at the man bent over his desk. "Dad, I'm sorry. You shouldn't be doing this. It is going against what you stand for."

Dad shook his head and looked at me with sad and patient eyes. "I'm doing this for myself, Sang. Without this, I wouldn't be able to reach you or learn if you were alive or not. I need this. For me."

I nodded and silently left the room, putting on fingerless glove back on my hands. I had worn them since I rode my motorcycle to the hospital. Alex was pacing back and forth. When he saw me come out, he walked up to me in nervousness. "Well, what did he say?"

I smiled. "He gave you a warning." At his exhale of relief, I touched his bare arm. "It's fine. Dad said that there was a package at the front desk. He wanted you to get it and bring it back up."

Alex looked agitated before crossing his arms as if the task was beneath him. "Why me?"

I shook my head before heading towards the elevator. "Fine. I'll do it. Then you'll have to explain to him why you didn't do this simple job."

Alex looked torn before huffing and turning towards the elevator. "Fine."

As he waited for the elevator to arrive, I walked towards the stairway. Hearing no one on the stairs, I climbed over the railing and jumped to the next landing before jumping next to the other landing. I did this until I reached the level that I needed. Calmly, I opened the door to the first floor.

With my arms swinging, I walked towards the exit when I heard a scream. Looking back, I saw the elevator doors open with a body jerking in a seizure. Through the gaps of the group of people that had congregated to save him, I saw his sunglasses were askew and his brown eyes turn dull. Turning around, I unlatched my fingerless gloves and tossed them in my bag. I had to be careful since the poison coated the leather of my gloves. Throwing my leg over the body of the bike, I felt my phone buzz. Reaching into my shirt, I pulled my phone from my bra and smiled. Placing it back, I put on my helmet and drove away from the hospital. The message made me happy.

Unknown: Grim, Cerberus, Kitsune, Phoenix to Banshee. At the location.

go to video number thirteen at 1:44 and number six at 4:01 to understand what Sang was doing in the stairwell. Hope you liked it.

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