| Lacey's POV |
My loud sobs eventually quieted down to small sniffles. Harry was holding me the entire time and I couldn't be more grateful. He may seem like an arsehole most of the time, but this is a new side of him that I really like.
"Thank you," I whispered while pulling away. I wiped my eyes and looked up at him. His cheek and nose both had bruises on them which I didn't notice before. They weren't terrible but would definitely take a day or two to heal.
He just gave me a nod in return and looked away. I began to pull my legs up onto the couch but hissed when the tight fabric of my jeans rubbed up against the newly made marks on my thighs. I froze when I remembered that I was not alone in this room and Harry could easily see me flinching.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt? I swear to god if Zayn hurt you-"
"I'm fine, it's nothing," I cut him off. He looked at me suspiciously.
"Are you sure?" He looked worried. This is the most anyone other than my mum has ever cared about me.
"Yes, these jeans are just a little tight, no big deal," I tried to play it off.
"Do you want to wear a pair of my sweatpants?" He asked. I just nodded in reply. He then got up to get the sweatpants. When he got back I changed in the bathroom and went back out.
"So what do you really want to do today?" Harry asked.
"I don't know, I don't have work until four," I replied. I don't know why he's asking me what to do, it is his house.
"I have Netflix, we could watch that?" He stated somewhat unsure.
"Can we watch One Tree Hill?" I got super excited. This show is my life.
"Um, I've never heard of it but okay," he replied, confused at my sudden mood change.
My eyes widened. How could he have never heard of One Tree Hill? "Then we are definitely watching it," I stated. He jokingly rolled his eyes and got the remote to set it up.
《 《 《 《
We were in the middle of the second episode (I made him start from the beginning so he could know the characters) when I started to get hungry.
"Do you have any food?" I asked. My mood was now much lighter than before.
"Yes, I have plenty," he sarcastically replied.
I scoffed. "No, like good food. Like chocolate or something."
"I have ice cream," he slowly replied, unsure of what I was asking.
"I know, but I want something chocolately, do you have that?"
"How do you know I have ice cream?" He suspiciously asked.
"That's beside the point!" I exclaimed.
"I may have brownie mix?" He seemed really confused with my chipper attitude.
"Can we make some?" I begged. "Please, please, please, please?"
"Alright, alright," he gave in. I let out a little cheer before we paused OTH and walked into the kitchen.
He reached under the counter and retrieved a blue box of brownie mix. "So... here it is," he awkwardly said.
"Oh lighten up, you're going to love them," I replied. I grabbed the box to look at the ingredients. "We need two eggs, quarter cup of oil and a half cup of water," I looked up at him to see him just staring at me. I made a hand gesture hinting that he should get out the ingredients. That seemed to make it click as he suddenly began moving around and opening things to get the right materials.
"Now we need to..." I paused to read the instructions. "Preheat the oven to 350°F (idk Celsius soz)," he immediately went and did that.
"Now we need a bowl and a mixer thingy," I said while looking up at him.
He cracked a smile. "You mean a whisk?" He asked while his smile grew.
"Ah yes, thanks my little baker boy," I patted him on the head. "I'm glad you know the words, that must mean you're pretty into it," he seemed annoyed with my stupid little nickname but was in an all-in-all good mood.
He moved to get the bowl and the whisk, and set them down in front of me. "Done."
"Cool, cool. Now it's time to mix it all up." I popped open the box and withdrew the brownie mix. I attempted opening it but the outcome was not so good. Harry grabbed it from my hand and tore it open using his own, much more successful than I was. I thanked him as he poured the mix into the bowl. I grabbed the water and oil and poured them both in before grabbing the eggs. "Here, you crack the eggs in." I handed him both of the eggs while trying not to be obvious that I just didn't want to crack the eggs.
"Subtle," he smiled. "One minute you're doing everything and in all control and now you want me to crack the eggs? You're a mysterious one, Lacey Johnson." He smirked at me as I turned a light shade of pink. He questioned me no further as he cracked both the eggs perfectly.
I grabbed the whisk and began stirring up all the ingredients. "You're doing it wrong." I turned around to see Harry watching me stir the mix.
"So you're an expert on stirring with a whisk?" I sarcastically said.
"Well, no. But I did work in a bakery for quite some time so I believe I have some experience," he said smugly.
I stared at him in disbelief. "You worked in a bakery, yet we are making these brownies from a box mix?"
He shrugged. "It was a while ago so I don't remember a lot of recipes and even if I did I don't have any of the ingredients on hand." He tried to play it off but I thought it was extremely cool. I could not picture this talk, masculine, tattooed boy working in a bakery. It just didn't seem logical.
"Well whatever, Master, show me how to do it right if I'm so bad at it." I handed him the bowl and he cradled it into his side with one arm and the other was used to stir. He moved his wrist in small circles all throughout the batter.
"This is how you're supposed to do it, not like this," he mimicked the way I was stirring it and I playfully swatted him, gasping in mock defense.
"Shut up, baker boy." I ruffled my hand through his hair and he scowled at the nickname. I playfully stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes at my immaturity.
"I'm done mixing," he said. I eyed him carefully and took the bowl from him.
"Let me just taste it to make sure." I grinned and scooped up a bunch of batter into my finger and popped it in my mouth. "Oh my god," I moaned. "This is so good," the taste was sweet and chocolatey. I haven't had something this sweet in a long time. I went in to get more and moaned again. After I finished the second finger full, I looked up at Harry and saw he was giving me this weird look. I stared back at him with a puzzled expression on my face. "You want some?" I offered.
He coughed and shifted awkwardly. "Um, no it's fine." He said. "Raw eggs and stuff, you know," he was acting really strange and I don't know what happened.
I just rolled my eyes and sprayed a pan with non stick spray and poured in the mixture. I gave the pan to him who put it in the oven.
"How long does it say to cook for?" He asked.
"Um... it says 27 to 31 minutes." He set the timer and sighed.
"Done." He said.
"Now we wait."
So yeah fluffy shit chapter I hope you enjoy
QOTC: favorite season? (Ex. spring, summer...)
- sugar mama

I'm Broken {Harry Styles}
FanficBroken /Adjective/ Having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order. *CONTAINS ABUSE AND SELF HARM MAY BE TRIGGERING, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK*