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To say that Jisoo enjoyed the rest of her shift at Mel's would have been an understatement. All day she had been pretty happy serving customers, she liked people and almost everyone was understanding about it being her first day and taking a little longer for her to do certain things. After Lisa had invited her over though, that pretty happy attitude had quickly turned to ecstatic. Even with the lingering embarrassment of wiping the cream off of Lisa's nose and then proceeding to actually lick said cream off of her thumb, she couldn't fight the million watt smile that stayed firmly on her face until she had finished as she thought about her evening ahead with Lisa. Jisoo thought the only saving grace of that mortifying situation was that she hadn't leaned over the table and licked the damn cream straight off Lisa's nose with her tongue.

Mel sent her on her way, telling her she'd done an excellent job and since it was technically a trial shift, that she had actually secured the job. Not that she was under any impression that she wouldn't get the job, it was still nice to hear that Mel thought she had done so well on her first day.

John had headed home an hour or so before she finished, but Jiyoon hung around until her shift was over, hustling some clueless teenagers out of their money at pool. At least when she would beat Lisa over and over they didn't actually put any money on it. They walked back to the house together and Jisoo could tell that Jiyoon was dying to say something to her. She nudged her with an elbow and told her to spit it out.

"Lisa's nice." Was all Jiyoon said and Jisoo shot her a questioning look. She knew that Jiyoon liked her, this wasn't news so why did she feel the need to say that now. After all they'd been hanging out together for weeks. If Jiyoon didn't think she was worth her time, she wouldn't have put up with her just because Jisoo was friends with her. She didn't like Jennie and made a point of literally never speaking to her. "She'd be good for you..."

"She already is?" Jisoo wasn't following Jiyoon's train of thought. Lisa was by far the best friend she had. Chaeyoung had Jennie these days and Jisoo couldn't really blame her. After Jisoo quit cheerleading, she thought that would happen. Of course they hung out and were still close but that special thing they shared no longer applied to Jisoo. She would have cared a little more if she didn't have Lisa.

"You know what I mean, Chu..." Jiyoon groaned, the same groan whenever anyone tried to get her to talk about something serious and Jisoo finally realized what she had meant. Jiyoon could tell that Jisoo liked her. If Jiyoon could tell then why the hell couldn't Lisa? "I see the way you look at her, she must really be blind not to notice you like her just as much as she likes you!" As soon as the words left Jiyoon's mouth, she snapped it shut. She opened it again with no sound coming out and then sighed, clearly deciding she had already said too much.

"You guys talked about me? About her liking me?! Wait... she actually said she likes me?" Jisoo ran a couple strides in front on Jiyoon and held a hand out for her to stop walking. Jiyoon huffed but stopped walking. She didn't look like she was going to answer a single one of Jisoo's questions so pulled out the big guns. "'Yoonie... please tell me." Jisoo pouted, just a little but that combined with the nickname she hadn't used seriously since she was maybe six years old normally worked wonders on Jiyoon's conviction.

"I've already said way too much! Just... tell her how you feel." Jiyoon batted Jisoo's still outstretched hand out of her way and continued walking. Jisoo just stood there for a moment, a grin stretching across her face before she turned and followed.

She didn't know what to make of the information she had just been given, Lisa liked her. That made her feel a warmth she had never felt before. She knew she had to tell Lisa how she felt but how the hell she was going to do that, she didn't know. She wished she could just do what Jiyoon did, get drunk and confess. It worked for her, but those were not serious, it wasn't about feelings it was about being attracted to them. Not that Jisoo wasn't attracted to Lisa, of course she was, how could she not be? But she didn't want to do it like that. She didn't want to be able to blame alcohol for her bravery.

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