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The day after Ioa and Kate were attacked, Sura had a football game at 7:00 after school at the school's football field, when he went to go wake up his younger brother, he realized he wasnt there, Sura thought nothing of it and figured he woke up earlier, but when he looked around Kyles room, he noticed a black box that was not there before, he opened it and saw the lutton mask covered in blood, his whole body froze as he realized, his brother was the killer. Later that day, he informed Kaja,Ioa, and Kate, Ioa said that she was going to the police and that Kate was going with her, when they went to the police, Kate said "we know whos behing that mask" then Ioa stepped in and said "its Suras 16 year old younger brother", then the police interrogated the 2 of them, they told them about the mask and they were free to go.
4:30 PM
Kyle was hiding out in the outskirts of town until he recived a message saying "i wanna see what your insides look like" then, without warning, he was attacked with a hunting knife and was stabbed 3 times in the back and twice in the leg, he collapsed to the ground, falling unconscious.
6:30 PM
While Ioa and Kate were driving in the car, she told Ioa to just drop her off and that she should just go home, Ioa replied "is you crazy? I aint leaving you!" , Kate then replied "its best if you just stay away, it dosnt turn out good in horror films, i dont want you to get hurt." Ioa then replied "aight then", Ioa then left but she hid in the parking lot.
7:30 PM
After Sura's game was over, Kate walked through the schools hallways trying to find an exit, but then she ran into Kaja, Kaja then said "what the fuck are you doing here this late?"
Kate replied "im trying to find an exit, whats your excuse?", Kaja replied with "i got a strange message saying 'go back to where it all began' i only assumed it was the-" Kate interrupted her saying "theater class?", "yes excactly!"
7:45 PM
Sura recived a message from lutton which was coordinates, he put it into Google maps and found out it was 5 minutes away from East Ville county high, he drove over there and found the coordinated let to and empty warehouse, inside had his brother in it, he had marks on his body and woke up when Sura entered the room, "the fuck are you doin in here?", Kyle then replied, "its so funny how your so sure who the killer is, but shes gonna finish you all off." Sura then replied with "why did you do this shit tho? And what do you mean by she?", Kyle then replied with "you took my grandma from me, and now she gon take yo friens from you and trust me, you'll find out soon enough" and with that, Kyle bleed out.
Kaja and Kate both snuck into the theatre class, they armed themselved with pipes just in case, Kaja recived a message from Sura that read "Kyle said theirs another killer and that their a female", Kate then said " who ya texting?" Kaja then relplied "my mom, shes a bit sick", Kate then seemed to understand but with her back turned, Kaja swung the pipe at the side of Kates head, knocking her down.
8:15 PM
When Sura arrived at the theatre class, he saw Kaja and approached her but before they could say anything, Kate rose from the ground and said "your psycho girlfriends over here knocked me down with a pipe while i had my back turned", Kaja then immediately told Sura "because shes the other lutton! Look you have to belive me!" Kate then immediately responded with, "ok wheres your evidence then you crazy bitch?", Kaja then told Sura "she was never attacked but the rest of us were, that night with Ioa and her, that was your brother chasing them too make her look like thr victim.", then Sura said "how about we call the cops? Get this settle-", before he could finish his sentence, he was shot in the gut by Kate, Kaja then turned over to Kate with a shocked expression and then ran back to Sura who had collapsed, Kate then said "well you see if you do that then im fucked", Kaja went on her knees to help Sura and said "no no no please dont die", with tears welling up in her eyes, she then picked up the pipe and said "stay away from us" Kate then replied "um i have a gun dumb ass, now drop the pipe before i blast both of your faces in, a good horror film never ends without an epic chase", Kaja then dropped the pipe and then Kate said "go on, run", Sura then replied "R-run", Kaja then got up and ran in whick Kate said "thats the spirit", she then tossed the gun aside and pulled out a hunting knife and dressing up as lutton for the final chase.
*Kaja's POV*
Kaja ran out of the theater room and ran left where she knew there was an exit, the exit was locked so she ran the other direction but triggered the fire alarm in hopes of drawing attention.
*Kates POV*
When she heard the fire alarm she turned her head to the door and walked out of the theater class, she then ran right into a hall of classes.

When Kate was running through the hall of classes, a door suddenly opened and she slammed her face into a class door, on the other side was Kaja and she had opened the door to stun Kate, Kate then took off the mask only to reveal her nose was bleeding, she then said "this shit is so hard to see in", Kaja then kicked Kate in the knee and Kate was on her knees and said "im  gonna have so much fun", Kate then sliced Kaja's upper thigh and Kate got back up on her feet, she then attempted to stab Kaja in the chest but Kaja grabbed her hand, and slammed Kate to the ground, Kaja then attemped to run away, but then Kate threw the knife at Kajas lower back, making Kaja collapse
*Kajas POV*
Kaja yelped in pain when the knife was thrown into her lower back "ahh AhH", Kaja yelled, she then heard footsteps coming from behind her.
*Kates POV*
Kate walked over to Kaja as she attepmed to crawl away, Kate then twisted the knife while still in Kajas back "AHH aHH, Ahh hA" is what Kate heard while she was twisting the knife.

Kate then pulled the knife out and blood sprayed out of Kajas wound, Kate then pulled Kaja by the hair and slammed her face into the fire extinguisher, breaking the fire glass, Kaja then pulled out the fire extinguisher that was inside and hit Kate over the head, Knocking Kate down.

Kaja ran into the schools gym and locked the doors that were made of wood, then a fire axe came out of the wooden door, Kaja then yelled "ahH!"
As she was shocked, Kate then peeked her head through the door saying "Heres Katie!", Katie broke down the door but when she did, she couldnt find Kaja, she then went into the schools storage room but then felt a streak of blood come down on her face, she looked up and saw Kaja on a ladder cowering, Kaja then opened up a hatch the ladder was connected to which lead to the roof.
Kaja limped out of the hatch and went onto the roof, she then heard Kate say "I see why Michael myers always walks, this shit is obnoxious", Kaja then said "why are you doing this?", Kate chuckled and replied with "well you see, im a sociopathic i mean why do think i love horror films so much?, i was always finding the urge to kill, but then thats when i ran into Kyle in physics class, we became friends and he told me how much he hated Sura for taking the life of his grandma, i then gave him a little push in the other direction, and he aggreed to go on a killing spree with me.", Kaja then reponded "why did you kill Zela?", Kate then replied "i'll tell you how we planned everything, we went for Zela to make people aware that there was someone on the loose, i made Kyle go to her house and leave a letter and prank her, so her guard could be down when i knocked, and it was a easy kill, i changed the schedules because i had my eyes on all 5 of my main victims, and orchestrated them so you all could be together, i mean when we disussed horror films i was just scoping you guys out.", Kaja then replied "your forgetting someo-", she was then interuppted by Kate who said "who Ioa? Well i let her have my car and convinced her to leave, and well, i have a car gps so i know excactly where she is",Kaja then replied "but if im the final girl, dosnt that mean i survive?", Kate then replied "see, i used to think that, but whats the point, they always die in the sequel, look at Alice Hardy, she survived the first Friday the 13th, but in the sequel, she died in the first 10 minutes so, whats the point?", Kaja then started sobbing and Kate said "WHAT? Forgot your line? Dont worry, this is the part where you die.", Kate then lifted up the fire axe and was about the swing it down, but she was shot 3 times in the chest from behind, Ioa was behind her and said "this is the part where karma bites you in the ass", Kate then collapsed and was on the ground, Ioa then said "wait, the killer always comes back for one. Last. Scare.", as soon as she said that, Kate rose back up scraming and was swung the axe at Kaja's shoulder, Ioa then shot Kate 3 times in the skull, Kate then fell to the ground and died,
Kaja then asked "how did you know we were here?", Ioa then replied "Kate must have forgot that we found out that Kyle was the "killer", she told me to stay behind, i found that suspicious so i hid in the parking lot and heard the fire alarm, i knew shit was going down so i got out of the car with the gun in my purse, i heard you guys on the roof talking and i found a way up there and Kate boutta kill you.",
Kaja then had a sigh of relif and Ioa called 911, Sura survived his wounds and so did Kaja.

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