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While Sura was at home with his little brother as their parents had gone out, he had to watch Kyle for the night and left him to do his own thing, he walked passes Kyles room and he heard him sobbing, he then asked him what was wrong and Kyle replied "i cant get over what happened to grandma, she shouldnt had died in that car crash"  Sura then stayed quiet and said "look, the tires popped without any warning, i should have died in that car crash, not her", Kyle then told him to just leave him be and so, Sura did, he then decided to message Ioa and Kate to see if they could meet up some where, Kate texted "in horror films its better to just stay alone, because anyone could be the killer", Ioa then replied "but we could keep tabs on eachother, so we can be there for eachother, kate im comin over aight?"  Kate then said "if you say so", Ioa went to stay with  Kate for the night and when she got there, she said hi to Kate and said "i feel comfort when all this crazy shit is happening" Kate chuckled and they both walked into the living room, Kate was watching Scream, as a way of studying horror films "wow you really watching that at a time like this?" Ioa said, Kate then replied "well scream is a a self aware horror film so, i thougb i could learn from it if that makes any sense haha." , Ioa chuckled and watched the rest of the film with her and halfway through it, Kate heard a rustling noise from the backyard, Kate then went to see the source through the window and was shocked at what she saw, she then ran to Ioa and said "lutton is outside! I saw her!" Ioa then replied "shit lets get the fuck out of here!", right as she said that, the window to the front door shattered and lutton went through the window and both Kate and Ioa started running away and Kate said "i know a secret exit, over here!", before they could get out however, lutton tackled Kate and Ioa found a trophy and bashed lutton in the face with it and then broke the glass window down also and both Kate and Ioa escaped.

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