Chapter One - It's Only The Beginning

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So... yeah. New book! I'm excited! Even though nobody's gonna read it, I'm still excited! If you didn't read the description, this is a Zombie Apocalypse Alternate Universe. Which, obviously means there's gonna be... mature themes.

So, fair warning before we proceed:

- Excessive Swearing
- Blood
- Gore
- Death
- Injuries
- Pining
- Prinxiety & Logicality
- There night be smut, but I haven't decided yet
- Use of weapons
- I think that's it

So, yeah, with all that said, enjoy!


Patton sighed deeply as he gazed down at the blood-soaked bandage that was almost carelessly wrapped around his right knee, aimlessly picking at a loose thread that was hanging off. He couldn't believe that he was already injured, and the dreaded zombie apocalypse had only just begun.

Beside him, sat his best friend, Logan, who had helped him bandage up his open wound once they had fled far enough from their home. Of course, Logan was the one to snatch up the first aid kit before practically leaping out of the house with Patton almost in his arms like a damn princess. His black polo shirt was ripped at the left shoulder, exposing his pale skin underneath, splashed with a hint of red, which Patton presumed was blood.

Logan picked at the dried grass beneath them as yet another small group of people came barrelling down the street in front of them, screaming at the top of their lungs like they were on a roller coaster. The noise became a distant buzz, though, as Logan's focus remained on the ground.

Another sigh could be heard from beside Logan, until finally, a soft voice spoke up, breaking the nervous silence;

"Logan? Do you think that the world will ever be the same?"

This time, it was the nerd's turn to sigh. He slowly craned his neck to shift his focus to his best friend, staring into those oh so pained eyes. Patton wasn't as soft and fragile as people assume, but he's not as tough as Logan wishes he was either. He felt bad for the poor soul. Logan shrugged lightly and chewed on his bottom lip.

"Statistically speaking-,"

"I don't care about statistics!" Patton interrupted, loudly, straightening his back as hot tears swelled in the corners of his eyes. "I want the world to go back to the way it was!"

Logan squeezed his eyes shut for a brief moment to prevent himself from snapping back at Patton, before they slowly fluttered open again.

"It is only the beginning, Patton," Logan reminded. "However, at the rate it's declining, I don't think that it'll ever be the same, even if, by some miracle, the apocalypse ends with some of humanity still breathing."

Patton gasped in horror. "Logan! That doesn't help!" His heart pounded in his chest, so loud that he could hear it in his ears. All other noise faded into a distant hum as his heart nearly thumped out of his chest, panic washing over him. He didn't want to be so vulnerable in this situation, but he really couldn't help it.

Logan groaned angrily at his friend's lack of self control and pushed himself onto his aching feet, stumbling a bit before finally stabilizing himself with a pained hiss. He could hear Patton's frantic breaths before letting a quiet exhale escape his chapped lips, twisting his upper body and holding his hand out to Patton. "Take my hand. I know a place where we can stay that will make you feel safer."

Patton's head spun faster; he had the biggest crush on Logan for the longest time and holding his hand for even a second did stuff to him. It sent butterflies frolicking through his heart, like he was laying in a bed of rose petals on a bright summer's day. His mind wandered as he stared blankly at the pale hand in front of him, that is, until that very hand started snapping in frustration.

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