Chapter 7 Badlands fight separated

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As the two flew through the passageway. Something caught Az's eyes. "Ven look." Azura pointed at the masked boy just ahead of them. "Let's go. I want ask him something." Ven took off after him. Az sighed and followed him. Knowing Ven this could turn bad.

The two flew over the desert like world. Sands blew around them. Ven then Az dismissed their guilder and armor then laned. "Ok this is not very welcoming." Az looked about as she walked. They didn't get far. Sure maybe there's not much to this word but still. Az didn't like it her one bit. "Come let's make this quick." She begged him.

"Come on, where is he?" Ven asked looking around. Az looked behind him. "Oh." Ven followed suit. Standing behind him was the masked person. Az stood next to Ven. "So you were the one who got him to leave then." He said Az shrugged. "I knew he would want to come with me on adventure. I don't care what your Master has plans for us." She added. He the direct his attention to Ven.

"All right! What did you mean about Terra begging different person?" Ven demoted from him. The stranger walked closer Az wasn't sure if she back down or if Ven move forward. "Exactly what I said, idiot. The Terra you know will be gone forever." He half told half insulted Ven. "That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" Ven shouted back. Az was glad he cared about his friend like that. "Stupid or true? She left because she knew."

Az open her mouth, "leave her out of this. She has nothing to do with it." Ven was getting mad. 'Not good. If he's not level headed this will turn bad. Even if his heart is striped of darkness' she gulped. The masked stranger held out his hand as he summoned."What?" They both shared a puzzle look.

He pointed the keyblade at the two of them. "Let's see what you two have." Az stepped back. "My fight is not with you mask boy." She looked at Ven. "Besides I think your test him." Azura added, but she was on her guard. 'Something tells me this will end badly.' She watched as Ven ran the masked boy.

Ven managed to a few hits in when the masked boy struck."AHH!" Ven flew back and landed on the ground. "Come get up!" Ven didn't move. He pointed his keyblade at Ven. He fried but something stopped it. "Your fight is with me now!" Az grabbed her keyblade. "Fine by me. Also wanted to see what you could do Master Azura." She lunged at him.

The boy swung and blocked her attacks. Unlike Ven who was not forced she was more. "Not bad. Let's see what you can truly do." His attacks became faster. 'I can't let him touch Ven!' She thought, then back flipped as the attack missed her. She looked around for the masked boy. "Azura!" A strange voice spoke up causing her to see— "See if you can stop this." Her green eyes widen as he cast a spell.


She blocked the attack right before it got to her friend. "Your strength is your downfall." Then she screamed in pain and fell down, her keyblade landed a few arm's reach away. He had struck her from behind. This caused her to fall forwards.

She whimpered he stood one foot on her. "You're strong, but your willingness to save him was your weakness," He pointed his keyblade at her. "Get up Azura!" The voice spoke once more. She felt something was odd about this voice.

"Azura!" Ven called to her was he got back on his feet. 'No.' She thought as the masked boy stepped off her and face Ven. "You will only lose," he told him. She felt the strange presence was gone now.

Az struggled to her feet. She grabbed her right arm gently. She looked on at the fight. This fight lasted a lot shorter. Ven was knocked down once more and was unable to get up like last time.

She knew in her state she couldn't help him. "I that all you got? Man you are worthless. I would be going against the master's orders, but who cares? Far as I'm concerned your job is done."

Az gasped at the huge dark energy ball. "No don't!" She yelled, but he fired it at Ven. Az fell to her knees in shocked. "You shouldn't have a keyblade if you're just going to kill with it!" She held her own.

Whatever pain was edging away thanks to the potion she had used quickly. 'I'll have to buy more in the next world.' Azura thought as she forced herself up once more.

"Don't worry you're safe now." The two looked at see a mouse setting down unconscious Ven. She sighed with relief. "HEAL!" He casted a cure over him. Az stood in front of them. She saw Ven come to and look at the mouse and her.

The mouse turned to face the masked boy. "Tell me where you got that!" He held out his own. "Keyblades are not something you can just bully somebody around with!" Az looked at the mouse. "He's right tells us!" She fixed and icy green stare on him.

"Here I'll show ya!" He challenged the masked boy. "Yeah me too." Az stood next to the mouse. "How about we all do." Ven said as he stood on the mouse's other side.

The three keyblade wielders faced the masked boy. "Fine by me." He said then the fight commenced once more. Az held Light's Wind in her opposite hand. Maybe it was a good thing she learn to use it. Through it was harder.

"Let's attack together!" The mouse offered. "Yeah!" They spun their keyblades Ven's glowed white/blue while Az glowed orange. "BLIZZDRA!" "FIREGA!" The two shouted back to back. "LIGHT!" The mouse said then the three attacks made contact with with target.

The masked boy was knocked down, but he jumped back up, and brushed it off. "Hmph, you win." Darkness surrounded him from behind. "Consider yourselves on probation." He walked into the darkness behind him and vanished.

They dismiss their keyblades. "Probation for what?" Ven asked confused. Az shrugged her shoulders.

Turning to face their new allie. "Thanks for the help. You saved our butts." Az thanked him. "I owe you. Names Ventus call me Ven. This Azura." He introduced each other. "Call me Az. What's your name?" She asked him. "I'm Mickey."

"I see you have a keyblade." Az pointed out looking at Star Seeker. "Yep. I've been training' under the great Yen Sid." Mickey dismissed his keyblade. "He found out the worlds are in trouble and' I sorta took off without telling him."

Az laughed, "we did the same thing. Plus we are looking for a friend as well." She explained. Az felt her body relaxing letting her legs give out she fell to her knees. "Az!" Ven cried kneeling down next to her. He fixed his worried blue gaze on her. "Oh dear." Mickey said she looked to see him gazing at her arm. She quickly covered it. "It's fine." She half hissed through the sharp pain she felt. Hoped either one saw the wound she knew she had.

Ven opened his mouth only for her to change the subject. "So, what was that. You just showed up out of nowhere." Azura asked Mickey. Letting Ven help her back up to her feet. She couldn't hide her pain well enough. His arm around her side in support. Azura then steps back stays close to him.

"Oh this, all I halfta do is think, and the star shard will take me anywhere I want to go." He held out the star shard. "At least I thought it would. I haven't quite got the fine points down like... when, or where... It just kinda kicks in whenever it wants to."

'Good thing it worked. Both me and Ven could have been goners.' She thought about how close both of them came to being finished off by that masked boy. "But I wouldn't have meet you two if hadn't brought me here."

Ven looked to be happy talking with Mickey. "Ya know, it might not be an accident. Maybe it starts work'n cause it reacting to something."

She didn't think of that. "Well because of you. Ven and I are still here. Thank you Mickey." She said crouching low. She didn't want to be rude standing off to the side while Ven made a friend. "Gosh, you're welcome." He said, then the star shard began to pulse. In a bright light everyone shielded their eyes. Once the light vanished no one was left.

Ven looked around. "Az! Mickey!" He looked around the plaza. He had no clue where he was. Then he spotted someone walking off. "Mickey?" He dashed after the figure.

Az groaned as she came too. She sat up and looked around. As she adjust herself she yelled as she fell down. "Owww." She winced rubbing her head as looked about. "Ven... Mickey?" She looked around and all around her where vast number of trees.

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