Chapter 13 Reunion

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Azura flew to the next world. Well, she hoped she was. Her mind was going miles per minute. Besides her aching shoulder, she was in a hurry to find one or all of the trio.

Ahead of her, she spotted something. "An Unversed?!" She flew closer it vied off causing her slow down. "Maybe... Maybe- I'm seeing things?" Azura mutters herself.

Azura was about to turn around, "Huh?" Something slammed into her knocking her off her guilder. Az noticed the unversed as she blacked out.

Azura woke up. Her back was against cold stone. A boulder rest behind her. A sound of animals echoed about. She stood up her up and looked about- nothing. She looked and gasped a lynx size (3.4 feet) white creature prowling up. Then it grabbed... "HEY!" She lunged for her bag. "That's mine!" Azura hissed as the creature flew back causing her to groan, as she landed on her belly. Azura glared at it. The icy blue eyes glowed playfully at her. Then flew off. She got up. "You're not getting away." Azura gave chase after it. It flew off teasing her.

The creature landed and wait for her to catch up before taking off once more. Azura panted as she chased. Stopping in her tracks she leaned on the tree trunk breathing heavily. The dragon wait just out of reach, head coked as he looked at her. Azura half smiled at it.

Azura was enjoying this little game. The animal flew off. Letting out an annoyed sigh and then took off after it. Soon she was getting tired. "Hello?" Azura called looking for the little creature. As she kept walking the chill air made her rub her arms. "C- c- come on out." She called once more.

Ventus flew through the pathway. He was heading the next world. Ventus was hoping to find Terra or Azura. After the little fight with Terra and Aqua, he just needs to figure this out. "I wish Azura was there. She would've known what to do." He old himself. "Hope she alright though." Ventus felt concern for his friend setting into his heart.

Keeping his gaze ahead of him. It didn't take long for a world came into view. It was one he never seen before. Something was drawing him to it.

Azura shivered. It was colder now. Also, it began to snow. She couldn't spot the white dragon anymore. Was it still playing around? Azura wished her outfit had changed into something warmer. A screech filled the air. Quickly she picked up her pace, as she raced ahead.

The creature stood just ahead of her. Her bag rested at its paws. "H-hey." Azura's voice quivered as she spoke. Slowly she approached the animal. "C- can I have- my bag back," she asked it. Besides the falling snow, everything was quiet. The white creature flew over to her she gasped as she grabbed hold. She walked up to her bag and reach down for it. Something moved at the edge of her vision. This caused her to freeze.

Then a net flew at the two of them. Azura yelped in shock. Quickly she tried to free herself and the dragon. "Hey, look we got it!" Azura watched Viking racing up. "You fool. You caught a girl!" She glared at them the animal tried to hide behind her, but was seen. "Yes, but the dragon is with her." He pointed out. 'Great now what?' She couldn't do much. They picked her and the dragon up and carried them off.

Ventus looked about where he landed. A beach spread out in front of him. Trees line the shoreline behind him. "Whoa." He looked to watch huge animals fly overhead. Ventus cupped his hands around his mouth. "TERRAAA!" "AZURAAA!" He yield out and looked about trying to find them.

Sighing he walked off not sure where he was going. Behind him, Shadows appeared and disappeared.

Azura was in one of the larger cages. The small dragon in another smaller one. She was shocked to find out she was in a world with Viking and dragons alike. Azura lost her bag. So, what! She could always get a new one. All the dragons around her are in cages. Small ones in small cages and the bigger ones in larger cages. It kind of insane she was in one of them. A few empty ones hand bones. 'Kinda creepy.' She first thought.

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