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I walk the desolate streets of Detroit singing outside of the Opera House and Joe Louis Arena waiting for someone to notice my voice.  It do not care if I sing in front of an audience or at an empty corner.  I am happy singing anywhere.  Whether it is with a group or to a crying infant.  So long as I can make someone smile, my heart is filled with glee.  My life did not start out this way because my father died leaving my mother and I homeless when I was just a few months old.  Yet, I never wavered from my passion to bring others joy.  Many nights, I sat on street corners and outside of the coffee houses and bars downtown hoping that anyone would stop and listen.
One night, after a hockey game, a young lady with bright, red hair stopped to hear me play my guitar and sing.  It was minus ten Fahrenheit, but she stood there watching me.  She was beautiful, so I sang about her elegant features.

Oh, beautiful lady.
Your eyes like emeralds
looking at me.
I barely breathe.

Oh, beautiful lady
What is your name love?
Give it to me.
Please hear me sing.

She smiles and her green eyes twinkle.  She drops some change and a note in my cap before the heels of her black, suede boots clip-clop down the sidewalk.  I read the note:  Your voice and your song are beautiful.  I'd love to see you again, sometime.  Love, Karina.  Her phone number was printed neatly below her signature.  It is getting late, so I pack up my guitar and head home.

    My mother, Magda is waiting for me in the living room and hugs me warmly as I enter.
"Joseph, you know I worry when you are out so late. These streets are dangerous." She said in her motherly tone.
"I know, Mom. I am careful." I said.
"I'm so proud of you, Joseph, but are you planning to sing to all of the poor people in Detroit?" She asked.
"If that is what it takes." I said.
"Oh, a man named Peter Calucci called for you. He said something about needing a singer for some project he is putting together." She said.

    That name sounds familiar. I run upstairs and open my guitar case. I pull a small piece of felt and open a compartment where I keep extra pics and any business cards that are dropped into my cap when I am performing.
Aha. Here it is: Peter Calucci Talent Agency. I pick up the phone and call the number.
"Hello. Is this Mr. Calucci?" I asked.
"In the flesh. What can I do for you?" He asked in a salesman's voice.
"My name is Joey Fritz. My mother said you wanted to speak with me." I said.
"Ah, yes. You're the street performer, right?" He asked.
"I prefer to call myself a well-traveled performer." I said.
"Any who. I have a friend over at BB Records looking for a baritone for some new boy band he's putting together. I told him about you, and he wants you to audition." He said.
"Is this legitimate? I know there are many imposters out there." I said.
"It is 100% on the up and up, Joey. Listen, I will have a car pick you up tomorrow morning at eight o'clock." He said.
"What type of vehicle will I be looking for?" I asked.
"It is a black, stretch limo. My driver, Rhiana will assist with whatever you need." He said.
"All right. I will be ready and waiting." I said.

    I run downstairs and tell Mom and my step-father, Leo the news.
"Oh, Joey, that is terrific." Mom said.
"Joey, I want to go with you. Just to be sure things are legal." Leo said.
"I will call Mr. Calucci and indicated you wish to come. I am sure that is not a problem." I said.
"Good. Then, we shall be ready at eight." Leo said.

    I go back to my room and I see the note Karina gave me. I remember her smile and brilliant eyes. I know she is someone I want to know. I set the folded piece of paper on my night table and make a note to call her after the audition. I turn out the lights, crawl into bed and drift off to sleep.

    "Joey, wake up. We have only a few minutes before the car is here to take us to your audition." Leo said.
"Thank you, Leo. I will be down shortly." I said.

Alterworld, Book 2:  Patience is WaitingWhere stories live. Discover now