Flying High

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    Rhiana drops Leo and I off at my parents' house, and my mom is sitting in her favorite chair pretending that she has not been waiting hours for our return. We open the door and she is already giving Leo and I hugs. Her eyes gleam with questions, but she says nothing. I sit down and tell her how the audition went.
"Mom, I can tell you are impatiently waiting for the results of the audition." I said.
"I am certain all went well." She said.
"Yes, Mom. There is one thing you must know." I said.
"Oh? What is that, Dear?" She asked.
"I am packing to fly to Los Angeles tonight." I said.
"But... Do you have to go so soon? I was planning to have the family over to celebrate your birthday." She said, sadly.
"It is okay, Mom. Once I am settled, I will arrange something for us. Okay?" I asked.
"Joey, Dear, it won't be the same. I was planning to make your favorite cake - cherry chip." She said.
"Thank you, Mom. But this is my dream, it is something I must do." I said.
"But I will miss you, Dear." She said.
"I know. I will miss you, too, Mom. I made sure you and Leo will get part of my earnings. That will help with the house payment, groceries or whatever you may need while I am gone." I said.

    Mom cried as she hugged me tight. Leo came into the living room and hugged us both.
"Magda, Joey made me proud today. His selflessness and talent are honorable." Leo said.
"I don't understand. How much did you give, Joey?" She asked.
"I receive a salary for each concert, and I gave you and Leo any royalties I receive from record sales." I said.
"What does that mean?" She asked.
"It means whenever the band sells a hundred records, you and Leo will receive twenty-five percent. So, if we sell one hundred thousand dollars worth of records, you and Leo receive a twenty-five thousand dollar check." I said.
"Joey, no. That is your money." Mom said.
"It is the least I can do. After I receive my first salary, I will part of it to Leo so he can have his dream." I said.
"Joey, what do you mean?" Leo asked.
"You always wanted to open an Italian restaurant. Start looking for a place and I will help you." I said.

    They look at each other and then at me. They are both speechless and crying. The three of us stand there hugging. I suddenly realize, it is getting late and I have to pack.
"I will make your favorite, Fettucini Alfredo." Leo says.
"I would like that. Thank you."

    I run upstairs and start packing when the phone rings. It is Karina.
"Are you all set for tonight?" She asks.
"I am just getting started." I said.
"I am going to have Rhiana pick you up half an hour earlier so we have some time together, if that's okay." She said.
"That is fine." I said.
"Good. I'll see you at eight-thirty." She said and hung up.

    I am still unsure of this girl. She is aggressive which is new to me. I am used to being the one making the moves at my pace - in my own time. She seems ready to have sex at any moment; I wonder how she will react to my vow of celibacy. I guess that will tell me if she is the one for me or not.

    I finish packing just as Mom yells up the stairs dinner is ready. I am thankful to eat one last home-cooked meal before I am subjected to fast food and whatever catering is available. I run down the stairs and set my suitcase on the landing.
"Leo, Karina will be picking me up in half an hour." I said.
"Oh? I thought Mr. Michael said nine o'clock." He said.
"Karina decided she wants to go over some things with me before we get to the airport." I lied.
"Hmm... If I did not know better, I think that young lady has a thing for you, Joey." He said.
"You are right - as always." I said.
"Be careful with that one, Joey. She seems to be a handful." Leo said.
"Yes, I know. I am a bit concerned about that myself." I said.
"Joey, follow your heart." Mom said.
"I will, Mom." I said.

    I finish two helpings of Leo's amazing Fettuccini, and I hear a car horn outside. I kiss Mom on the cheek, hug Leo and grab my suitcase. As I open the door, Mom runs up and plants kisses all over my face.
"You be sure to call and let your momma know you're okay." She cried.
"I will, Mom. I love you both." I said.

    I walk down the stairs and see them both peeking out the window as Rhiana takes my suitcase, and I get into the long, black car.

    "Wow, Karina. Hi. That dress..." Her kiss interrupts my thought. She unzips the front of her bodice and places my hand on her breast. Breathless, I pull away.
"Karina, wait." I said panting.
"What's wrong, Joey? Isn't this what you want?" She asked.
"No." I said.
"I don't understand." She said.
"Karina, please do not take this wrong. I think you are beautiful, but I want us to get to know each other." I said.
"Isn't that what we're doing?" She asked.
"Not like this." I said.

    She sits back and crosses her arms. I hang my head in shame for rejecting her.
"I'm beginning to think this was a bad idea." She said.
"Karina, please. I am not used to a woman like you. I am a gentleman. I like to take my ladies out to dinner and talk. I want to hear their thoughts, their hopes and dreams. I like doing things the right way. This seems backwards to me.
"Okay, fine. What do you want to know so we can get on with it?" She asked.
"Karina, I am sorry but that is not how I see dating." I said.
"What are you gay or something?" She snapped.
"No. I think you are magnificent, but I also want to know you as a person before anything physical takes place." I said.
"Oh, just forget it." She said.

    She moves to the back of the limo away from me and pours herself a shot of whiskey. This is going to be a long ride. I thought to myself. She is not the beauty I thought her to be. I lean my head back against the seat and fall asleep.
I feel her warm body against me as she softly kisses my neck. "Joey, wake up. We're at the airport." She said. I smell the alcohol on her breath and her shampoo of lilacs and lavender. I want her, but I am keeping my vow. I know she will never connect with me on a personal level.

    Rhiana opens the door. I exit the limo and grab my suitcase. Karina hands me my ticket and hugs me goodbye.
"I thought you were coming with me." I said.
"I changed my mind." She said.
"I am sorry, Karina. I hope you find a man that will be good to you." I said and hug her.

    I dash through the airport and find my gate. I get on the plane, lean back in my seat and effortlessly fall asleep. I dream of a munchkin-sized woman with a round face, thick red curls and Malachite eyes. She tells me her name is Rayna. She shows me an image of four women: one is medium height with red hair and green eyes, the other is tall with blonde hair the third is tall with sandy-brown hair and the last is a brunette wearing a tight, red dress with black, patent leather heels. She tells me Karina is the lady with red hair, Miracle is the lady with blonde hair, Aleigha is the lady with sandy-brown hair and the lady wearing the ruby red dress is Marilyn. I will know them as soon as I lay eyes on them, but only one is meant for me. I have lost one already.

    I wake up as I hear the pilot announce we have arrived at LAX. I get out of my seat and stand behind the other passengers waiting to get off the plane. I go downstairs to find my luggage and bump into a young, blonde with azure eyes.
"My apologies, Miss. Are you all right?" I asked.
"No, it was my fault. I am so clumsy." She said.
"My name is Joey." I said.
"Nice to meet you, Joey. My name is Miracle." She said.
"Where are you headed, Miracle? Maybe I can help you with your bags." I said.
"I am Prince's personal assistant. I am supposed to make sure one of his artists makes it to the studio." She said.
"Would his name be Joey Fritz?" I asked.
"Yep. That's him. Wait, you're not..." She began.
"Yes, I am Joey Fritz." I said.
"I am so embarrassed." She said.
"Don't be. I am glad I ran into you." I said.
"Oh. Well, follow me and I will take you to the limo." She said.

    I follow her carrying my suitcase along with her luggage to the limo. I see Rhiana holding up a poster board that reads, "Fritz" in bold black marker.
"That's us, there." She said.

    Rhiana leads us to a large, purple limo with Prince's symbol etched into each window. Rhiana takes our bags and I gesture for Miracle to enter first. Miracle is tall and thin with whitish blonde hair pulled into a bun. She has an oval-shaped face with rectangular glasses that magnify her astonishing blue eyes. She is beautiful and shy. I think to myself. Then, I remember my dream on the plane and wonder if I will ever meet the brunette in the tight, ruby red dress.

**Author Note**
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