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We enter the large doors of the studio and stop at the reception desk.  A tall, sandy-brown haired girl with jade-hazel eyes.  Comes over to greet us.
"Good morning, Gentlemen.  My name is Aleigha, and I will be your assistant for today.  Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything and it will be my pleasure to make sure you get it."  She said with a genuine smile.

I suddenly felt an elbow from C. J. and looked over at him.
"She's cute.  You should ask her out.  Don't waste your time with Miracle.  You get caught with her and you're on a plane home tomorrow."  He said.

C. J. was right.  I could get in trouble dating Miracle, but that is not why I was not interested.  Since our chat the night before I felt like there was no connection - just like Karina.  Aleigha is a beautiful name, and her smile is so warm and real.  Her eyes sparkle like princess cut jade in sunlight.  The skylight in the building allows just enough light to show the undertones of red in her hair making it look like sparkling rubies adorn her long locks.  As she gives us a tour, I hear nothing.  I only see the lovely frame of her long face and soft lips.  "Mr. Fritz?  Joey?"  She shouts.
"Oh, sorry.  Yes."  I said.
"Just wanted to make sure you were still with us."  She said, and I blush.

The guys, of course, are giggling because I am sure C. J. told them I was daydreaming about her.  Tim pokes me and says, "Dude, get her number after the session."  To which, I just glare at him and C. J.

We finally get to our studio and it is far bigger than the one I auditioned in Highland at Mr. Michael's place.  I am a bit intimidated by all the knobs and levers and rooms and people inside.  Prince is there to greet us, and tells us our places.  Aleigha sits patiently in case any of us need water or a barf bag.  I am nervous so I involuntarily pace the floor.  Aleigha walks over and puts a hand on my shoulder.  "Joey, don't be nervous.  From what I've heard so far, you're gonna do great."  She said and smiled.  I am definitely getting her number later.  She actually helped calm me down enough so that when I took my place in the booth, I regained some of my confidence.

Once we were all placed in our booths and placed our headphones over our ears, the music started.  There was a lyric sheet for each song on a clipboard that hung inside the booth.  Thankfully, we started off with a song I had already memorized during my audition - Be Mine.  We each sang our parts, and then we heard, "Okay, guys that's a wrap," from Prince.  We stayed in our booths, but I heard Prince come over the speaker inside, "Good job, Joey.  One take."  I felt my confidence resurfacing, and I relaxed as we went through each song.  There were only two songs that needed more than one take:  Dirty Girl, and Try, Try, Try.  That was because C. J. and Brad got a case of the giggles right in the middle of the songs.  Despite all that, we were able to finish the master in one day.  Prince was so proud of us, especially me for some reason.
"Joey, I see great potential in you.  Your vocal range is solo material.  Once this project is over, we'll talk."  He said.
"Thank you, Sir.  That means a great deal coming from you.  You are one of my biggest influences."  I said.
"Now, I know the reason I like you so much."  He smiled.
"Okay, Guys.  Time for lunch and then shopping.  Get ready because you'll be on tour next week."  Prince announced.
Aleigha escorted us back to the lobby where Miracle was sitting on one of the leather couches talking on the phone.  While Miracle was doing her thing, I walked over to Aleigha.
"Hi, Aleigha.  Listen, if you are not busy tomorrow night I would like to take you to dinner."  I said.
"I would like that."  She said and handed me a sticky note with her number on it.  I slipped the note in my pocket hoping none of the guys noticed.  But, of course, they were watching the whole time.  They each gave me a fist bump just as Miracle was walking toward us.
"Okay, Gentlemen.  You are off to go shopping."  She said.
"Aren't you coming with us?"  C.J. asked, sarcastically.
"No, unfortunately, I have to stay here and get details from Mr. Nielsen so I can schedule your tour for next week."  She said.
"Aww... We'll be sad without you."  C.J. said.
"I'm sure you will manage."  She said rolling her eyes.
"Oh, here is the band credit card.  Try not to spend it all in one place, okay?"  She smirked.
"Yes, Miracle."  We said in Unison.

Alterworld, Book 2:  Patience is WaitingWhere stories live. Discover now