Aleigha - Part 2

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    I ask Miracle to have Rhiana pick me up so I can get a "celly" as C. J. called it. She agreed, and gave Rhiana instructions to assist me in picking one out. I had a few minutes to call Aleigha back before the car arrived, so I kicked everyone out of the room and picked up the phone.
"Hi, Aleigha. Is now a good time?" I asked.
"Yep. I just got home. How's it going?" She asked.
"Good. I was wondering if you were free tonight. Maybe you could show me around town, and I could take you to dinner?" I asked.
"I'd like that. Do you want a tame tour or a wild one?" She asked.
"What is the difference?" I asked.
"Well, the tame tour is where we go to museums and other touristy stuff. The wild one is a tour of real life in the city." She said.
"I am from Detroit, so I want the wild tour." I said.
"I like you, Joey. You are the first guy to ask for the wild tour." She said.
"Great. I can pick you up in an hour. What's the address?" I asked.

    She gave me the address, and I hung up. Miracle rang in to let me know Rhiana was waiting downstairs. I changed my clothes and looked at my cologne. This cheap stuff has got to go. I thought. I will ask for Rhiana's help on that, too. I run to the elevator, wait for the ding, fly out of the elevator and sprint out the exit jumping through the open limo door.
"Moves like that means trouble is brewing or love is in the air, Mr. Fritz." Rhiana said.
"A bit of both." I said as she closed the door.

    We stop at a Cingular Wireless shop near the hotel, and Rhiana shows me the phones that she and the rest of the band use. It is a thin, red, flip phone called a Raz-r. It seems simple enough. I fill out the paperwork, pay for the phone with my debit card and leave. I give Rhiana the address and pick up Aleigha. "I'll get the door, Rhiana," I said.

    I open the limo door and walk up the steps to the front porch of her tiny row house. I ring the bell and wait with my arms folded in front of me. I see her walking toward me in a coral colored dress with a lace halter and a matching swing coat. The peach tones make the green in her eyes stand out like smooth jade. Her plump lips are painted a bright pink and her green and gray eyeshadow complete her looks. Her face has a light rouge that highlights her beautiful cheekbones. She is breathtaking. She looks like a supermodel in her nude heels holding a matching clutch.
"Hi." She said.
"Hi. Ready to go?" I asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be." She said.
"Okay. This is us, M'Lady." I said.
"How cute. You a fan of the Renaissance?" She asked.
"Are you?" I asked.
"Oh, yes. I love their quirky British accents, and the style. I go to the fair every year." She said.
"I have only been once." I said.
"Oh, that is too bad. We will have to go sometime." She said.
"I agree." I said.

    She gets in the limo and I follow behind and close the door. Rhiana powers down the glass divider and asks, "Where to, Mr. Fritz?"
"Aleigha, what is a good seafood restaurant?" I asked.
"Oh, definitely, The Wharf." She said.
"Then, to The Wharf we go." I said. Did that sound cheesy or what?
"Thank you, Joey. It's been a long time since anyone has asked me out." She said.
"Really? I mean, you look like a supermodel. I imagine many guys wanting to go out with you." I said.
"In this town, supermodels are a like rats. There is one at every sewer." She said.
"Oh. Kind of like my hometown, only they are rappers." I laughed.
"Yeah, kinda like that." She said.
"Thank you for agreeing to have dinner with me." I said.
"This is nice. I know it won't last long, though." She said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I already know that Mr. Nielsen has you guys doing signings and a tour in less than two weeks. You won't have time for me, Joey. And from what I heard of the finished record today, you guys are gonna blow up the airwaves." She said.
"No. It was not that good, was it?" I asked.
"Oh my, Gosh. Joey, you haven't heard it yet." She said.
"No, I have not." I said.
"Hang on a sec." She pulls up the antenna on her phone and finds a radio station.
"We have a radio back here. Let me see if I can figure this... Oh, here we go." I said.

    A voice comes through the speakers, "Now, for something brand new. Here's Be Mine by the band Unison." I listen intently, not sure whether to laugh, cry or jump up and down.
"It sounds amazing." Aleigha said.
"I... I... Oh, my..." I stammer.
"I know, right? Your voice, Joey, is unbelievable. Mr. Nielsen is right about you. Major solo material." She said.

    I sit back in the limo, shocked and excited and waiting to wake up from a dream. I look at Aleigha, and her face is beaming as she sings the lyrics. I cannot help but notice how lovely she looks, and my eyes make their way to her lips. They are so plump and kissable. She notices my gaze and pulls my eyes to hers. "You may kiss me, Joey." She whispered. That is all I need to hear. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her slowly at first, then with a bit more fervor. She leans in allowing me to deepen my kiss, I hear her moan softly, and I pull away. We are both breathless. I can tell that was her first kiss in quite some time. Yet, she was right, I will be gone soon - too soon.

    We arrive at the restaurant and the place is jammed with people. I ask the Maitre'D how long is the wait, and tells us it is over an hour. I look over at her, and she looks disappointed.
"Is there somewhere else you want to go?" I asked.
"I was looking forward to their snow crab legs." She said.
"If you wish to wait, I will wait." I said.
"Are you sure? I mean, you don't have any place you'd rather be?" She asked.
"There is no other place I would rather be than here with you." I said.

    She hugged me and smiled. "Joey Fritz, you are unlike any man I've ever dated."
"I am glad." I said.
"Why?" She said.
"Because I prefer to be unique." I said.
"I will never forget you or this date, I promise." She said.
"Neither will I." I said.

    I kiss her once more and taste the sweetness of her watermelon Bubble Yum once again. The rosy-lilac scent of her shampoo teases my olfactory nerves. Is she the one?

    The host finally seats us in a darkened corner booth big enough for eight. Maybe he saw us kiss and thought we needed room for something else. The idea made me chuckle.

We finish dinner and decide it is a bit late to go sightseeing, and I take her home.  I walk with her to the front door, and we kiss goodnight.
"Thank you, again, Joey.  I had a lovely time."  She said.
"Dinner tomorrow night?"  I asked.
"I would love to, Joey, but I have to work late."  She said.
"How about Friday?"  I asked.
"Call me, and I'll let you know."  She said.
"Okay."  I said and walked back to the limo.

I see sadness in her eyes as she enters the house.  I know I won't be seeing her again.  Rhiana takes me back to the hotel, and the guys are standing in front of my room.
"So, how'd it go with Aleigha?"  C.J. asked.
"Fine."  I said.
"Just fine?  Must notta been very good, eh?"  Brad said.
"C'mon, Dude, what happened?  Just give us a little bit."  Tim pleaded.
"We kissed.  That is all."  I said, flustered.
"Whoa.  That's not cool."  C.J. said.
"We had a nice time, but I am sure we will not be going out again."  I said.
"Man, I'm sorry.  That sucks."  Tim said.
"Yeah, Dude.  Sorry."  C.J. said.
"Sorey, eh, Fritzy."  Brad said.
"Thanks, Guys.  I appreciate it.  But is right, we are going to be gone for months.  There is no way I will have time for a relationship while we are on the road."  I said.
"So true, Fritzy."  Tim said.
"I am tired and just want to get some sleep, are you okay with that?"  I asked.
"Sure, Man.  We'll catch ya later.  Hey, maybe we can go swimming tomorrow?"  C.J. asked.
"I would like that.  Goodnight."  I said.
"Goodnight, Fritzy."  They said in unison.

All night, I toss and turn.  I have the same dream that came to me on the plane ride out here.  I now know the three girls are Karina, Miracle and Aleigha, but who is the fourth?  I see a fantastic brunette.  She is tall, wearing a dangerously tight ruby red dress and she looks like Lynda Carter.  Who is she?  All I see is a backstage area and her in that dress.  We are the only two people there.  What does this mean?  I wake up soaked in sweat. There is only one left.

**Author Note**
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