Chapter 2: Missed you

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    "What!?" I exclaimed laughing so hard that I was basically crying as Niall was telling me a story about how he went to this bar and was trying to get a girl but he was to drunk off his ass to do anything properly. We were still in the kitchen with the party still going strong, trying to catch up on all that we've missed.

   Niall was laughing just as hard as me as he says, "Yeah and the thing was I was to drunk to realize how dumb I was being so when she tried to leave me I grabbed her arm and told. Her sorry and then promptly threw up all over her. She never called."

    "Oh my God. That's fucking hilarious. This deserves a drink," I say practically dying.

    Niall salutes me and walks over to counter and starts grabbing random drinks and mixing them together. He looks so concentrated and I'm to busy still laughing to even pay attention to what drinks he's mixing.

    "Done," he states proudly as he hands me one of the drinks.

    I look down at the drink he made me and almost gag at how disgusting it looks. With all the drinks he mixed in it, he managed to get the drink to turn into the most ugliest green I have ever seen.

    I lift the drink to my nose and smell it. I immediately scrunch my nose at the smell of it and look at Niall with disgust on my face as he just looks at me laughing.

    "Bet you 20 bucks you won't drink it all," he says with a smirk.

   "You're so on," I say ready for the challenge. And to be honest I could use those twenty bucks.

I close my eyes, throw my head back and try to drink as much as I can. I only get about two gulps down before I run to the sink and spit the rest of it out and try to rinse as much of the taste out of my mouth as I can.

I look over at Niall who is laughing so much that he's hunched over holding onto his stomach.

I scowl at him and say, "I would like to see you try."

He stands up and tips his head back and drinks the whole thing in like five seconds. I stare at him in disbelief.

"What the fuck!? How?"

He just laughs and says, " It's a secret."

I scowl at him again and he laughs again as he says, "Watch it or else your face will stay like that."

I scowl more and then even go as far as to stick my tongue out at him.

He looks at me like he's offended and puts a hand over his chest like I've hurt his physically. We both start laughing again and my stomach is hurting from how much I have laughed in the last two hours. Maybe coming to this party wasn't such a bad idea.

"What's so funny," someone says and I turn around to see Harry looking at me and smirking with an eyebrow raised.

"N-nothing," I stammer looking at the ground. I can literally feel all my blood rushing to my cheeks and I know that I am severly blushing. I am internally cussing myself out for being stupid.

I hear him chuckle lighty to himself and look up to see him still staring at me and that makes me blush ten times harder. I look at the ground and sigh knowing that I look stupid right now. All of this happened in the spand of like a couple seconds.

   "Okay well I came here to say that I'm leaving and not to wait up for me," I hear him say. I look up confused and realize that he's talking to Niall.

   Niall nods, "Okay man. See you when I get home."

I look at Niall confused when he says that. I thought that he still lives in London.

   "Niall, how long are you staying here," I ask.

   "Probably or a couple more hours," he says obviously thinking that I mean at the party.

   "No, I mean how lonf are you staying here," I repeat the question and he seems to understand the question this time.

   "Are you trying to get rid of me already," he says grinning but not anwering my question.

  "I don't really know how long to be honest with you. But probably for a while."

   I start jumping up and down out of happiness. Niall laughs and looks over at Harry. Harry is watching my being a werido and is smiling softly. I immedialty get nervous again and stop looking at the ground like an idiot again.

Harry once again chuckles over my reaction and says, "I'll see you later Skyler."

   I look at him and ask when and then immedialty scolded myself for sounding desperate but I just wanted to know when.

  He laughs once again and says, "I'll see you at school," and then he turns and walks out of the kitchen. I stare after him and it takes me a mintue to comprehend what he just said.

  When it sinks in I immedialty turn to Niall.

   "You're going to school here!?!?"

   He nods and I squeal and jump on him giving him a bear hug.

"I'm so excited!"

   "Yeah well it was supposed to be a surprise."

    "Best surprise ever," I say extremely happy.

   After about ten more mintues of talking with Niall I decide to head out. We say our goodbyes and I go and try to find Kenna to tell her that I'm heading out.

   As I'm searching for her I see a curly head in the crowd and know that it's Harry. I thought he was leaving? I start to make my way over to him when I notice Stephanie go up to him. I watch as Harry turns to her, smiles, and then they both walk out together.

   I shake my head. This isn't right. Why is he leaving with Stephanie?
I'm confused and walk to the door to see them get into a grey car together. What the fuck?



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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