Chapter 20: This is it.

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A giggle left your mouth, when you let Joe guide you through the woods. He had covered my eyes with a blindfold, before he took my hand and just run off into the forest. “You know, I wouldn't mind it, if we are there soon.” You stated, earning a chuckle from Joe. “Not long, love.” You groaned. I felt like you had walked for hours, when you stopped again. “Are we there yet?” You looked around, even though you couldn't see anything. “Yes, we are.” Joe chuckled, before he removed the blindfold and pecked your cheek. You looked around to find yourself in the woods, actually it was the bank of a lake, which was surrounded by forest. “I'm tempted to jump in.” You stated, looking at the lake. “Don't. It probably freezing.” Joe wrapped his arms around you, leaving a kiss on the back of your neck, before he rested his head on your shoulder. “It's beautiful, Joe.” Joe smiled at you, before he took your hand, tugging you back towards the forest. “I have to admit, love, I lied. We're not there yet.” He grinned at you, while you groaned. “We have to walk even more?” A frown took over your face. Joe didn't say anything else, he just turned around and started walking, pulling you with him. It really didn't take you long to arrive at a rather nice little cottage. “There we are.” Joe smiled, before he turned to face you. “What do you think?” You looked closely at the cottage, squinting your eyes a bit, before you raised your upper lip slightly. “Could be better.” You said in a rather bored way, Joe's face fell immediately, before you burst out laughing. “Sorry, babe, I'm kidding.” You chuckled, peppering his face with kisses to make up for it. “You can go home now, I'll enjoy the weekend on my own.” Joe stated, before he turned around and walked towards the cottage. “No, Joe, I'm sorry.” You were still chuckling, while you run after him and placed yourself in front of him. “I'm sorry.” You looked at him with big eyes. “Come on then.” Joe finally sighed, he placed a kiss on your lips, before he pulled you into the cottage.

The weekend passed much too quick and soon it was your last night. “I don't want to go back tomorrow.” You whined, cuddling closer into Joe's side in front of the fireplace. “You're the one with the job with fixed hours.” Joe chuckled, before he pecked your forehead. You sighed, closing your eyes and rested your head on Joe's chest. “Actually there is one more thing, I need to do, before we head home.” You looked up at Joe in confusion, when he pushed you off his lap and stood up. “Come on.” He grinned at you, holding out his hand. He pulled you up to your feet, before he wrapped a blanket around your shoulders. “You'll need it.” He smiled, before he walked into the kitchen, leaving you confused in the living room. He came back soon and grabbed your hand again, before he pulled you out of the cottage. “Will you tell me, what you are planing to do to me?” You followed Joe, holding on tightly to his hand and arms, scared that you might lose him and never find you way back in the dark. “Of course, I won't.” Joe chuckled, before he stopped to quickly peck your cheek.

It didn't take you long to arrive at the lake, where you had been a few days before. The scenery took your breath away. The lake was quiet, making it look more like a mirror, than a lake. The moon lighted up the area and the reflection made it look even more magical. You turned to face Joe, to see him on his knee. Your eyes were wide, while your mouth fell open. He just grinned at you, while you covered your mouth with your hands, tears already forming in your eyes. “I don't really prepared a speech or anything. I actually had this ring since Italy, I was just waiting for the right moment. And even though this might be a bit cheesy, I think this might be it.” Joe took a deep breath. “I love you so god-damn much and I have all this time. And I have a feeling that this won't stop, I'll always love you. I want to spend all my life with you and I hope that you feel the same and that you make me the happiest man alive by becoming my wife.” You were speechless, this was all you ever wanted. You nodded your head quickly, sobs leaving your lips, when you fell into Joe's arms, causing the two of you to fall to the ground. “Yes, yes, yes.” You finally mumbled, pecking his lips over and over again. You pulled away to see him already grinning at you and you knew that the grin on his face matched yours.

A/N: I'd like to thank you all for reading this little story. I'm afraid this is it. There won't be any more chapters or a sequel, so thank you all for voting and reading and commenting it always made my day :)

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