chapter 3 - We are meant to be

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~Shayne's P.O.V.~

What the hell is wrong with me!? I didn't want to mess anything up and now everything is ruined. I just have to make things right with her and then things will be okay. I mean if I don't the fans will notice pretty quickly that something is wrong.

When I got home yesterday I went to the gym and then didn't do much for the rest of the night apart from scrolling through Instagram and Twitter.

When my alarm went off in the morning I honestly felt like just lying there and not going to work but if I did that I feel like someone would come and check on me most likely being Damien and I can't not right now. It will just end up being us talking about Courtney anyway. I got out of bed and changed. I then looked at my phone and saw I had a text message from Courtney.

from Courtney:

Hey, I know things have been weird between us so can we grab coffee before work and talk about things!?

My heart fluttered as I texted her back.

To Courtney:

Hey, yeah that's fine. I'll meet you in about 5-10 minutes. If that's okay?

I then grabbed my car keys and got in my car and drove to the place where I am meeting Courtney. When I arrived I saw her sitting at a table looking beautiful. I walked over to her and sat down.

"Hey, Court" I said as she looked at me.

"Hey, Shayne" She said back.

Well, this isn't awkward at all. There was silence for a few more minutes and then the coffee that we ordered came to our table. We thanked the waitress and she took a sip of her drink as I looked at her.

"Why did you text me, Courtney!?" I said as she put her cup down.

"I was a bit harsh to you yesterday. Everything I said I- I don't know. When that night happened between us it was something special" she started to say I smiled but I knew there was a but coming.

"And I thought that it might end up making us something more than we are but then when I woke up you weren't there and then you acted like nothing happened." I looked down. I shouldn't of left her.

"Damien was kind to me and he was there for me and when he asked me out I said yes because I do have feelings for him but Shayne I have feeling for you as well" I looked back up and locked eyes with her.

"You do!?" I asked hesitant. She looked down then back at me.

"I don't know Shayne. This is whole shitty situation is just stupid. I don't want to feel like this anymore Shayne. Damien makes me happy and before that night I never saw you more than a best friend and you he is your best friend do you seriously want to hurt him like this!?" I kept my eyes on her.

"I like you, Court. You know that. You may not feel the same as I do or even care that you are hurting me being with him but from the bottom of my heart I believe that we are meant to be" I said keeping my eyes locked on her. Finally, my mouth is saying the right things.

"If we are truly meant to be like you said we will find a way too each other but for now Shayne I don't want thinks to be weird. I don't want us to avoid each other or act like we are not friends because you are my friend and I can't lose you from my life." She said and I smiled.

"Good, because I don't want to lose you each other" I said back. I then looked at my phone and realised the time.

"Urm Court. We may want to start heading to the office we don't want to be late." I said to her as she quickly finished her coffee.

"Done, come on frog legs" she said giggling and walking out the coffee place. I couldn't help but smile as I followed her out.

We got to the office and everyone else was already there. Courtney walked over to Damien and hugged him as I looked down.

"Ahh you guys are too cute" Olivia said talking to Courtney and Damien.

"Yeah, Olivia is right" Noah added. I just stayed silent as they praised them. We then went on to the topic of Olivia and Sam and then on to the topic of whatever is happening on Twitter.

"Hey, Shayne you okay" Damien asked sitting next to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be!?" I said back to him

"I don't know. You seem quieter than normal." I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.

"Damien, buddy. I am fine. I'm always fine. If there wasn't I would tell you" I said back

"Is it about that girl!?" He then asked.

"Yeah," I said slightly looking at Courtney

"I thought I told you to move on from her" I looked down.

"Yeah, I know. It's just that she asked to talk this morning and"

"Dude, why did you go and see her. She isn't worth is, okay. She is probably just stringing you along. You need to find someone who cares about you" Why is he right!? But she does care about me and I care about her.

"What if I can't!? Feelings don't just go away, Damien." I said looking down.

"Feelings don't just go away, thats correct. But letting them feelings grow won't make things feel any better and you know it, Shayne." Damien said. And this is why he is my best friend.

"Fine, I'll try and meet someone new but there are no promises that my feelings for this woman are just going to go like that" I said as he nodded.

"Yeah, but it's a start." He then said to me. I then looked over at Courtney who was sitting next to Olivia with Olivia's legs on her lap.

How the hell am I supposed to get over this woman. She is special. She is one of a kind and like I said to her we are meant to be and I'm not just going to get over her even if I do meet someone new.


Hiiiii, I hope you guys liked this chapter of automatic.

Also, the smosh summer games trailer though. Omg it looks amazing.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed and if you did then yay.

Till next time,

~Charlotte :)

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