milkshake (meau)

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I always see him in the third booth on the left side at that retro diner I walk by on my way home. He always sits by the window, but never looks out, he's always sipping on his milkshake, sad eyed, and staring into space. Sometimes I will sit on the cement behind the window to see if he will look out, but he never does. He looks damaged, but I can see the glimmer of hope in his eyes. I sit and debate whether I should let that hope fade, or whether, I should help him. I mean, I feel like I know him, I sit there, and feel connected, but the thing is I don't know him. I don't even know his eye color, his favorite things, his name, even.

But every time I convince myself that he is a stranger, gravity pulls me right back to that window, not by my logic, but life telling me I'm at the window and I see that man for a reason. Maybe our signs are compatible, maybe he's my soulmate, maybe he's in trouble, and it's my purpose here on Earth to help him. Well, shit, maybe I've been reading too much astrology because I'm desperate to find a purpose, love, something, to keep me alive. And maybe this is the universe's way, of saying, this is it. Or maybe it isn't. Maybe, it's just me being needy, my wishful thinking, my inner hopeless romantic. Maybe something about damaged guys to me is sexy. But, see, I don't even know if he's damaged. I'm just assuming, oh god, I'm so needy.

While sitting in my gloom on the cement, I notice something. His reflection in his milkshake glass. I see his sad eyes, but now I see the deepness in his dark brown eyes, wow, his eyes are brown, and I notice the red blush on his cheeks, and his incredible cheekbones and jawline. They accent his whole face perfectly, and I begin to wonder if he has dimples. He would never know though, because he never smiled. He had the face of a model, and I thought for a second, that he was my guardian angel. How would that work? Could he make out with his guardian angel? Because if he couldn't, he should just erase his memory of this man. Because he was just so hot.

Because, obviously, Beau couldn't go in there. He would probably faint. But he has to know. He has to speak to this man. But wait, there was the possibility of him being his soulmate and they would meet anyway, and this isn't their time, but what if it was? How would it happen? Would he have to initiate it? Or would it just come to him magically like in the fairytales? He felt a connection to this man, somehow, but he didn't know how. But he needed to know.

All of a sudden, the man starts to get up out of his seat, and Beau nervously ducks down. He sees the man wave to the waitress and blow a kiss. Oh god, not again. He couldn't be falling for a straight guy again. He face palmed and slouched, and started to walk away. In the distance, he heard the bell ringing from the door closing. He sighed and sat against the brick wall in the alleyway. He fell for a straight guy again. What better to do than to soak up his sadness in the closest way to ice cream? He started walking back towards the diner when he heard loud, almost pleading screams.

Beau immediately stopped in his tracks to the diner and hurried to follow the still continuing screams. He usually was afraid to tackle situations like this, but his instinct and the universe were carrying him for some reason. He was practically running now, and he knew the reason why he was carried there as soon as he saw him. It was the man. He was being thrown against the wall by a man clearly two times his size, and needed help.

Beau didn't know where it came from, but he came up behind the bigger man and flipped him backwards. Beau didn't know that he could do that, but when it comes to the people he loved, he guessed instinct. Woah, wait. He just said he loved the man. He was a stranger from the diner, and he said he loved him?! Maybe he needs some sleep. Then, he could dream about the man more. Woah, wait, what is wrong with Beau's mind? He needs to get this man off his mind, but he can't. Looking at Mitch take heavy breaths, Beau finally sees him smile. He does have dimples, and they only make Beau fall for him more.

"Oh my god, sir, you saved my life. Thank you."

"No, you saved mine."

"Excuse me? What?"

Beau's cheeks turned red as a tomato. He felt like an idiot. But he decided to go all in now, what did he have to lose? He had already made a fool of himself.

"Hey. Wanna grab a milkshake? I want you to calm down."

"Oh, yes. I'm always down for a milkshake. They're my favorite. Are you a mindreader?"

Beau laughed nervously. "Not exactly."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll explain eventually."


"So you remember when I said I would explain eventually?"

"Yeah, eventually meant ten years?"

"Um.. do you want the explanation or not?"

"Of course, spill the tea, honey!"

ptx oneshots (meau, scomark, scomiche, KATT, Keigh, Kirstie and Ben, etc.)Where stories live. Discover now