and at last i see the light...when you take me to the river (meau)

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"Beau, all the days, all those years, I never knew that happiness like this existed. I was always watching from the windows that my soul put up, seeing happy couples and thinking it was a fantasy. Because I was never truly happy with a woman. All those days chasing daydreams, like my demons told me to, I was never truly things the way they would make me happy." Mitch said, laying with the blanket around him and Beau's arms, and looking up at the stars.

"Wow, your face is gleaming in the starlight babe, it's like you're taking away the spotlight from up there." Beau chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Oh baby, stop it. You're the star. They should name a star after you." Mitch stared in Beau's eyes and started tearing up. "Beau, my love, you've changed my life. You make me feel valid, you respect me, you love me. You let me be myself, you would do anything for me, and I just love you. You opened my heart, you opened my eyes to my true self, you opened so many doors and closed so many bad ones. You gave me a light."

Beau wrapped his arms around Mitch and kissed him up and down his face. "Baby, you're so happy now. And that's all I ever wanted to do for you, make you see the light, make you smile. Because you're always putting everyone else first, and I wanted you to do the opposite, babe. You have this potential in you, baby. And I'm so glad, that you're shining, baby. You deserve it."

"You've given me so much new experience and so much new insight to life. Without you, I wouldn't be seeing the stars, the sky was always foggy, but the fog has lifted." Mitch leaned his head up and cupped Beau's face in his palms. He felt warm. "And your beautiful face is real, and your bright smile is vibrant and I love- Mitch kissed his lips- you. My world is different, my universe is shifted, because of you." 

Mitch crawled up behind Beau and wrapped his arms around his neck, jumping on his back. I love you so much, sweetie." 

Beau tilted his head backwards and stuck his tongue out at Mitch. "I love you more." Beau lost his balance and fell backwards on top of Mitch. Beau snuggled him. This was the best night of Mitch's life.

 "I had a dream, and this was it. I'm glad I found you." 

"I'm even happier I found you, precious. I have an idea, come on." Beau sat up, pulled Mitch's hands, and pulling the blanket off him playfully. Come on, baby. Beau wrapped a blindfold around Mitch's eyes. 

"Baby, what in the world are we going to do at 1 AM in the woods?" Mitch asked, trying to direct Beau back to the blankets, but failed.

"Mitch, honey, relax, we're just going to the river."

To the river? After what happened last time, he couldn't bear it. "Beau, no. Beau, baby. Please, I can't go there. I'm sorry. I'm stupid, and senseless." 

Beau took the blindfold off a shaken Mitch and frowned. "Don't say you're sorry. You'll never have to be alone. I'm in on your actions."

"But I don't wanna stop you, just hurt me, I'll be okay. Honestly, there's no hope for you to atone. You don't have to help, Beau."

"No, no, baby. You don't understand. I want to help you, babe. But I won't force you."

"Baby, you'll never know this pain inside, no lie."

"I know I won't, but I wanna help you with all my heart."

"This heart will only heal in time. And I don't wanna hold you until then.

"There's nothing you can say to stop me. I want to." Beau grabbed Mitch's hands and kissed them. "We're on this journey together." Whether it takes, months, years, decades, I'm here."

"The clock is ticking the fear away."  Mitch said that everyday for the next two years to himself.

"Beau, I'm ready babe." Mitch said randomly one day when they were cuddling.

"Ready for?"

"That thing you've been wanting to do for years."

"The river?"

"Yeah. So take me to the river and run, I'm diving in.

"Woah, where did this come from?

"I have no idea, but I love it. Let's go." He pulled Beau out of bed.

"I love it too. Ok, calm down, we'll see where it begins. But, it's your loss when I fall in. I'm so tired."

Beau drove his car to the riverside, and Mitch jumped out. "Let's sit by the rocks, babe."

"Oh, I see exactly what you want me to do. Beau chuckled. You're trying to lead yourself lead to the brim where your breaking point is thin, so you can dive in. Well, no waiting. Come on, babe. He pulled Mitch's hands playfully, causing Mitch to trip. 

"Oh, you try to pull me in, like fire in the wind, huh?"

"Yeah, because, we only have a few minutes if you want to see these." Beau pointed at the sky, where lanterns were flying above their faces. "Make a wish."

"To be with you in the light we are in now for eternity. Thank you for this."

"Of course." The chill of the water made Beau shiver, but when Mitch wrapped his arms around him, the world became warm.

ptx oneshots (meau, scomark, scomiche, KATT, Keigh, Kirstie and Ben, etc.)Where stories live. Discover now