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Attention Please

It was supposed to be your day to relax since both you and Yesung had the day off from your busy schedules.The two of you were merely cuddling on the couch and talking about random things to keep yourselves occupied.

Then someone started to pound on the front door and scare the daylights out of you two. You weren't expecting anyone to come over, so Yesung tried to get you to ignore the knocking and wait for whoever it was to give up and leave. But of course, you got up anyway, even when he started to whine and pull you back down onto the couch with him.

To your surprise, it was a close friend of your who was at the door. Usually, she would tell you that she was coming over beforehand. But apparently she had urgent news that she just had to share with you and couldn't do it over the phone. Out of excitement, your friend invited herself in and got herself comfortable on your couch. She was lucky that she sat on the opposite end of the couch, far from Yesung, because he was very annoyed and ready to say a few words to her.

After a moment, you snapped out of your confusion and closed the door. You slowly made your way to sit in between both your friend and Yesung. Yesung briefly made eye contact with you, telling you that you need to do something about your friend. To this, you sheepishly smiled at him while shrugging your shoulders.

You turned your attention back to your friend, but as soon as you did, she started to go on and on about something. She was talking so fast, you could only make out very few words. Eventually you figured out that she was talking about some guy. So you told her to slow down and start from the beginning.

At first, Yesung thought you were going to ask her to leave, but instead you just told her to continue with whatever she was rambling on about. He wouldn't say anything yet, figuring that this little meeting would be kept short and then he could go back having you all to himself.

Although he was trying to be patient for your sake, he couldn't stand it anymore as the talking kept progressively getting longer and longer. It felt like he'd be waiting for years for you to finish your conversation with your friend. After a certain point, he started to become a bit handsy. He started off by gently tugging on your shirt to gain your attention, then began to play with your hands. Now he was slowly sliding his hand down toward your thighs.

It didn't bother you at first, however, you jumped when he started inching closer and closer into dangerous territory. You quickly smacked his hand away and gave him incredulous look. In return, Yesung gave a devilish smirk, then a very pointed look towards your friend who continued to talk without a care in the world.

You clearly caught onto what he was trying to say and reluctantly nodded in agreement. You knew that your friend was very excited to share her news, but she did kind of interrupt your rare alone time with Yesung. It's not like you can't reschedule this conversation for anytime that isn't now.

As kindly as possible you asked your friend if it was okay to talk about her guy situation some other time. She stopped talking and then looked between you and Yesung. It took her a moment to get the hint. When she did, she nodded understandingly, grabbed her things, then left you two with a knowing smirk.

After your friend closed the door, Yesung let out a sigh of relief. Before you could say anything, he was already pulling you back to his side. He had his arms wrapped around you once more and this time you weren't escaping his grasp. Not like you were complaining. You happily scooted closer to him and snuggled up against him.

He let out another huff of air, "Phew, I thought she'd never leave".

You giggled at his comment. "Looks like someone's impatient today. Are you that needy for my attention?", you jokingly teased.

Yesung held you a little tighter than before. "Mmmm maybe just a little. But you should already know that you're all mine today", he said as he grabbed your hand and started playing with your fingers.

You looked down lovingly to your now entwined hands. You loved being here with him and you wouldn't have it any other way. Looking up at him, you stared at his eyes for a moment, then went in for a short, but sweet, kiss.

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