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Hidden Track

You were totally, unbelievably screwed. And what do you do when you're screwed over? You panic obviously.

Being the space head you are, you completely forgot about a report you needed to submit to your boss...within the next hour. See this wouldn't have been a problem if you remembered to actually fill it out beforehand. Now here you were, frantically tearing the room apart, looking for your stupid laptop that likes to disappear at the worst times.

Sighing in defeat, you gave on the search for it. Instead of using your laptop, you figured you could borrow Chanyeol's computer for the time being. He wouldn't mind, right? You two practically share everything now that you moved in with each other. Besides it's an emergency and he's not home, so he can't get mad at you.

After sprinting over to his desk, you flopped down into the chair and started frantically typing in the password. The first thing that popped up was a tab that Chanyeol must have left open before he left. It was all his audio files that he saved to his computer. Scanning over them for a moment, one in particular caught your attention. Towards the end of the list of files, there was one with your name on it. It was odd, but you didn't have time to look into it. You needed to get to work now, or else you'd get to hear it from your boss and that wouldn't be pretty.

You began typing away at the computer, all you could hear was the sound of the keyboard clicking at the speed of light. It was amazing that it wasn't broken yet with how hard you slammed each finger down onto it. Every once in a while you'd let out a frustrated sigh, still not believing that you actually forgot about the report. It was supposed to be a relaxing day where you could have your alone time and do whatever. Instead, you were sitting here anxiously hoping that you'll be able to finish before the deadline. You were totally, unbelievably screwed. And what do you do when you're screwed over? You panic obviously.

Being the space head you are, you completely forgot about a report you needed to submit to your boss...within the next hour. See this wouldn't have been a problem if you remembered to actually fill it out beforehand. Now here you were, frantically tearing the room apart, looking for your stupid laptop that likes to disappear at the worst times.

Sighing in defeat, you gave on the search for it. Instead of using your laptop, you figured you could borrow Chanyeol's computer for the time being. He wouldn't mind, right? You two practically share everything now that you moved in with each other. Besides it's an emergency and he's not home, so he can't get mad at you.

After sprinting over to his desk, you flopped down into the chair and started frantically typing in the password. The first thing that popped up was a tab that Chanyeol must have left open before he left. It was all his audio files that he saved to his computer. Scanning over them for a moment, one in particular caught your attention. Towards the end of the list of files, there was one with your name on it. It was odd, but you didn't have time to look into it. You needed to get to work now, or else you'd get to hear it from your boss and that wouldn't be pretty.

You began typing away at the computer, all you could hear was the sound of the keyboard clicking at the speed of light. It was amazing that it wasn't broken yet with how hard you slammed each finger down onto it. Every once in a while you'd let out a frustrated sigh, still not believing that you actually forgot about the report. It was supposed to be a relaxing day where you could have your alone time and do whatever. Instead, you were sitting here anxiously hoping that you'll be able to finish before the deadline.

Too immersed into your work, you didn't even hear the front door open or the thudding of someone's shoes. You did, however, hear the footsteps and jingles of keys that got closer to the room you were in. You didn't pay much attention to it since it was just Chanyeol looking for you and he'd eventually come across you. So you continued on with your report.

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