Chapter 1

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"I miss mom"...."I tried to hide but they still find me" "I always run but they keep catching me"...."help me!!" I screamed but no one can hear me....I felt someone hold my wrist, I looked, there. The people who killed her, the women who cared for me. I wish she was still with me, I should have protected her but she insisted.

As he tighten the grip I cried louder, as I screamed louder. they drag me like how they drag my mom, I screamed like how my mom screamed.
I beg for mercy, I saw that he smirked. That's when I panicked, I saw a thick hard wood that I can hit him. I grabbed and I tried to hold his hand, he looked at me. I couldn't hit him because he took the stick in my hand, he smack me on the head. Before I could feel the pain.

"WAKE UP!!" "AHHH!!" she scream as she falls off her bed "AHAHAHA" A laughter she hears "shut up haechan" she said to his laughing brother "get up it's time for breakfast sis" haechan said "yeah yeah" y/n said as she stand up "I'll be downstairs" her brother said, she nodded as a response.

haechan isn't really her brother, more likely her step brother. Y/n was just an orphan, she was just found alone when a 10 years old haechan found her. Haechan is a caring child, he always cared for everyone but he was always bullied. After y/n was adopted and making her haechan's sister, she protected him from everyone. Haechan was still sad cause he thought he was weak but after y/n knowing that, she assured him that he wasn't. After being bullied for many months haechan still stayed strong, haechan was happy after hearing that, he protected y/n from boys because y/n was one of the cutest and most beautiful girl in school and of course haechan protected her from girls. Girls in there School were always jealous of her, y/n has really good features and haechan was one of the cutest one too but sometimes he looks really hot as his fans says (well that's true) y/n and haechan were called the "visual sibling" in their school.

Y/n and haechan are 3 years apart

As his brother went downstairs she went inside her bathroom, she did her morning routine and went to her closet. Y/n always wears dress or casual clothes, y/n always looks good but she always says that she look like a 'potato'. Other girls agree but the others always denied that.

As she goes down the stairs she hears her brother singing, she always loved his voice but haechan always says that he has a bad voice. She was always confused, "he says that he has a bad voice then why is he still singing? Aish this boy". She goes down the stairs and went to the kitchen, as he sees her going down he becomes quiet but he still continues to serve the food. "Haechan-ie~" y/n said, haechan who always liked that nickname looks as he says "yes~". Y/n chuckles cause of the cuteness of his brother.

After eating

"Y/n it's time to go" haechan says outside, "arasseo" as she gets out of the house and gets on her cute bike.

At school

Whispers can be heard everywhere, why? Because everyone thought y/n was a slut. Well of course sunshine/haechan protects her but she insists, y/n is already used to it and she still have fans. Her fans always takes pictures of her and her lockers are always full of love letters. As she gets in the school and go to her locker, everyone inside always scream when they see her "Y/n unnie your so beautiful!!" "Y/n please be my girlfriend" and of course she hears this "she's a slut" "she's a whore" "what a b*tch", she ignores everything but she still listen to her fans. Y/n likes compliments but she doesn't really show any feelings.

As she takes her books in her locker someone shut it but good thing she already took her hands away from the locker. She looks at the person and thoughts *there he is mister "hello princess" the a**hole* "what do you want" y/n says in a cold tone "don't be cold to me princess" "mister "hello princess" says (hahahahaha) "why don't you just f*ck off so I won't be cold" "nah~ you'll be warm in my embrace" he says, y/n who almost threw up says "I rather join a bunch of rats rather being with you" says with a disgusted expression "what?!" He shouts "wait no, never mind joining rats is like joining you" Y/n says before she walked away. She looked back at a shock and mad Vernon (sorry guys, his the only one I thought of 😅)

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