when i kissed the teacher

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Graduation was always meant to be one of most important events in a young persons life. Joe sat there staring at the people he's seen at their most vulnerable times - either if it was at brink point of breakdown when 'slamming' it during their final days of their dissertation or whether when it was when they were passed out drunk on their dorm floors laying in their own vomit, joe found is rather humorous that were now sitting their proudly listening intently to the professor talk about how proud they're of us as a year and how they guarantee we are all going to have successful futures.

These years had been golden to Joe. It had given him time to move away and have more experiences, which was something he wanted to carry on doing. Yes it sounded ridiculous and wasn't really something a maturing adult should do, but truth be told there wasn't really anybody or anything to return home to.

A lot of people would've pitied him because of that statement, but he was used to it - his mother was too incredibly "busy" to attend her only sons graduation.

When the graduation had finally ended Joe and his close friends Rami and Gwilym headed back to their shared apartment.

Along the floor of their one story apartment was clothes that they had thrown around the night before in search for Ramis lucky shirt, which he wanted to wear for graduation under his gown.

"She didn't come" Joe started walking onto the balcony. "She didn't come" he repeated still, despite being let down loads of times still shocked him. "My mother, can you believe she didn't come?" Joe asked looking off into the distance.

They were all considered lucky because even though their apartment was rather small and falling apart, they had the biggest balcony and the best view overlooking the entirety of oxford. The sun was setting, so the sky was filled with all sorts of colours.

"She never comes" Gwilym replied looking at his friend sheepishly.

"Ah, and every time, it surprises me. I have gotta get better at that" Joe huffed and went to pick up a bottle from the floor.

"You give that woman hell when you get home" Rami demanded as he sat by the window ledge in his rainbow jumper.

"I'm not going home. Not for a long time" Joe admitted flopping into a seat across from his friends.

"Oh, the old 'stay away as punishment' ploy" Gwilym laughed at his own friends immaturity and pettiness.

"I tried that. But my parents just rented out my room" Rami explained getting up.

"And sold your dog" Gwilym interrupted walking towards Ramis side then flopping down onto the chair across from Joe.

"No, it's not punishment. It's the opposite. It's like a gift to myself" Joe explained. He had never been close with his mother, she had always been on tour or at Vegas with one of her many 'lovers'. Their relationship has always been rather cold but ever since Joes dad died a few years go then the coldness between the two have just expanded greatly.

"Where will you go?" Rami asks.

"Anywhere. Everywhere" Joe gleamed standing up and turning around with the biggest grin on his face. His two friends had to admit Joe looked very confident and happy about his decision. "Life is short, the world is wide, and I wanna make some memories."

"In other words you're leaving us" Rami interjected putting a damper on Joes mood. This causes Joe to gasp and put his hand over his heart.

"I never would. I was just putting out feelers for our future" he explained looking at the two.

All of Joes life he's sort of been an outcast from society. He was too "feminine" too different and what society doesn't understand or isn't familiar to they shut out and exclude from its orbit. That's why Joe was so thankful that he had found the greatest people ever to exist in his world.

He would be forever thankful to Oxford for introducing him to these beautiful, unique and talented individuals. Their bond was sacred and Joe would die before he would let anything tarnish their relationship.

"Come on, we'll always have each other" Joe says pulling the two up and bringing them into a tight embrace.

After that conversation the two boys helped joe packed, which mainly involved Rami throwing Joes clothes everywhere and Gwilym stressing over how many pairs of underwear Joe would be needing.

As the bags was already overflowing, Joe quickly grabs his diary from the side of his bed and places it gently inside. He wanted to record his memories, so that he could always remember these small, special moments.

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They were all running down the stone streets all trying to grab ahold of Joes briefcase/suitcase. It it was up to joe the only thing he would be taking was his diary, but obviously Gwilym have to have a say and most of Joes possessions were in his suitcase.

Rami, probably the weakest out of the trio tries to pick up the bag, but to his dismay he stumbles and the case opens leaving some of Joes clothing regarded messily on the floor.

The airport goodbye was the saddest moment. Before leaving Joe ran into both of their arms, squeezing them gently saying that he was going to be in touch. Rami placed one of his favourite hats on Joes permed head and gave him a sad smile.

While going up the escalator, Joe took one final look back at his friends. Rami was curled up in Gwilym arms and they both looked like they had lost a limb, well technically they've lost a part of themselves, as they didn't even know when Joe was going to return or if he was going to return at all.

Gwilym gave a short sad wave, as he watched his friends step off the escalator and disappear further into the airport.

It didn't seem like less than 24 hours ago they were sat in the school hall, graduating.

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Joe had gotten a plane to Greece and was now waiting to catch a ferry to Kalokairi. He had heard several stories about this Island and wanted to check it out himself. He liked the name.

When boarding the ferry he took a seat at the side, which was less crowded. The ferry itself wasn't busy at all. A few fisherman and women were on board, which made Joe believe that this island would be more a less empty.

He thought this would be the greatest opportunity to write in his journal.

Mamma Mia, here we go again.
Off on my adventures to Kalokairi.
I don't know but I have a good feeling about this place, but I am yet to get there.
The goodbye was hard, but it had to be done this is a new chapter of my life and I can't wait to explore it!

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