kisses of fire

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They had both stopped off at the village, in order to find some more suiting clothes for Joe as he didn't pack as much as he should've done, despite Gwilym efforts. Joe had gone inside of the shop to try something off so Ben stayed outside looking at the rack of clothes.

"So, how come you're here all alone, saying horses?" Ben asked walking by the clothes rack admiring all of the pretty colours and unique patterns you wouldn't typically see in England.

"Uh, I've been travelling all my life. My dad died and my moms always on tour" Joe replied. Ben had found a pink cowboy hat and stayed at it in awe before placing it on his own head.

"Oh she sings?" Ben asked again and joe popped his head through the door and Ben looked at him.

"Sweet as sugar cane" Joe mocked a Texas accent and snorted at his own impression. This made Ben give joe a heartfelt smile.

When Joe popped his head back into the shop Ben turned to a rack filled with beige jeans.

"You know, there's some great stuff here. These trousers would look very pretty on...." Ben turned around and was met with joe in a pair of baggy, blue dungarees.

Joe had a huge smile on his face and put his hands in his pockets, moving them about slightly, so Ben would see the space he had now. Ben had to admit Joe looked amazing in the pair of dungarees.

"You really don't know me at all, do you?" Joe joked walking around in his new found pair of dungarees.

Joe had changed back into his old clothes and they both decided to go to a bar and get a drink.

°:.   *₊        ° .   ☆     ✮  °:.   *₊      ° . ° .•

"Kisses of fire burning, burning. I'm at the point of no returning. Kisses of fire, sweet devotion. Caught in a landslide of emotion.
I've had my share of love affairs,
but they were nothing compared to this. Oh,
I'm flying higher than the sky and they're inspiring with every kiss. Kisses of fire,
Kisses of fire." A black haired man stood on top of the stage, singing his heart out while the band behind him didn't look at all infused in the performance. Needless to say joe was having a very good time.

"Oh, my god" joe chocked out trying to calm himself down from the laughter. The bar was completely empty, there was the band at the front of two bar mades. Ben was at the bar getting himself another drink. When Ben returner Joe turned to him.

"God. This whole place is incredible. I am definitely staying here forever" he admitted. Even though it may have sounded like he was kidding, Joe was seriously considering staying here forever.

"Yeah? Your mum wouldn't miss you?" Ben questioned taking a sip of his beer or as he called it a 'pint'. Joe found humour in the different words Ben would use.

"No, she's not that kind of a mom" Joe confessed taking a deep breath, still trying to recover from his uncontrollable laughter.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't...." Ben spluttered until Joe cut him off.

"Oh! Oh, this isn't a sob story. I'm fine. And it's not easy being a mother. If it was, fathers would do it" Joe reassured Ben. This made Ben feel slightly sorry for Joe. He had no longer had his father and his mother wasn't there for him and even the thought of Joe being sad made Ben heart sink a little, however he pushed these feelings aside and tried to change the subject of conversation.

"Well, I wish I could stay here, too" Ben sighed looking around the place. This made Joe turn quiet and cough a little. The thought of Ben leaving sort of made him feel lonely.

"When do you go back? To your fully programmed, good job, short haircut life?" Joe wondered looking at Ben slightly with a sad look in his eyes.

"I have a week" Ben replied and Joe just gave Ben a slight nod turning his attention back to the band who were now finishing their song. "Listen, about what's waiting for me back home... there's something-"

"Whoo!!" Joe jumped up clapping when the song ended, laughing as he did so. He sat back down and turned to Ben once again.

"I'm definitely staying here" he said and then turned around gesturing towards the bar. "Excuse me, are you the owner?" Joe asked to the woman behind the bar. The woman replied with a scoff.

"My son the owner. He had to buy bar, because no other place let his band play" she teased and the son spotted Joe and came over to their table, plopping down on a chair in-front of them moving his dark curly waves out of his face.

"Hello" he greeted taking a breath obviously exhausted by the singing and 'dancing' he had just done. "So, how can I help you?"

"Well, firstly, you're all awesome" Joe paused making a huge hand gesture to show his astonishment, which made Ben chuckle beside him. "And second, id like so sing here sometimes with my group" He asked.

"You have good voice?" The man questioned while looking Joe up and down smiling widely.

"Oh, sweet as sugar cane" Ben interrupted and winked at Joe, which made him scrunch up his nose and give him a cute little smile that Ben has grown to adore.

"Then let us hear" the man stated waving the microphone before Joes face.

"Oh, no. Not just like that" Joe insisted not wanting to spontaneously just get up singing like they were in a movie.

"Here on the island, everything just like that. It's the path to happiness. You think too much, you get unhappy" he explains while taking Joes hand and leading him up to the stage. "Thinking at all is pretty much a mistake" he carried on now existing the stage and leaving Joe completely alone with the band.

Joe knew this is the life he wanted, the carefree, no worries, pure happiness life he's always dreamed on.

"Well in that case.... uh" Joe paused trying to think of something to sing. "Okay."

There was a song his mother used to sing while she was looking at photos of her long lost lover Fernando. After hours, Joe would sneak out of bed and peep through the holes in his mother's room just to hear her sing.

It was appropriate, as Joe know realiser stood there in-front of Ben that he was falling, falling hard and quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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