i have a dream

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As Joe walked through the hills, he was so starstruck from the beautiful, unreal view of the entire island. He pulled out his diary and sat down by a rock looking out into the ocean as he began to write.

Oh how beautiful it is here.
It's incredible! The ocean is unbelievably clear and it already feels like home - like a finally belong somewhere. However, I have yet to find somewhere to stay, but at the moment that's not as important. Nothing could every destroy this feeling I'm feeling at this moment.

A cold gush of wind flies by, so joe takes this as a sign and continues walking in search for somewhere to stay.

After what seemed like of exploring Joe finds a house, well more like a villa hidden in the trees. He goes to knock at the half torn away door, but as he does so it falls completely off and crashes to the ground startling him. However, this intrigued Joe furthermore so he took cautious steps inside.

All around the house was white plaster peeling off the wall ever so slightly. The floorboard that were once presumably nailed safety onto the floor were poking up with some nails prominently sticking out.

Joe wanted to remember this place forever, so once again he took out his diary and jotted down his thoughts as he walked through the villa.

I have a dream a song to sing,
To help me cope with everything.
If you see the wonder of a fairy tail,
You can take the future even if you fail.
I believe in angels,
Something good in everything I see.
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me.
I cross the stream,
I have a dream.

The entire establishment had so much potential, even with the rain starting to pour down it was still some homely and calm. When the thunder contributed to the atmosphere a loud bang came from the basement followed along with startled screaming.

Joe starts to run down to the basement in search for the noise and he is met with a brown horse who's obviously been startled ever so much by the storm trying to break free from its reigns. This is causing some of the wooden pillars to crash down violently beside the horse. If Joe couldn't get the horse gone in a few minutes then it would be crushed violently by the pillars.

"Wait there!! I'll get help" Joe shouts running back up the stairs and into the outside world once again, but now much larger amounts of rain was pouring down and the thunder got louder.

Running through the path he had walked upon not only a few hours ago he hears a faint sound of a motorcycle. "Someone help!!" He screams go his highest ability. Soon enough a man with blond hair pulls up on a motorcycle.

If it wasn't for the danger of the horse Joe would've stood there still transfixed by the stranger. He had long blond hair that reached his shoulders, which was slowly becoming curlier, as she rain came down even heavier. His eyes were pearly green, which matched perfectly to the ocean before them. His lips were puckered, plump and beautiful. He was literally an angel sent from heaven.

"Can I help?" He asks a hint of British accent poking through ever so slightly.
Joe explains the horse situation quickly and we both run down to the basement in hope that the horse is still safe. Nether the less the horse was stood there still panicking and struggling understandably, but this would make Joe and the strangers work even harder.

The pillars begin to fall again making it harder to pass through and get to the horse. He begins to move the pillars aside so they can both get over to the horse.

"Have you got a plan?" Joe asks following after the stranger who seems to be taking control of the whole situation.

"Oh absolutely, I'm a trained veterinarian" he explains pushing through the rubble.

"Really?" Joe laughs ever so slightly thinking of the luck he has been given to run into a trained veterinarian at a appropriate time like this.

"No, no I'm an architect" he exhales looking at me as I try to climb over the rubble scattered on the floor. Inevitably getting fed up by my shortness and incapability to climb, he lifts me over almost carelessly, but somehow it felt so safe. "But don't tell this guy that"

The horse suddenly exclaims as they began to walk closer, the rope still tightly fastened to the wood of the gate, which causes more things to collapse.

"Woah" the stranger says putting his arms up in order to try and calm the horse.

"I'll distract him, you grab the holder" I demand while putting out my hand in order to keep the distance between us.

"Good plan" he agrees, but somehow looks confused. "What's the holder?"

"Just talk calmly" Joe advices him, so the stranger turns towards and horse as I go for the holder.

"Easier when I'm calm" he says taking a step closer to the horse. "Alright, my friend. Storms are scary and I wish I was home and dry right now too, but believe me if it came down to a choice between leaving you and helping you then there's no choice at all" he grabs the horses nose ever so gently and lays strong strokes across it, in order to calm him down.

Joe goes to the other side of the horse and does the same whispering good boy into the horses ear. While he does this the stranger gives him a warm smile, chucking slightly, as they both try to calm down the horse.

After that event the night before they had found the respectful owner of the horse and given him back to her. Joe had insured he was okay to be alone, but his new friend Ben insisted staying there in the villa with him until he was asleep, but was still there when Joe had awoken.

After an exchange of name between the two of them, they both decided to take a stroll around the island and get to know each other a little better.

"So uh we've walked the entire island and I still haven't seen where you live" Joe teased swinging on the branches of the trees as they walked peacefully along the coast.

Ben took a deep breath.
"In a shack on a hill" he admitted smiling at Joe as he did so, which made Joe laugh.

"What the hell are you doing there?" Joe asked and Ben stopped talking and turned towards Joe while leaning effortlessly on a tree. Joe wondered how he could make something so simple look so elegant and hot.

The golden sun was beaming down on his blond hair making it seem more fluffy and desirable to touch. His eyes reflected in the sunlight making them look even more so magical.

"Uh, running away I guess" he shrugged. "Back home everything was lined up for me. Great job and just my whole life just mapped out" he looked down at the floor sadly. "I wanted to take a break before I signed up to it" he looks up locking his eyes with mine. "How about you?"

I replied in his gesture and shrugged not really knowing to say.
"I have absolutely nothing mapped out, no clue what the future holds" I admit walking in front of him now. "Less talking" I say. "Let's ride."

Motor biking through the mountains of the island was a beautiful sight, but nothing could distract me from the butterflies in my stomach when Ben would ask me if I was alright. The closeness was unbearable. All I wanted to do was melt into his back and smell is hair. I never wanted to untie my arms from his waste.

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