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"White or Yellow?" Holding up two maxi dresses in front of Kingston I patiently waited for him to respond.

"Um yellow, I think it looks good against your skin tone". He responded with a small smile making me blush.

We were getting ready to meet Ramona by the beach area and I was indecisive about what I wanted to wear.

"Yellow it is". I mumbled to myself heading back into the bathroom.

Stripping out of my towel I slid my underwear on before putting the dress on. Making sure to put on deodorant I checked myself once last time before exiting the bathroom.

"How do I look?". I looked at Kingston who was untucking his gold link from his shirt.

"Beautiful as always". Blushing I bit my lip giving myself one last look in the mirror.

I actually looked pretty decent which is shocking, my baby had me looking wore out so this is a surprise to me.

"Thanks baby". Coming over to where I was he nodded leaning down to give me a kiss.

Pulling away I quickly pulled him back for another one. If it was one thing that I was addicted to it was Kingston's kisses. I swear each one had me feeling like I was on cloud nine. I couldn't get enough of them or him in that matter.

"Come on sweetheart we don't want to keep them waiting". He pecked my lips one last time before pulling away.

Slightly pouting I nodded.

"Oh yeah I forgot to mention to you I plan on booking us a flight back home tonight. I wanted to tell Harlem and you tell Ramona, so once we do that then I'll go head and do that".

Slightly nodding my head I sighed a bit as I held his hand. "I really don't want to go back I just want to enjoy this vacation".

"I know sweetheart but you're nearly due and we can't risk us being out here and you go into labor".

"King I just reached nine months he's not coming right away". I informed him watching him shake his head.

"Bullshit I seen how much pain you was in not to mention last night at this point he's coming any day and I need you in the comfort of our home when it happens".

Pouting yet again I said nothing. He was right Keian was definitely trying to make a entrance.

"Fix ya face love you should be excited if anything we get to meet our little man soon". He smiled reaching down to palm my stomach.

I loved how even after everything that's been going on he's still claiming Keian as his.

"I'm nervous". I admitted biting the inside of my cheek.

It seemed like as time whined down the more anxious I got. What if I'm not going to be a good mother? My worst fear is failing as a parent meaning not raising him right or doing something wrong.

"You're going to be a great mother Lia don't even question it and you have me we're going to get through this together. Stop worrying so much". Squeezing my hand lightly he disconnected our hands pulling me into a hug.

"Relax". He playfully rocked us back and forth causing me to laugh out.

"Okay!". Smiling down at me he kissed my forehead in which I closed my eyes feeling my heart race.

"I see somebody is getting along well". Hearing a voice behind me I turned around to see Ramona standing there with a smile.

Blushing I playfully rolled my eyes breaking our hug.

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