If it is okay with you?

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The shadows grew longer, the cold dug deeply down beneath my skin, I wondered if Bow and Glimmer wonder where I am.

"Earth to Adora" Catra flicked my ear with her fingers bringing me back to earth. "Come on, we need to make a fire before we freeze to death".

The cave was almost perfectly round with a large deep pool in the middle. Cracks in the roof let the moonlight seep in. There was a grove in the side, which was were a little pebble beach lay and where the beginnings of a fire were being made.

Lucky for Catra and I a tree must have fallen long ago. I snapped branches an dry leaves off. I shot a glance over my shoulder at Catra, her skin shinning in the gentle moon light. She was using a method I have seen some folk use, she was
Using a stick on some dry bark to cause friction and create sparks.

"YESS YEES YESS, ADORA HURRY GRAB ME SOME LEAVES". Catra cupped her burning bark in her hands and blew air onto the glowing embers. A small flame flickered to life. Catra places the bark with fire on it into the middle of my fire teepee. We pushed more fuel in and slowly a small smoke began to rise.

"Woohoo, first try, that's pretty good if I do say so myself...and I do" Catra smirked proudly at her small fire. We both sat back down on the pebble beach around our small fire, waited then added larger sticks to keep It burning.

I suppressed my shivers and how cold I was. I shouldn't show weakness around Catra, she would think wrongly of me.

I got lost in the stirring ember, the gentle crack of the burning wood. The glow of the fire reminded me of Catra, her glowing skin and flaming passion in battle. I was lucky it was dark because it wasn't just the warmth of the fire that made my face hot.

"Hey Adora" Catra said "I swear you must have swallowed to much water because you are zoning out so much".

"What is it Catra?" I turned to see Catra has made a strange wooden? Hanger thingy.

"Okay Adora strip" she commanded.

"Wwwaaatttt" my face burned.

"If we don't dry out clothing we will die of hypothermia, I made this to put near the fire and dry our clothing."
Every ounce of my moral fibre was telling me not to dooo this but the part of me that was logical knew this was the only way not to freeze and I tiny part of me might have kinda sorta wanted to see well.......... .....nope.

"Look you don't have to if you want but if it okay with you I will. I will rather damage my dignity that die".

She turned away from me, that gave me a good chance to hid how much I was blushing. Then I made a serious mistake after I felt okay i took a quick glance over my shoulder. Catra was in a athletic crop top and underwear. I felt like the blood was pushing my eyes. The pressure from my burning cheeks and the rush of blood made me feel quite faint.

Why do I feel like this. I have never felt like towards Catra before, we have always been best friends, then enemy's and I can barley tell what we are now. What I can't tell is that these feelings are more than some chummy buddy feelings.

When my back turned in shame, I nervously began to remove my own wet shirt and shorts. I didn't look at Catra as I hung my clothing next to hers. I sat down on the pebbles and looked back into the fire, soon she came and sat down next to me.

I kept my eyes on the fire to avoid any awkward eye contact I might make with the ten skinned beauty next to me, even these thoughts made my heart race.

I let my eye wander over to Catra. Following the curve of her arms and shoulder and then down her back but my eye caught something different in the fire light.

"Catra how did you get these scars" I reached over and ran my hand over a long white strip running along her back. It looked like a vein of quartz.

Catra stiffed at my touch. I could feel her hesitation to say what came next.

"Shadow weaver".

My breath hitched in my throat.

"She did this to you, was she allowed to do this".

A heat that wasn't friendly burned in my chest.

"It's not like anyone cared, it's not like I care" Catra muttered.

"I care".

"That didnt do much did it".

A bitter venom hung on her words. A pang of pain flashed through my chest. How dar Catra say I don't care about her, that nobody cares about her it was unfair but it also the more I though was true.

We didn't talk after that, we just looked into the fire.

After  sometime Catra was asleep. I wasn't. I looked across the rippling water, moonlight dancing across its surface. I hated that fact that no one truly cared for Catra. I didn't want her live in the cruel world. I wanted to take her away, for us both to run away. Me getting away from responsibilities as She-ra and her getting away from the hoard. We would live in the forest and things would be like they were before.

With that pleasurable though in mind, I finally found sleep.

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