Chapter 4

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Akira broke the awkward silence, it felt like it was going on for hours to Ryuji. Before Akira could speak the blonde interrupted him,

"Look dude, I'm sorry, you probably feel uncomfortable now and I didn't mean to put you in this situation. I thought you had fallen back asleep and the girls started talking at the same time. It broke me and I let everything out."

At this point Ryuji wouldn't stop talking, and to be honest Akira was starting to get annoyed. Not because he was talking it's because Ryuji was completely misunderstanding everything. Akira liked Ryuji, he just didn't know how to put it into words.

"So please for my sanity can you say something? You've just been looking at me"


Akira had zoned out, he didn't realize Ryuji was still going. So now is Akira's chance to speak, and he was scared. Why? Ryuji liked him. So what made this so hard to say?

"Ok.. first you shouldn't compare yourself to Makoto. She's a girl. Girls are always better than boys"

Akira gave Ryuji a half smile, hoping this would calm his nerves. It worked, Ryuji let out a laugh. He had a huge smile on his face now, looking much more relaxed now.

"Second, don't say such bad things about yourself. I like you the way you are, immature behavior and all. That's what makes you so fun and likable. Of course your likable for other reasons, like how your always worried about others, and your a complete dork. Your handsome too.."

That part Akira meant to keep to himself, but the face Ryuji made was pretty great. His face had lit up like a Christmas tree, and all he could do was look down to try and hide the blush.

"Ryuji, Makoto is my friend. I don't like her more than that. I've been with her so much because she's been running her own mini investigations and she wanted my help." Akira took a deep breath and grabbed Ryuji's hand holding it tight, "I like you Ryuji"

Ryuji's face had lit up like a Christmas tree, it was a response he wasn't expecting.

"W-Wait for real?"

Akira laughed, no matter what Ryuji's reaction to everything was always funny.

"Yes for real. I thought I was being obvious honestly"

Once again Ryuji thought back to all the flirty comments Akira has ever made. He realized that Akira was being very obvious.

"Jeez I'm an idiot" Ryuji mumbled, looking down for a moment, "so... you free Saturday?"

Akira smiled, feeling his cheeks grow warm

"Are you asking me on a date?" Akira teased, knowing this would embarrass Ryuji more.

"Come on man it's a yes or no question"

"Then yes. I'm free"

All of a sudden there was cheering in the living room, the noise actually coming from the girls. They were eavesdropping, and honestly no one was surprised.

"My babies are all grown up!!" Cried Ann, running into the room and hugging Ryuji from behind, "feels like almost yesterday you burst into my house and complained about how much you loved Akira"

"Ann!!" Ryuji yelled, his face growing more red by the second.

"Good job Ryuji! You've maxed out your charm!" Futaba smiled happily, "now Inari owes me ten dollars~"

"Futaba don't make bets on my relationships!!" Ryuji gave her an angry look, though it didn't last long as it turned into a smile.

Everyone had settled down and one by one everyone started to head home. Ryuji left with Akira, the two of them holding hands all the way to the subway.
Sorry this is really short. I had major writers block for this story and I don't know why.
Next chapter should be longer though. Hopefully.

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