Chapter 6

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AHHH I DID IT I AM SO SORRY FOR THE HIATUS!!! Also sorry its not like... an amazing part, but next chapter should be a little exciting so... I hope you look forward to it? Anyway onto the chapter!!

Chapter 6:

Ryuji stared out the window of his classroom, tapping his pencil on the desk impatiently. He knows he needs to listen to whatever the teacher is droning in about, especially with testing coming soon, but the topic was almost putting him to sleep on the spot. He was snapped out of his trance when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Looking to make sure the teacher wasn't paying attention he carefully pulled his phone out and read the text messages being exchanged.

Akira: Mishima just messaged me, he heard a student talking to his friend. Apparently they're planning on breaking into some blind ladies house

Ann: What?? That's awful! Who does that??

Futaba: Bored teenagers?

Ryuji: Wait, we need to stop that! Think they got a shadow in the metaverse?

Yusuke: It would make sense if they did, they have twisted desires...

Makoto: We'll meet up at Leblanc after school. Now no more texting! Pay attention to your classes!!

Ryuji let out a quiet laugh at Makoto's mother like behavior

"Mr. Sakamoto."

The blonde felt his heart jump out of his chest, quickly shoving his phone in his bag he looked up at his teacher.

"Uh- yes?"

"What is the answer?"

"Um..... 7?"

The classroom filled with quiet laughter, everyone's eyes landing on Ryuji making him instantly regret his answer.

"The origin of "magistrates patronage" is 7?"


The teacher just let out a long exaggerated sigh and called on a different student. Ryuji just let out a quiet sigh and rested his head on his desk.


The sound of a bell broke the silence of the quiet coffee shop, causing Sojiro to look up from his newspaper.

"Oh Ryuji, hello"

"Hey boss! How's everything going?"

"Good. Everyone else is upstairs"

"Alright! See you later"

Ryuji made his way up the stairs and into the small attic, seeing his friends sitting and the even smaller table. Everyone looked over to their friend and smiled.

"There you are! Took you long enough" Ann laughed a little, looking back down at her phone.

"Ugh I know, sorry. My teacher kept me behind after I made a complete idiot of myself" the blond sat down next to his boyfriend, pressing a kiss to the other male's forehead.

"Ew gross get a room"

They both laughed at Futaba's protest of their affection, knowing she really didn't mean anything by it.

"So... we should probably talk about our plan..."

Makoto spoke up, causing the playful aura to quickly turn serious. They're had a deadline before but they usually had weeks before, this was going to happen in just a few hours. Akira explained again what Mishima had told him, going into further detail this time.

"Apparently she's pretty rich... she lives alone, not including her guide dog." Akira pulled out his phone and showed a picture to the group, "these are the two boys."

"Do we have any idea why they're doing this?" Haru asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Nope, we only know when and where it's happening."

Haru was still new to the group, they took down her father's palace just 2 weeks ago. So she was still a little confused over the rules.

"We gotta locate them in Mementos, that'll take awhile... sure you wanna go Haru?"

The girl nodded without hesitation, wanting to help anyway she could.

"Alright... then let's go guys"


Morgana drove around memento's, avoiding shadow's the best he could. Everyone made light conversation with each other, telling jokes trying to lighten the mood. Ryuji looked over at their leader, his wonderful boyfriend, who was staring out the window. His eyes were moving back and forth, checking every spot he could see for shadows. He didn't want to be snuck up by one. Ryuji reached over and grabbed Akira's hand, snapping the boy out of defense mode.

"Hey, Morgana has it covered. You don't gotta look for shadow's"

"He might not see one hiding... it's better to be safe than sorry"

"Come on... you're gonna waste all your energy being on high alert when it's not necessary."

He squeezed his boyfriend's hand a little, hoping to convince him. It seemed to work because Akira's stern looked softened a little, only a little, but it was something. Ryuji felt a smile spread on his face, proud that he managed to actually convince Akira to be less serious at the moment.

"Wow look at that, you're not on watch and we still haven't been attacked. It's almost like Morgana is actually looking out for us"

"Ha ha. Really funny." Akira laughed sarcastically, lightly punching Ryuji's arm.

The Joker personality slipped away at this moment, showing the real Akira. He let himself be carefree for the moment, not bothering to worry about anything else except for Ryuji. Loving the sight of his amazing blonde boyfriend.

"Guys there's a shadow heading straight for us!!"

The Phantom Thieves turned serious, looking up at the Shadow in front of them. It was charging like a bull, slamming its body hard into Morgana, causing everyone in the car to shake and hit their heads on the walls. Morgana spun out of control, hitting one of the Memento's walls. The cat felt the wind knocked out of him, kicking everyone out of the car and turning back to his normal self.

"S-Sorry" the cat mumbled out, trying to catch his breath

"Move! It's charging towards us again!" Joker yelled, grabbing Morgana and jumping out of the way. Everyone quickly got up and followed his lead, preparing to fight the aggressive shadow.

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