chapter 11

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                      Naomi POV

"Are you Zakary jackson?"
I looked up and I saw a cop I instantly got nervous
Zakary mouthed too me that it is going to be okay
I nodded my head and settled down
"Yessir that is me"
" sir please step too the side"
Zakary was hesitant
"Sir may I ask yo-"
"Step to the side sir"
Zakary put his hands up in surrender
And stepped to the side
I couldn't hear nothing they was talking about I just hope they let him go I hope he didn't do nothing horrible
My heart literally dropped too my ass when I saw Zakary getting handcuffed
I didn't know what too do I got up real fast and tried too head over there
"Stand back mam"
Zakary looked back at me with eyes full of sorrow
"Naomi its going to be okay I promise you just please take the kids straight home I am going too call you please answer the phone just please answer it"
I nodded my head
I was shocked
Amarie said loud as ever and I can tell that messed with Zakary head a lil
"Can I hug my kids!"
The cops did not let him go he was trying  to get a way at this point the cops grabbed Zakary and slammed
Him on the ground
Zakary still trying fight
They had his face on the ground so he couldn't get up people was on the sides recording and shit I'm like wth is happening every time we try too have a good day something fucks it up
"Naomi remember what I said ! Answer my call  go home now!"
He was still on the ground struggling to breathe
I was still in shocked i muted everything out I didn't want to go what if something happens
To him
I looked too my left and kaden and amarie was crying from the top of there lungs
Zakary screamed at me I hurried and got the kids
The keys and got Zakary phone
"I love y'all bruh"
He said as they picked him up I threw him in the cop car
I put the kids in the car seats and hopped in the front and headed home
like what im going to do huh?
I don't know anything about this life
I really started to tear up in the car
Its a lot on my chest... I'm trying god I'm trying please give me the strength
I can't do this alone
We finally made it too the house
I took the kids out and got inside the house I set everything down
"yall can go upstairs I am going to fix y'all something too eat "
They just headed upstairs without saying anything
I walked to the kitchen too find something to eat for them since they didn't eat all day
I looked around and got some fries and chicken nuggets
I put them in the fryer and let them sit
In there till it got crispy
I really don't know what I'm going too do
i can't believe amarie said daddyy too him that's not her first words she getting better at pronouncing things she been saying mommy look or you know simply things and sentences I give her about a month and kaden and her are going to be talking to each other
But daddy? Nobody has ever said the word daddy around her and I damn sure ain't teach her it cuz she shouldn't gaf about her dad
I just don't want Zakary to feel some type of way abt her doing that like that more stressed on his shoulder
Because now she thinks that's her dad
The food was finished and I took them out and put them on a paper towel too get the grease all off of it
I got there separate plates and put seasoning on the fries and ketchup on the side
I called them from downstairs
So they can eat I took the plates and sat them at the table
They both came down the stairs kaden was helping her get through each step
Awe the are so adorable
I love them so much!
They are really what brings joy to me
They was both walking to the table and the chair was high for amarie so I was going to get up and put her on there
"No I got it"
Kaden looked at me and picked up amarie and put her on the chair
Awe him so sweet!
They got they food and started eating it
I let amarie eat on her own now
But of course she eats messy and she got a white shirt on I'll be damned that shirt gone turn red
i guess they was really hungry cause they was eating it up
Kaden looked at me
"Why are you not eating"
I rubbed my hands through my head
"I'm not hungry"
I honestly said
He started back eating his food he put his last little bit of food in his mouth
"Its not because of my uncle kary is it?"
I actually got shocked because he said that
"No baby I'm fine"
I chuckled
"Oh well I'm going to wait to amarie finish her food"
I simply nodded my head
A couple minutes later amarie was done and they headed back upstairs
I grabbed both of there plates and washed them in the sink
I went in the freezer and got us a ice cream since we didn't get none
I headed upstairs with there ice cream and gave it too them
"what do you say?"
"Thank you"
I smiled and nodded my head then walked out
I sat on the couch and watched a movie
I didn't get on my phone all day
I went to my Instagram
Zakary made me an Instagram
I went on there and I saw everybody posting Zakary this video is dead ass going viral and I'm in the video I saw captions like "why u do this too my bro"
"This is a drug dealer they gone give this man life"
I saw another caption that caught my eye
"I wonder what his girl is doing right now😏"
With a picture of my face zoomed in
It was from a guy named treezymont
I clicked on his page and he had pictures with Zakary oh he must be Zakary friend in his bio it says r.i.p mom
do Zakary tell his friends I'm in his girl?
I just turned off my phone
All this shit like oh my
This shit is going around quick!
i just kept my mind off of it and started watching TV
Minutes later zakary phone started blowing up
I hurried too it and turned the phone off
I looked too my left and I saw kaden coming down the stairs
"Where amarie she still up there?"
I sat back on the couch
"Yeah she fell asleep"
I nodded and laughed
he came and sat by me and started watching TV
He layed his head on my shoulder
"Thank you naomi"
I chuckled "for what kaden fixing your food"
He started laughing
"Nooo for being here I know it sounds kind of weird for me too say but if u wasn't here I would have to go Back to my mom house and I know if I go back I'm not going to be able to come back here and I really don't want too me there a lot of stuff be happening "
I nodded my head
"Stuff like what"
"I really don't know if I should say anything uncle kary told me not to oh yeah thanks for being by my uncle side I feel like if you wasn't here he would go crazy "
I laughed but I'm still kind of wondering about what stuff
"Anything for y'all too y'all both helped me but kaden you know u can tell me anything right ? I want to know what stuff"
At this point he gone more comfortable on me and layed his head on my lap
"You promise you won't tell my uncle?"
"I promise"
I started too play in his hair he has some nice hair I wonder if I can braid it....
" well since  you say u promise my mom house I get hit a lot and I know that kids suppose to get hit when they are in trouble  but some times i don't  even do anything I can just be talking and her boyfriend punches me in my chest I remember he punched me so hard I had to go to the hospital  they lied and said I ran into a counter super fast nd it hit me in my chest.... She told me if I say anything she would beat me until I'm black and blue......"
At this point I felt so bad I don't know what to say
"And also that man not even my dad
My mom let him do anything too me
I never told anyone this but ... He tried to touch me on my wee wee before but I got away and I hurried and called my uncle and told him I got hit but it really was because of that "

I sighed
"Aw I'm so happy you got away from that I'm so happy I wouldn't want you going thru that you hear me?.... Your not going back I promise to you your not"

"But when my mom find out Zakary is in jail she is going to take me back and naomi i don't want to go"
I was really on the urge from crying
"I know baby I know your not going by all means I promise"
After that  we just stopped talking damn I can't believe he really was going through it and even tho he young I know its going too take a toll on him in the future

Right now its like 10 at night like wow time go really fast made had been fell asleep on me amarie is still upstairs sleep
Now I'm just watching FunnyMike on youtube this man is funny when i tell you something he the only youtuber that has me dying
The house phone started ringing I hurried and put kaden too the side and got up I went to answer the phone and it was a call from the jail
I pushed all the buttons too talk to him
His voice ringed through the phone
"Hey Kary "
"Ay Wassup where the kids at"
"They are both sleep wassup how u doing "
"I'm good I'm good I'm only serving about 3 months up in here not that long I'm going to be out soon no worries but I got a lot of stuff I need you too do man like this shit is important"
I sighed
"Yeah I gotchu"
"I need you too write down something"
I went to go grab my phone and went to the notes
"Yeah okay"
"Okay right down 770
"You got that all? Okay thats the password too my phone I need you too get in it and text demontre and tell him who you are and he need to com visit me tmr!  so I can talk too him about certain shit you hear? "
"Yes Zakary"
"I apologize I'm putting a lot on your plate man "
"Its fine you know your video is all over the internet "
"What video?!"
"The one when u was on the ground from the cops"
I can feel him get mad
"Fuck man! Bruh oh my tell demontre he needs too come tmr bruh like asap"
I nodded my head like he could see me
I could hear the man say 1 minute
"Naomi ion got that much time left I just want u too know that I miss y'all bruh dearly imma be out soon no stress no worries "

"I miss yo-
The phone hung up
I just set the phone down
i was really sleepy as ever but before I go to sleep let me do what he say
I grabbed his phone
And sat on the couch I powered the phone on I waited a lil
Till it turned on I put in the password
as soon as I got in a lot of notifications blasted thru the phone like damn this man is in jail y'all act like he can see this shit
I'm talking about miss calls from everybody
I just went to go do what I suppose to do to go text this boy demontre
I finally found is his contact
So I texted him
"Hey umm this is naomi I know you don't know me but I just got done talking too zakary and he wants you too go visit him tomorrow he said asap which mean he really needs you"
I sat my phone down
I looked to the left of me and woke kaden up so he can get up and go to the shower
"Kaden baby get up so u can go to the shower"
He got up and headed upstairs I grabbed the phones
And turned off everything downstairs and went upstairs I grabbed kaden his nightclothes and I saw him sitting on the toilet halfway sleep I set his clothes on the counter and turned on the water
Then I walked out
Amarie was on his bed knocked out I picked her up and took her too my room I  found her some night clothes
Before she went inside the bath I wanted to wake her up
When she was finally woke and I  took her too the bath room and got her undressed
Her clothes was filthy bruh
I put her a the bath and washed her up
I was done with her and got her out then put her clothes on
I walked to the bed and tucked her in
"Do you know how beautiful you are? Don't ever let a boy do you nothing"
I kissed her on top of her head and headed too kaden room he was already sleep in his bed
I went over to where he was
"  i got you baby boy forever and always"
I kissed him on his head I see he left the shower on I turned it off and put his clothes in his laundry basket I went back in my room to get inside the shower

Do y'all like it? Wassup let me know sum I enjoy y'all feedback I can't believe Zakary really in jail
Not that long tho but wait till u find out what happened thooo hope u stay tuned my loves!!!!!!

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