Chapter One: Free at Last

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Kazuki POV

I wake up to a room full of darkness, unsure of what time it is or what day it is. But I have gotten used to that over the past six months, I had to. Such is the joy of being a government prisoner. I get up and stretch, being careful not to trip on anything, although what is there for me to trip on? My own two feet? Well, uh, yes, but that’s not the point here. At eight the light will come on and then I’ll be able to look around my tiny cell. It is small, feels smaller since it holds a bed, desk, chair, and that’s about it. No windows, just a door.

As I stretch the lights come on and the door opens, well that’s new….. the door never opens, like the slot is for food but never full door swinging action. I examine the person in the doorway, tall, old, beard, smiling, oh fuck….

“Well isn’t it my lucky day…” I say with a smirk, “the one and only Vice-Admiral Garp has personally come to see me. Why do I deserve such an honor?”

He chuckles and walks over to me, unchaining me from the wall, but leaving my sea-prism stone cuffs on “Well, you’re getting out Kazuki. Congratulations.”

I blink and follow him. “Out? Did you just say out? That’s impossible Garp, don’t play games with me…..” I squint as I look at him in the face… there aren’t any indications that he is lying.

“No Kazuki, you are…. All dependent on the contract.”

I sigh and roll my eyes “Of course there’s one. Is it worth it? Why bother?”

He stops walking and looks at me “Because I have a favor to ask of you, and no one else can do it.” His tone gets serious and I stop analyzing and look at him.

“Me? A felon? Are you sure?” he nods and I sigh and begin to walk down the hall “Ok Garpy, what am I getting into this time?”

He smirks and follows, “What do you think?”


“No, sorry. But you’ll end up there anyways knowing you”

“Then what is it?” I pause and turn to him, waiting for him to catch up.

“Excitement Kazuki. Excitement.”


I stand on the stern of the ship and let the wind blow through my hair as the sun beats down on my skin. This is what freedom meant for me. Being in that cell killed me a bit, despite the fact that everything was made of sea prism stone, there was no sun, no wind, and no scents. Life was a dull never ending cycle. But now after that meeting with the Board, I’m here on a ship out in the open with no more restraints on me anymore.

Well, there are slight restraints, no one leaves prison scott-free after all. I can’t sail the oceans freely, well not until after I attend New World Academy that is. If I hold up to my promise, I can get back to my purpose. Well, a little side trip never hurt anyone.

“Enjoying the view Kazuki?” I hear Garp say as he comes up behind me

I chuckle and nod turning to him “Yes, very much so. I was almost thinking I would never see this again….” I turn slightly back to the sea. The waves cresting with a soft sea foam, the sounds of the waves crashing against the sides of the boat, the movement of the boat in tune with the waves. No, don’t get emotional now…

Garp smiles and comes to stand next to me “I would hate to take this away from you again, your father would kill me for doing so.”

I roll my eyes and brush a hair behind my ear “Yeah, he would so kick your ass, except this time you won’t be able to catch me Garp. I promise you that” I turn and smirk mischievously up at him.

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