What ever you believe in, whether it's the bible, science or just practically the universe. All of them express the fact that we are gods ourselves. We are the controllers of our reality. Give your worship and praise to yourself. Be selfish. This is not pertaining to greediness, or only looking at situations for how they will effect you. No, the art of selfishness is valuing your time, energy, and up keep etc. Because at the end of the day, who do you have above yourself? Nobody. It's not a whirl of loneliness. Its a whirl of not seeking validation from your no good friends just because your afraid you'll have none. A whirl of being able to leave these dudes on seen because you know they ain't bout nun'. This all goes back to your TIME, ENERGY and UPKEEP. Of you letting other people disrupt your cycle of self worship. You letting how much you care, worry, and emotions disrupt it, And its ok we are only human. We are only perfect ever so often. But a part of self worship is being able to be alone, By yourself. Loving the ground YOU walk on. Enjoying YOUR own company. Because again at the end of the day, who do you have above you? Who has your back like you? Who knows you more than YOU? Who knows every inch of your body and mind, like you? The tiny mole on your shoulder. How it felt when he/she gave you a compliment. You are entitled to your time, energy and upkeep. You are entitled to your emotions regardless the severity of any situation. You are entitled to self expression. You matter. Everyone has a purpose on this earth stop looking for it to be superficial like a singer, doctor, writer, if thats not your passion. On this journey of self worship, and getting to know yourself all the inspiration and joy will flow to you like a rapid river.
playgrl process
SpiritualThis is full of love, acceptance, and guidance for you being your best self. Call it a bad bitch diary but we get in DEPTH ma'am. Follow my aesthetic and rules from my experiences to give you the "purpleprint" to self love, and worth. Let my let dow...