Be unapologetically you.

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Haven't you realized you make the most friends, inspired the most people, and are the most comfortable, when you are being yourself? We are energetic beings people pick up on that. That "let me impress them, let me be they friend" energy is nott attractive. Thats why the people you don't really wanna be yo friend is chasing tf outta you, and this goes for relationships too.
Let me teach you a lul something. Don't put others on a pedestal, nobody is better than you, and you are no better than anyone else. Once you realize that and are fully content with yourself, and who you are, you don't need to be out here impressing this person and that person. Express not impress. Express yourself how your heart desires and watch how many people fuck with you even though in the end none of that matters. Let yourself be the only person you need validation from.

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