Welcome to Disenchanted

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Well hi everyone. 

So I have a lot of ideas in my head. Not for huge stories with complex plots, just simple little short stories.

So here we are.

Welcome to my short story collection. (yeah idk why this name, I just really like the song Disenchanted by MCR, and it sounds pretty yet sad yet beautiful at the same time, and that's basically what most of these stories will revolve around) 

I will try to post weekly, although its not guarenteed. These short stories will be based on lots of things- songs, my daily life, books I've read, etc. 

If a story gets lots of good feedback and I feel like it has potential, I may turn it into a 'novel' or whatever you want to call it. 

As for my previous stories, BMX Love is long gone. I know lots of people enjoy it, and I will keep it up, but it will not be updated anymore. As for I Knew the Band Before You, I would like to try to continue it, but no promises.

So I hope you all like the short stories that will be coming your way very soon. :)


Some stories may be triggering, with topics like death, mental illness, etc. I will not put a warning before each story. So read with caution if you are eaily triggered 

Disenchanted: A Collection of Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now