I Don't Love You

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Summary: A young love once blossomed and died, but now that they have grown, can it work again?

Based loosley on the lyric "I don't love you like I did yesterday'" from I Don't Love You by My Chemical Romance



"I'm so sorry Alice,"  he whispered in my ear.

"It's not your fault Patrick," I replied. We pulled apart after hugging for what seemed like forever. He lightly kissed me, one last time. 

He joined his parents in their beat up mustang. He pulled his shaggy brown hair out of his face, revealing his gorgoues hazel eyes. I saw him sigh through the somewhat tinted window. 

I put up my hand to wave goodbye. Before he could react, his dad hit the gas, and Patrick was gone. He would be across the globe, in London, because that's where his dad's job was being moved to. 

Best frineds for 13 years, young lovers for 4. 

I closed my eyes, and a single tear rolled down my flushed cheek, knowing I would never see him again. 


Present Day/Alice

I set the table for Chirstmas dinner. My 9 year old twins, Maya and Madison, ran around the the table, playing with their new dolls they got for the holiday. My husband, Jacob, sat in front of the TV watching today's news. Outside, it lightly snowed, giving us the perfect cliche Christmas.

As I set the ham down and announced that dinner was finally ready, the doorbell rang, Maya and Madison ran to answer it, I assumed it was my parents, here to deliver the children's presents. 

"MOM!" they soon yelled. "There's a man here who wants to see you." My husband and I met eyes, both of us very confused 

"Start dinner with the girls, the ham will get cold," I said. "I'll be back in a minute."

I walked to the door, and my eyes met the beautiful hazel eyes I knew as a young 17 year old. 

"Alice," he whispered, his voice raspy from the cold. He wore jeans and a light jacket, not the kind of clothing for this weather. 

I felt dizzy. How did Patrick find me?

I stepped outside and shut the door behind me. I shivered as the cold around me attacked my skin. 

A huge smile formed onto his face. His eyes sparkled, despite the awful conditions we stood in.

"Come back to London with me."

"Patrick, you can't just say something like that after not seeing each other for about 20 years. How did you find me?"

"I came back to visit home for a week, I didn't know where you were, so I thought I'd try your childhood home. And here you are."

"Here I am," I said. A shiver ran up my spine and my nose was starting to run. 

"I still love you, Alice." His eyes met mine.. 

"Patrick, I-I have a family now. A husband, two gorgeous girls. I don't love you like I did Patrick." His eyes glossed over with tears, but he refused too let them flow.

He looked at the bay window behind me, and saw Jacob, Maya, and Madision eating dinner. Without uttering a word, he placed a letter into my hand, walked down the walkway towards his car, and got in. 

I waved goodbye, but just like last time, his car drove off before he could respond. 



As I looked out the window at the endless stretch of highway, I knew I was not going to let Alice slip away. I will find her again. 


Present Day/Patrick 

I drove down the highway, with nothing else in sight but trees. Snow was coming down harder. I was driving at 60 mph, and gaining speed. I didn't even put my seatbelt on, I was so mad at myself that i completly forgot.

I let her slip away. I promised myself I wouldn't. I said I would find her in time. Alice was always there for me my whole life, and I let her go. And now she let me go. So we're even right?

70 mph.

The world stopped.

I skidded.

No. I will not go like this.

I grabbed the wheel and spun it as much as possible but it was no use. The whole road was coated with black ice. 

The car did a 360 turn, and hit a tree head-on. I flew out of my seat, and out the window sheild. I landed on a patch of snow, but my head hit a rock. I felt blood oozing out of my head.

It seemed like it took forever for an ambulance to arrive. The EMT yelled at me, to see if I was conscience.

It all made sense now.

I whispered back, "She doesn't love me anymore. Why did I bother?" 

That's when my world stopped. Life was gone. 


Present Day/Alice

I sat watching the news after our meal. Patrick's visit still haunted me. I felt the note in my pocket. I pulled it out. It read:

Dearest Alice,

I've missed you for so long. Can we meet for coffee? 

Call me at 555-0986


I pulled out my cellphone and dialed the number. After a few rings an unknown women answered. 

"Hello?" the women said.

"I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number, I'm looking for Patrick."

"I'm sorry ma'am but Patrick just passed away after enduring a fatal car crash. I'm so sorry."

I droppped the phone. I looked at the TV and saw his totaled car and the headline "Young Man Dies In Fatal Crash".

I let him go once. And I let him go again.

And now there was no getting him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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