The Mystery Of Marietta

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A/N this is fan fiction so a lot of this belongs to J.K. Rowling.So enjoy!!


The delicate framed 11 year old girl sat in a rocking chair tightly clutching a well loved teddy bear. The little girl's name was Marietta Lauren, and her past was a complete mystery. She had been left on the door step of a church as a baby.At first she had been placed with a lovely couple who couldn't have children and had always wanted them.She stayed with them until she was four years old.

That was when she started to scare her adoptive parents.She was able to do things that "normal" people weren't able to.So they sent her to a place where doctors did experiments on her.When they were unable to find a reason for her unnatural abilities, they sent her to an institution.That's where she has been since she was five years old.She didn't like it here, it was scary.A lot of the other people there had struggles that were unsettling to a little girl.

Also the conditions of the institution were horrible.It was dirty and there was very little food.The little girl was rarely allowed to shower and only had the clothes on her back.She couldn't stand the smell of herself or her surroundings.She was lonely all the time, and the people who worked there were mean to her.Sometimes they would even hit her.

So when one of the day shift workers came in and said she had a visitor, she was shocked.She had never once had someone come to see her here.She was so nervous she felt sick, so she cuddled her teddy closer,and pulled her knees up to her chest.Then the door opened and a tall man with long white hair and an equally long beard entered the room.The man looked around in disgust before his eyes landed on the small child in the chair and his expression softened.

He went and knelt down by the frightened child and softly said hello Marietta my name is Albus Dumbledore I'm here to take you to a nice school,and you'll never have to come back here again.The little girl started to cry and threw her arms around the kind looking man's neck.The older gentlemen gently stroked the girl's hair that was so dirty you couldn't even tell what color it was.Then he rubbed her back in soothing circular motions, before cradling her gently to his chest and apparating away with her to Hogwarts.

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