Chapter Three

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       Over the next month the little girl spent the majority of her time glued to Severus' side.It was highly amusing to everyone but Dumbledore, that the little girl sought comfort from the potions master.Dumbledore however knew that Severus had a good heart if one could but reach it.Marietta followed him everywhere watching his every move.At first it was unnerving for the man in black,but he quickly became accustomed to it.The little girl very rarely spoke,just observing her surroundings in silence.Severus found his hardened heart melting over this sweet little girl.Though he had no idea why she chose him of all people to cling to.He found himself wanting to take care of her.She quickly became like a daughter to him.

      September first came and Dumbledore thought it best for Sev. to take Marietta to the train with the other first years.In the hopes that the little girl would make friends.Marietta however was very upset by this idea.She had been sobbing silently and clinging to Severus' leg ever since Dumbledore told her.It was an utterly heartbreaking scene.Once at the platform Severus knelt down and gently took the small girl into his arms.Shh Mari, don't cry.It's  going to be fun.You're going to make lots of friends and I have something for you.Severus then pulled a gorgeous red calico kitten.So you can have something to keep you company. The little girl gasped he's mine?I can keep him?Yes Marietta he's all yours Sev. assured the girl gently.Mari grinned and said I'm going to name him Severus!! Snape just smiled in amusement at her choice in name, but he was also strangely touched.

       He helped her get settled in a compartment before going back to Hogwarts,trying to ignore his anxiety about Mari.

                                       Meanwhile on the train.........

          Marietta sat hugging her new kitten tightly,feeling lonely and sad.Just then there was a knock on the compartment door.A boy with fire red hair asked if he could sit with her.She very shyly nodded and he grinned, happily plopping himself down in the seat across from her.The boy's name was Charlie Weasley,and he immediately liked the tiny girl who looked scared.He knew they were probably the same age,as he was a first year as well,but the girl across from him was incredibly small.Charlie very swiftly won Marietta over as he was funny and sweet.Awhile into the trip there was another knock.This time a girl who appeared to be their age entered.She had bright bubble gum pink hair.Hi I'm Nymphadora Tonks!! Call me that though and I'll hex you, call me Tonks!! Can I sit here?Charlie said sure and introduced her to Mari.They spent the rest of the trip talking and having fun.The other two felt very protective of Marietta.She was quiet and never laughed, they both decided then and there to be here friends and make her happy.

         They changed into their robes when they were almost there.Marietta was a ball of nerves,and was thankful for her new friends.She sat between them on the boat,she was afraid of the lake.Ever since one of the asylum nurses held her head in the tub as a punishment when she was little,she was afraid of anything but showers.Her friends hugged her between them as her whole body shook with fright.Then they arrived at the castle,it was time for the sorting.

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