Chapter Two

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      I took us to the hospital wing at Hogwarts, knowing that the little girl would need to be examined. Madam Pomfrey who had been reading at her desk immediately looked up at the sound of our entrance. She gasped when she saw the little girl I was holding. Albus who is this and what has happened to her?She whispered quietly to me. When she spoke Marietta locked eyes on her and started screaming blood curdling screams.

       As we were attempting to calm the little girl, the doors burst open and a group of staff came rushing in. All of them had looks of deep concern etched on their faces.Then one of the teachers,a man with greasy black hair and black robes stepped forward.He watched the girl carefully for a moment, before gently kneeling down beside her, intentionally blocking her view of the nurse.

        Immediately after her view was blocked she quit screaming,but her eyes remained guarded.Severus softly assured her that she was safe and that no one would hurt her here.He could tell though from her expression that she wasn't willing yet to trust anyone.After she was sufficiently calmed he went to stand up, but the child surprised him by frantically grabbing his hand.He looked down at her and softly said Poppy won't hurt you, but I have to go so that you can get cleaned up.The girl squeezed his hand harder and the look in her eyes hurt his heart.

         If I stay a little longer will you let Poppy examine you? Tears filled her eyes but she very reluctantly nodded.The nurse came over and checked the young girl out the best she could.The little one was covered in filth and blood and bruises.So she did what she could and then gave Marietta a sleeping potion.They all sighed when the potion took effect.Marietta only let go of Severus' hand when she fell unconscious.For a few minutes he just looked at her, before silently getting up and leaving the room.

          Madam Pomfrey and professor Mcgonagal gently bathed the incredibly tiny and skeletal little girl.Both were thankful for magic, as it was a very big job.There was so much grime covering the child it made both women want to cry.Finally though, the little girl was clean and dry, and they put her in fresh pajamas.Dumbledore came back into the hospital and smiled when he saw the girl peacefully sleeping.Something caught his attention and his smile grew.She's a metamorphmagus this is a surprise.What caused him to say that was because when her hair was clean it was a beautiful light purple.What will we do with her Albus?From what we've seen I highly doubt the girl is ready yet for school.We will just have to wait and see Minerva, we have a month still until school starts.

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