The sun slowly began to rise like every other morning but this morning was not like the others, this morning the sky was filled with smoke. The last city in the northern kingdoms, the capital of Harrow now lies in ruins as fires burn uncontrollably. Corin a demon alchemist cleaned his sword while standing next to a crumbled wall surrounded by dead or dying hybrids while he mutters with hate in his voice, filthy fucking creatures! He hears a noise and looked up with sword at the ready but breathes a sigh of relief when he sees his fellow alchemist walk up with their heads held low covered in dirt and blood whether it be their own or that of whomever had fallen to them Corin was not sure. First to appear is Damien the closest thing that many people would deem a best friend in the days of late. Standing just a head shorter than Corin his long curly hair stuck together with what appeared to be his own blood and dirt. He appears in front of his friend with the look of triumph and but clearly full of deep sadness as he spoke.
The last of the demons have been dealt with along with any hybrids with the second group that attacked, we managed to cut them off and catch them off guard. He is followed by 3 other alchemist, Gale the tallest of the alchemist, a man of pure strength and a hot temper to go with it. Then the twins Lexi and Sai, though they did not look like twins nor were they related but they always knew what the other was thinking. As Corin finally stands while looking around at the burning buildings he turns and asks his trusted friend questions and feared that for once in his life he already knew the answers to.
Damien tell me the truth did anyone else survive the onslaught? What of the elders? He clenches his fist tightly as he stomachs the ability to ask the final part of his question, What of my son? And with a grim look on his face while not being able to maintain eye contact with his friend and mentor Damien was attempting to keep his composure as he replied No.
There are no other survivors, we are all that's left. I'm sorry old friend I was too late to help, I am deeply for your loss he said as he handed corin a hand carved wooden necklace now stained with blood. Rage filled Corin's very being as he clutched it tightly in his hand and tears that gave off steam ran down his face.
Lexi stood forward placing her hands on both of their shoulders trying to comfort them but she as well like them is overcome with grief and exhaustion but managed to finally say what she believed to be their next logical move. The council must be informed of this treachery at once my lord. So many different royals could be to blame but without the support of the...She stammers trying her hardest to not break down at the sight of their home but quickly and harshly Corin cuts her off as he brushes the front of his Mohawk out of his face as he turns to face his fellow Alchemist showing them a lycrine crystal he pulled out of his front pocket.
I have sealed one of the demons during the fight and I made sure that at least one hybrid stuck around pointing to a bloodied and beaten hybrid staked to a wall, so we have all the proof we need.
Gale swings his staff over his shoulder while looking at the others questionably as he calmly spoke to his fellow alchemists; and what exactly are we going to do if the council won't support us?
Sai sadly being the shortest of the alchemist but the quickest as well the most logical of them steps forward looking directly at Corin with hallowed hope in his eyes as he fought to hold back the tears that could easily extinguish all of the flames within the fallen city.
He angrily speaks, With this proof how could they not support us and inquire with the other royals? Surely they will once we present them what we have been through and show them these two. Corin placing his hand on Sai's shoulder with a faint smile on his face as he took a few steps forward staring at the ruins that was once their home, then turning facing his fellow alchemists and with a sense of certainty,
if they don't we will do what must be done because unlike the demons and hybrids we have the fortitude and conviction to do what is necessary. But first we have one last duty to our kin that we must accomplish.
They all nodded and walked together towards the crumbled hall of their Elders as the sun rose displaying the carnage and severe damage done to their home.
6 days and 6 nights have passed since the attack and the five remaining alchemist arrived at the capital of their country, known as the oldest location within all of the lands other than the western kingdoms of the demons. Simply called the City of the Elders, all of the neighboring kingdoms and lands Elders reside here with their families and personal guards. The main bulk of the capitals army is also located here but with smaller stations and brigades located at several locations. Not just anyone can join the capitals forces only the most powerful warriors and Mages were allowed to join the army for they not only guard the elders of each nation and kingdom, but they protect all of the lands recorded history. The City of the Elders also is the home of the Royal council. The council comprises of elder demons, elder hybrids, and humans that help maintain order throughout the lands and kingdoms. The Royals being representatives that have been selected to serve on the council in which is where many of the nations problems are solved through diplomacy rather than war as such was the ways of old many years ago. But on this day the last human alchemists approach the council chamber with hopes that they will support an investigation of the royals on the counsel if found they had even a finger involved in the slaughter of their kin and destruction of their home. Today there is an emergency meeting of the council of Elders to discuss the recent attacks happening throughout the lands and the rumors of a possible attack on the northern region.
Rushing ahead of corin and the others sai walks backwards attempting to appeal to his fellow alchemists and their logic as they quickly approached the council chambers and with a worried expression on his face that matched the stressed concerned tone of his voice states the obvious to his kin.
But Corin we weren't invited so technically we can't just barge in like this, doing so won't help our cause at all! Damien glances at Sai and simply replies in a harsh and scolding tone; I don't think he cares and neither do I Sai! As corin glares straight ahead at the council chamber doors with anger in his voice moving sai aside as the air around him slowly started to get warmer with every step he took.
No I don't care and neither should you after what happened to our home, our kin! As they approach the council chambers the guards stood in formation with their shields in front of them blocking their path to council while the lieutenant steps forward in front of his men with his hand on his swords hlit ready to draw it if need be and yells to them.
Halt! The council is in session..but before the lieutenant could say anything else with one smooth motion corin slams his hands to the ground using his alchemy, blue and red light like lighting shot across the floor and crackles underneath the very spot on the ground in which the guards stood. Corin yelled pouring his energy into his alchemy causing the ground to suddenly raise and launch the guards out of the way clearing their path to the chamber doors, with another smooth motion and simple changing of his hand placement corin again used his alchemy to change the ground where the guards once stood to raise shaping itself into a battery ram. Gale stepped up behind Corin as he pulled his his right arm back as what appeared to be blue lighting emitting from his fist as Gale punched the battery ram with what appeared to be the strength of a god. And with a hefty grunt he dislodges the battery ram from the rest of the ground it was once still attached too slamming it into the counsel chamber doors completely destroying them. What was left of the once ancient mighty doors began to crumble and fall apart along with the frame itself. Dust and rubble filled the chambers for the first time in many centuries catching many of the elders and royals off guard.
Elder Isha the hybrid Grand Elder, the first hybrid ever created during the Great War. He was once a Lycanthrope but his blood was mixed with that of a pure blooded demon from one of the oldest demon houses in an attempt to make their kind more efficient and effective against demons warriors and human combatants. He was the first utter anything as the dust began to settle. What is the meaning of this! He proclaimed filled with complete shock and surprise at this outbreak of events.
Elder Muran the current demon Grand Elder, The first demon to be named as Elder he with others led the main force during the Great War. He is nearing the end of his rule as his health has begun to slowly fail due to war injuries in his days during the great war. He is the second to raise his voice in the chambers, quickly bodyguards! Soldiers to arms!
And Elder Kans, the current Human given the title of Grand Elder, he hails from the southern part of the Eastern region. Home to mages and demon hunters alike he has fought his fair share of battles with the scars and wisdom to show. He simply raises his hands while they glow bright with fire as he mutters incantations ready for a fight. The royal bodyguards and soldiers flood the chamber as they stack behind one another in formation ready for combat. Just as the dust completely settles they see Corin followed by the four other alchemists, staring at the show of force among the frightened royals who have clearly never seen combat let alone held a weapon in their lives.
Identify yourselves at once or face the might of the Elder city! Elder Muran shouts at them as corin steps forward shouting back in return.
I am Corin the Alchemist of the northern region and these are my fellow Alchemist, corin looks back at the others for a moment then glares back at the council with a burning rage in his heart. We are the last of the alchemist of the entire Northern region hailing from the capital of Harrow, a week ago tomorrow our home fell under attack by an unknown force that came with the strength just short of main forces in this very capital. We five are the only survivors of the onslaught.
Grand Elder Kans stared at Corin in disbelief as he lowered his hands halting his magic. As what color was left slowly faded from his face he stammered as he asked the alchemists for the answer he dreaded more than mortality itself. What of the Elders? The capital of Harrow? Elder Kans softly asks.
Lexi and Sai both step forward and bow to their Grand Elder, and in unison spoke; It is with great sadness and regret in our hearts that we inform you they all fell in battle against the horde they announced as tears ran down their faces. This news shook the very room itself more than the battering ram could ever have.
All were lost in the attack? Grand Elder Kans repeats to himself as he falls back into his chair with a vacant expression on his face. The alchemists each stood there silently their heads hung low in shame but not Corin, he stood there with pride and hatred.
As deviating as this news is Grand elder Muran said while maintaining eye contact with Corin and the alchemists, it does not excuse or negate the fact you all just assaulted the city guards and forced your way into the council chambers.
Grand elder Isha nods his head in agreement as he glares down at the alchemists. Yes he says with a sneer tone in his voice, despite the reasons in which you all came here we can not overlook the method in which you arrived.
Corin with anger in his voice spoke loudly and cuts off the Grand elder before he can finish speaking. The main body of the forces that attacked our home was comprised of hybrids bearing the mark of King Liam and demons bearing the mark of the Western regions honor guard! They came in force with two battalions armed with weapons, armor, and using magic not seen since the Great War.
What proof do you have of this? I demand proof! Yelled the now King Liam, it was obvious to corin he either didn't recognize him or even remembered who he was at all. The last time corin had seen him was only a brief moment before he left with Lady Xina to continue his training.
I too demand proof! There is no reason for us to believe these humans. Yelled Montress as he glares menacingly at the alchemists. It was very clear he didn't hold humans in high regard let alone care for humans at all but none of the alchemists flinched at these outcries.
It was obvious to corin and the alchemists that they were questioning their honor based on the fact they were humans. Lexi walked forward dragging the captured hybrid into the council chambers by the chain they made for him. Here is your proof my King! One of your loyal subjects! She kicks him in the lower portion of his back causing him to fall to his knees. Then Corin pulls the lycrine crystal out of his front shirt pocket then tossing it into the air and slamming both hands together then quickly placing one of his hands on the ground using his alchemy to unseal the demon from his prison. Both still bloodied and vastly beaten from being captured somehow still managed the strength to cackle together.
No that's Andri! Free him at once!! Screamed Alexia a new face among those in the council chamber but a she was a familiar face to corin and the other alchemist. Clearly here as a bodyguard for one of the Royals given her attire and she had short hair but corin was constantly haunted by the look on her face and the sound of her voice the day she left his life most nights. If not for that fact alone he wouldn't have recognized her from first glance. Alexia had broken ranks in an attempt to reach the hybrid she called Andri but before she had taken a step past the first rank of soldiers weapons she was stopped immediately and struck with fear as corin appeared right in front of her in a blink of an eye without making any noise save the harsh change in the air around the soldiers, he stood with his sword drawn and calmly directed at her chest. How is he......a mere human so fast? Stated Elder Muran as he looked at corin in disbelief.
I was barely able to track his movements how can this be? Elder Isha said quietly as he stated, both elders filled of fear and wonder to how a mere human was able to move at such speed.
I think not pup Corin says calmly with his sword still honed in on her heart. He has questions to answer and no one is going to get in the way. Alexia stares into corins eyes while holding back tears as she stood in shock as corin calmly turns around and slowly walks towards Andri.
Now that I know your name Andri Corin says with a irritated tone in his voice, you're going to tell me and the council why you attacked our people now!
Andri glares at him as he laughs then says; Oh Alchemist? What would you like me to say? That we did what our elders refuse to do? To rid us of the only ones that can fight and kill us? He spits blood in corins direction as he slowly yet calmly closes the gap between them.
Gale lowers his staff onto andris shoulder while sternly giving him a warning. You may want to choose your next words carefully beast or it will be your last.
The Demon prisoner laughed out loud and yelled boldly to the alchemists. Our last what? You don't scare us! Your kind are all but extinct now and we can finally make our move!!!
By this time Corin had closed the gap between him and Andri while placing his sword gently on his shoulder as he calmly looked Andri in the eyes as he spoke. Andri this is your last chance to answer me honestly. Why did you and the others attack our people?!
Laughing more loudly then before he looked Corin in the eyes as he yelled, oh wouldn't you like to know? But I will tell you this alchemist, your son tasted very ....but before he could finish his sentence a gust of wind emitted from Corin again catching everyone off guard and as everyone looked back at him his sword was now at his side but when Alexia looked back at Andri his head was gone, blood was shooting from his neck and his head now lay at Corins feet. Alexia screamed as she charged at Corin with her sword drawn but Damien stepped forward blocking her path to Corin while placing one hand on the ground using his alchemy created a cage around her blue lighting crackling around the cage as it formed. Not so fast young pup Damien says as he draws his sword, At the same time Gale striked the ground with his fist creates a strong wall between them and the guards giving his fellow alchemists protection from attack, Lexi drops to her knees as she placed her hands on the ground in front of the demon using her alchemy seals the demon again in the crystal prison. Very quickly Sai stepped back placing his hands on the wall as he yelled pouring his energy into his alchemy as he causes parts of the wall to form strong pillars that shot out from the walls trapping the guards on the upper levels. Corin turned slowly and stared alexia in the eyes as he threw the blood stained handmade wooden necklace at her feet, she looked at it instantly recognizing it. can't be....she muttered softly as tears ran down her face uncontrollably. Corin slowly walked toward alexia as he spoke with anger in his voice, Yes it is and your "friend" was involved in his murder. Him along with many others came into our homeland and killed everyone without hesitation or mercy, We fought for a whole day and night trying to save who we could but we five are all that's left and All that is left of our home is crumbled buildings and ash!
Gale gently places his hand on the ground lowering the wall he created as he spoke next. We came here to seek the councils help with an investigation to find the true threat.
Because it's clear now that they will not stop at just us. The demon hunters of the eastern region are most likely their next target Lexi said as she calmly put the crystal in her robe pocket.
We intend on heading there to stop them ourselves Damien said standing up still with his swords drawn.
From the shadows Sai steps forwarded his head held low as he speaks, With or without the councils help or consent if need be to avenge our fallen.
Corin walked up to the cage staring alexia in the eyes pointing his sword at her as he spoke once again with the same anger filled tone, and anyone that gets in our way will be dealt with as such. No matter who they may be. Staring into her eyes still pointing his sword at her as tears runs down her face.
This isn't the place for someone as green as you pup, war isn't kind or forgiving by any means and when you let your emotions get the best of you.......but before he could finish his sentence Corin is cut off by a familiar voice. Corin that is enough!! Corin turned to see a familiar face, Lady Keira. He stared at her with a blank yet aggressive expression while still pointing his weapon straight at alexia's face. He hadn't seen her for quite some time now because Lady Keira is the next demon in line to become the next demon grand elder so naturally she would be busy. She stood just a bit shorter than Corin with short black hair, demonic tattoos covering her arms, she was wearing a not so formal attire like always but being the oldest and most powerful demon known of at the time not many were stupid nor brave enough to attempt to correct her.
She maintained eye contact with Corin as she spoke calmly but sternly to him. My darling you have made your point and enough blood has been shed of late not to mention that your fellow Alchemists along with yourself must be exhausted given the circumstances. You may stay in my estate for now till the council can integrate the demon you have captured, Miss Lexi if you please release him so that my guards may take custody of him, she calmly asked Lexi without breaking eye contact with Corin.
Lexi looked at Corin with a worried look but Corin nodded his head letting her know it was ok to do as she says. Of course my Lady she replied as she took the crystal out of her robes tossing it in the air then places her hands on the floor and summons the demon in front of Lady Keira and her guards.
The demon prisoner being released from his prison once again began to say something but when he looked up spitting more blood out forward as he attempted to speak he only then realized too late that it's not whom he expected to be standing in front of him. My.....My.....My Lady the demon stammered with fear, the deep red color leaving his eyes. A demon from the outskirts of my lands one of the smaller cities if I'm correct based on your accent she stated as she glared at him intensely as the demons blood seeps into her clothes, Guards take him below I shall be there shortly. Her guards bowed then proceeded to take the demon by each arm as he begins kicking and screaming while they drag him through another set of doors but his screams were still clearly audible as the doors slam shut.
Are you still located in the same area of the city my Lady Keira? Corin asked as he finally stored his sword. Yes Corin I'll have Lady Xina escort you all there, I am sure you five are exhausted after fighting and traveling for so long.
Corin simply shrugs then gestures to the others to head outside, Of course my Lady you have our thanks. He bowed then turned to leave glaring at Alexia.After the Alchemist had left the council chambers Lady Keira turned back around muttering an incantation while kneeling and softly placing her hand on the floor focusing her energy into her demon magic to repair the damage done by Corin and the Alchemist.
Once all the damage was repaired she stood as she sighed, she looked up to the Grand Elders as she said in a happy tone. Now that the excitement is over with let us find out what this demon knows shall we? Elder Muran spoke up as Lady Keira began to walk to where her guards took the prisoner.
I must have been hit by some debris when the alchemist broke the doors down and forced their way into our hall because I don't remember passing my authority over due to the very important fact that I yet still have life in me Lady Keira!
No my dear Grand Elder but this is a serious matter that needs to be addressed before those warriors go on their own tearing up the country trying to find the answers that we could easily get here and save us the trouble having to try to fight them stated Lady Keira.
Grand Elder Kans held up his hands preventing Elder Muran from responding. She does make a valid point, we have the demon prisoner and we all heard what the hybrid prisoner said before his demise he clearly admitted to being apart of the attack. I suggest we have a demon and hybrid representative attend the integration with Lady Keira leading the investigation. Does the council concur?
Many of the royals as well the council conversed and nodded with approval as Grand Elder Isha stood looking at King Liam; King Liam you and Lord Montress shall attend the investigation with us and Lady Keira.
King Liam stood then bowed to the Grand Elders as he spoke; I concur with this arrangement but I do have one question of you Lady Keira if you may.
Yes King Liam? How can I enlighten you?
I know your kingdom has always had good relations with the north so am I correct in assuming that it was your demons that taught the alchemists how to use their alchemy in the manner they demonstrated today. Knowing how to seal, combat, and kill both demon and hybrid as well possibly augment their natural abilities because I've never seen a human move with such speed or any alchemist so skilled to be able to fend off such a force that they described to us today.
Lady Keira looked directly at King Liam and with an un-usual serious tone even for her she simply responded. No my dear I taught only one human Alchemist how to better utilize their magic and alchemy in combat during the Great War so in return for the knowledge I shared with her as well as a few of her fellow alchemists that happened to be willing to fight along side with our forces during the Great War, she looked down as if trying to keep her composure then continues her answer; her being one of many who never returned from the final fateful battle at the forbidden lands under the stewardship of Lord Montress.
King Liam stared at Lady Keira in confusion and turned quickly to where the alchemists had left as he began to shake uncontrollably then he uttered, So what you are telling me is that is the son of......
Yes darling she replied sternly, that is him armed with the same knowledge, skills, and combat techniques passed on from his mother and father. The perfect Alchemic warrior stated Lady Keira with a strong sense of pride in her voice.
With King Liam still in shock of this revelation the demon Grand Elder Muran stood up looking directly at Lady Keira clearly upset at this knowledge just reaching the council. King Liam responded finally finally have regained his stature and composure, Very well than, I concur with Lady Keira when shall we begin the interrogation my Lady?
Oh I was gonna start now with or without anyone I owe young Corin and his Alchemist that much especially after learning of their loss Lady Keira happily responded but just then Alexia spoke up attempting to be heard.
She bowed before her still in the cage that the alchemists Damien had made stopping her from attacking Corin. My lady may I be present for the interrogation?
And what makes you think you should be there youngling? She responds as she snaps her fingers causing the cage that held her crumble into dust.
But My Lady I know I am new here but..Lady Keira cut her off almost immediately and harshly.
My dear you will not be there for you are still young, have no experience in the ancient art of interrogation, and lastly not to mention the most important reason which is you have no business being there what's so ever young pup. She walked up and whispered into Alexia's ear with a angry yet calm tone of voice; And given your history with Lord Corin it's for your safety that you are not involved with this youngling. Alexia now full of fear and terror respond, yes..yes my lady as she trembles and tears run down her face.

Corin The Alchemist
ActionRaised to move and kill silently with a vast knowledge in alchemy using minerals and other methods to transmute on the run and in the heat of battle, Corin having spent most of his young life training and fighting. He has learned many different form...