Chapter 1. Get It Together

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Aaron Turner


"If y'all are gonna work here, there's some rules you gotta follow" A tall dark skin man scolded as Saint and I stood next to each other - shoulder to shoulder.

"Darius, you know us" I tried to explain but he raised his finger to his lips and shushed me. It wasn't until one of the workers in his car shop walked passed and offered him a blunt that he loosened up a bit.

"That don't mean shit. You in LA and this is an entire different ball game. I'm not your brother and I won't be handing out money like candy. You gonna work for this" Darius said sternly.

It was the most serious I had ever seen him and it scared me a little bit as I looked around at all of the dangerous items just sitting around.

"Ron, i'm gonna put you on inventory duty. You gon be making runs for me when I need it considering your condition" Darius said and I rolled my eye.

"I can still drive, i'm not cripple or nothing like that" I said and he paused for a moment before nodding his head.

"So..what are the rules?" Saint inquired as his eyes followed a dark skin woman with colorful braids who wore a pair of shorts that looked like her ass was eating them up.

"First rule, no fraternizing with the customers!" Darius exclaimed as he slapped Saint up in the back of the head. I turned away to hide my laughter but not before Darius turned his gaze to me like I was next.

"Always be on time, y'all just like everybody else. No smoking in my establishment and keep the drama at home" Darius said as he puffed on a blunt in our face.

I cleared my throat and gestured to what he was smoking and he seemed confused. "Why the fuck your hand in my face lil nigga?" Darius questioned.

"Because you smoking. That's why" I replied and Darius looked me over before handing the blunt off to someone else.

"Do as I say and not as I do" He replied and I smacked my teeth and waved him off. There was no way this man was a big drug dealer at some point, no way in hell.

"Well we here. Anything you need us to do?" Saint asked and Darius looked at the time on his watch.

"I'm a start y'all in the morning. I gotta go to my sons football game and I won't be around to see how shit goes. Rest up for tomorrow" Darius said as he walked off leaving Saint and I standing alone.

We both waited until he was far enough away to bust out laughing. I really wasn't trying to get fired from this job but there was no way in hell I was about to be able to take Darius serious as my boss.

"His son really play football? He already slow like his daddy, they gon knock the lil sense he got in his body out" Saint said causing me to laugh even harder.

Once I regained my composure, Saint and I ran as quick as possible out of our new work place before Darius could change his mind and ask us to do some shit.

The warm California weather hit my skin and I found myself stretching my arms out wide as I inhaled the weed filled atmosphere.

"Ah!" I yelled loudly before standing up straight while Saint side eyed me.

"You alright?" He asked and I smiled and nodded my head enthusiastically.

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