47 4 1

I woke up on the living room sofa, Mike sprawled on the floor. I checked the time, 9;47am, ugh, who gets up at this time? I stood up and walked into my bathroom, stripped off and got in the shower. My hot water cascaded down my damaged body, it felt so relaxing. I began to sing Second & Sebring,
I believe it's time for me to be famous,
And out of place.
I believe it's time for me to move forward,
When I break through.

This time I'll make you,
Proud to see me over, come on daylight.

Proud of, who you raised.

Your shelter, your peacefulness.

So this time I'll make you proud.

Proud of, who you raised up.
You know that I will,
Always be here 'til the end.

I turned the shower off and wrapped my hair up in a towel and covering my body. I pulled open my bathroom door and Vic was sitting at the end of my bed,
"What are you doing in here?" I asked
"You're a good singer Frank" Vic said ignoring my question, I blushed and grabbed my clothes,
"Vic turn around" and he obeyed. I slipped my ripped, black skinny jeans on and my Of mice&men tank top, along with my new black vans and my wristbands.

I tapped Vic on the shoulder, and we headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a banana before sitting at the island. Jaime came and sat next to me, grabbing an apple and taking a big bite out of it. I really wanna dye my hair today, maybe pastel green?
"Hey Jaime, will you help me dye my hair please, I just need to get bleach and the colour" I grinned; he nodded and grabbed the UV keys. We stopped outside the shopping centre and I skated ahead on my long board, Jaime running behind me. I stopped outside Manic Panic! shop, hopped off my board walked inside. The shop was nearly empty, apart from some boys who looked my age getting some piercings or shit. I walked over to where the hair dye was placed on the shelves, the lightest green was way on the top shelf, and there was no way of my reaching that without a ladder. Just then, a hand grasped for the green dye and placed it in my outstretched palms. I looked up and it was one of the boys who were getting piercings. He was pretty hot, I'm not gonna lie.
"Erm thanks" I murmured, ugh anxiety.
"It's okay, you're pretty cute yano" oh thanks dude, I am now the colour of a stop sign, "can I get your number?"
"Yeah sure, what's your name?" I said typing my number into his phone, saving the name as 'Frankie the ice queen'.
"I'm Jack, and you?" He had a slight American accent, god what's it with Americans and Mexicans round here?
"I'm Frankie, and since my friend is nowhere to be seen how about I get a new piercing" I smirked, I already had a 12mm stretcher in one ear and a septum piercing, but I've always wanted a smiley. Jack walked over to the bed and I laid down before a dude with tons of tattoos and two really white gloves walked over and asked where I wanted pierced.

The man gently placed the metal tongs in my mouth and slid a needle though them before placing a metal bar in the hole. It hurt like hell, but I could bare it. I paid the man and walked out the shop with Jack and his friend Rian, Jack turned to me,
"Smile then beautiful" so I did, to which he grinned and snaked his arm around my waist. Rian went to buy starbucks, so it was just me and Jack, fuck know where Jaime went. I looked up into Jacks eyes and he looked at my lips, he started to lean in,
"Ohmygod! It's Jack Barakat!" A whiny voice screamed, completely ruining the moment, thanks bitch.
Jack turned to where the voice was coming from and smiled when three girls about 14 walked up to him. He smiled and took some pictures with them, weird. Two of the girls gave me dirty looks before going back to talking to Jack. One of the girls walked up to me, she had piercing blue eyes and a smaller stretcher than mine.
"Hey, if you're with Jack I'm happy for you and him. You're really pretty could you follow me on twitter please?" she nervously smiled, she gave me her twitter name and we took some pictures before the girls walked off. I got a text from Jamie,
From Hime-Time,
Hey darling, I met one of my friends at nandos so I'll be late, you can skate home, love ya you weirdo x

Oh he's so generous, I groaned and Jack asked what was wrong, I told him and he suggested we headed back to his place.
"My friend Alex can dye your hair if you want, you'd get along with him" He laughed,
"Leggo get on the front of my longboard" I said, he sat down with my dye in his hands and I skated to his house. Okay, it wasn't a house, it was a fucking mansion.
"Jack your house is fuckin-" Jacks lips slammed against mine, I kissed back, then it was over. I stood there awkwardly.
"I was gonna do it earlier, and I could wait for another time" He grinned, and we headed inside his house.

Hey so I hope you like this chapter, sorry its short.
Twitter- @calsupinmygrill
Instagram- PTV_KENZIE

Love yous, stay strong, I love you.

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