Chapter 3

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Sorry I haven’t updated for a while, I’ve been a bit busy

-also I’m sorry for any weird grammar; I’m from England so I say words differently from America haha.


“Vic!” I shout and as on command he comes running in,

“What Frankie?” he asks

“Can we go shopping pretty please” I pout and flap my eyelashes

“Yeah okay, I need some new vans actually”

I ran upstairs and got changed into my blue skinnies and a simple tee. When I got downstairs Vic was already waiting for me, he opened the door and we got a taxi into the mall. The first shop we headed to was the Vans store and we both brought a pair of Vans. Vic brought a pair of black ones with a white strip in the middle and I brought a pair of rusty red ones. As we came out of the shop we spotted Tony and Mike coming out of a music shop, we called them over and they told us that they had to go, but we should head into the music store. After they went me and Vic decided to go in, the shop was called ‘waves and beats’, when we got in the walls were lines with guitars and bass’. In the corner were three drum kits and on the counter lay drumsticks and guitar picks. Vic was scouring the bright red walls until he lifted a green electric guitar with black paint dripping down it. I on the other hand spotted a navy blue drum kit in the far corner, it was beautiful and I was going to get it. I scuffled over to the counter, my shoes squeaking on the bleach white floor.

“Hey could I purchase the blue drum kit in the far corner please?” I asked the teenage boy, he looked up and his piercing green eyes stared into my grey ones, he smiled and walked over to the kit,

“This one?” He motioned towards it,

“Yes please, can I get it delivered” I said as we walked back over to the counter and filled out all my details, it came to £380, the kit was £365 and I brought some new black sticks. After I filled out my address and paid Vic popped up next to me with the green guitar in his hand.

“Hey can I buy this guitar please?” Vic asked the dude behind the counter,

“Yeah sure, that’s £407” The green eyed boy said,

Vic handed the worker the money and we walked out the shop. After about 10 minutes of deciding where to go next we eventually sat down in a Costa Café. I ordered a red berry fruit tea, and Vic ordered a coffee.

“Hey I never knew you played drums” Vic said breaking the silence

“Yeah I’ve been playing since I was 7, so about nin-twelve years” I replied trying to hide the fact I almost said I was 16, “I never knew you played guitar!” I stated, taking a slurp of my tea,

“Yeah, I’ve been playing since I was 7, and my brother Mike has been playing drums since he was 5” Vic said.

“That’s cool, so are you in a band or anything?” I asked

“Yes, me, Mike, Tony and Jaime are in a band called Pierce the veil, we’re actually touring with Bring me the horizon at the moment.” Vic told me. Wait if they’re touring with BMTH that mean I’m going to see them play tomorrow night,

“That’s amazing Vic, I’m actually going to see them play tomorrow, so does that mean I’m gonna see you play?” I asked. Vic nodded and smiled, we got up and walked around the shops buying other things before heading back to my house. When we got through the door Mike and Jaime were sitting on the couch playing call of duty.

“How did you guys get in here? “I asked

“You shouldn’t leave the keys under the mat” Tony shouted from the kitchen. Note to self, hide the keys in a better place. I chucked my bags on the stairs before heading into the kitchen. Tony was rummaging through the fridge.

“Yo turtle, what you doing?” I said,

“Well I’m hungry so I thought I’d grab some food, is that okay?” he asked, sort of worried I’d shout at him,

“Yeah it’s fine, will you help me carry my bags up the stairs please?” I questioned. Tony walked over to the stairs and grabbed 3 of my bags from shopping, jumping up the stairs with me following behind. I led him into my room and chucked my bags onto my bed. I started pulling out new clothes that I brought today and shoving then in my new red vans bag, then placed it next to my blue bag.

“How come you’re putting all your clothes into those bags?” Tony asked,

“Erm, I’m travelling for a bit while my parents are away” I didn’t entirely lie, I mean I am gonna be travelling on the road. Tony looked at me for a brief moment before sitting on my bed,

“You’re lying, I can tell by your eyes, and you look at the floor. Tell me what you’re really doing” Tony whispered loudly. I didn’t know if I wanted to tell him everything about me, one part of me trusted Tony more than the other boys, and the other half told me to keep quiet.

“If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell the other guys. Promise?” I asked him sticking out my pinky, he wrapped his finger around mine,

“Promise” he said seriously.

“Well as you know my name is Frankie Henderson. I’ve lived in England since I was 2 years old, up until I was 7 I was known as Frankie Maria Perry that’s when Ed and Louise my foster parents adopted me. My life is pretty screwed up, and I have virtually no friends. I played drums since I was 7 and I listen to a lot of bands like Bring me the horizon, my chemical romance and Paramore. Since I was 14 I went through a hard time where I had to deal with a lot of emotions on my own, I felt like I never fit in with people and that my real family hated me. There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t think of what life would be like if I still lived with my real mum and dad, I only have one picture of me with my family. They never wrote to my adoption shelter, they never called, just left me as a confused child. I was bullied because of my music choice, and that I didn’t have a mother and father, every year I dread when my birthday comes because not once did I get a card from them. Ed and Louise wonder what they did wrong, it’s not their fault the way I turned out, and strict parents make sneaky kids. Ever since I was 14 I planned to run away, go on the road. The day I turned 16 was my ticket out of here, I know I told you I was 19 but I had to lie in case you though I was an immature kid. But I’m not, I was forced to grow up too fast, and it was because of these people.” I explained before handing him a battered photo of me on my first birthday with my real family.

We were all there, me, my mother, father, brothers and even the pets. We all held smiles and looked happy as hell, what did I do wrong to make them give me up? I looked up from my lap and Tony looked confused and angry,

“How did you get this photo?” He shouted

“I told you, this is my family” I replied quietly. Tony stood up and grabbed my wrist making me flinch at the sudden impact on my new cuts,

“No it’s not, see this girl?” He pointed at the girl in her mother’s arms, “She died nearly 14 years ago” He said through gritted teeth,

“How can she of died Tony, she’s standing right in front of you, and why do you care so much about this family anyway?” I screamed in his face,

“Because she was my sister” He angrily said before walking out of my house and slamming the door behind him.


Cliff-hanger ;)

Thank you for reading, it means a lot,

Instagram- Kenzie_Preciado

Twitter- @calsupinmygrill




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