Some Days

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*Sorry a bit of swearing*

Some days I can feel like I'm on top of the world. That I might actually be cute. But those are the days that I can be pushed over the ledge the easiest. The days that I don't need much to feel like shit again. Those are the days that I hate the most.

Not the days that I wake up feeling like shit, but the days I feel good about myself maybe even happy for once, but I know those are the days I'm going to end up crying and hiding.

The days I feel like that feel like I'm taking a huge step closer to the edge of the cliff. Getting closer and closer, until, finally, I fall.

And when I fall it's like dropping 100 tonnes of bricks on myself. When I fall it feels like the end. But it never is. No matter how much I beg for the end to come. There is always to many people I can disappoint with those few small actions. The actions that might be to help me climb back up the cliff.

The support I need is hidden, the things of happiness. Hidden for me to find but, like with everything else, what I find isn't what I need to help me.

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