The Mysterious Camp Counselor

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Hermione and Racheal were on Hermione's bed. The beds at the overnight camp were hard and uncomfortable. It practically felt like sitting on a rock.

"Okay, so tell me again. What are muggles?" Racheal asked quietly as other campers in their cabin were still sleeping soundly.

"This is a pain trying to tell you everything about the Wizarding World. Okay, so muggles are non-magic folk."

"Wait, if you are a witch, then why are you at a muggle camp?" Racheal inquired.

"My parents are muggles. They wanted me to come here. Do you understand everything now? I really want to see what's inside the other doors." Hermione exclaimed, annoyed.

"Okay, okay. I get it. You might need to tell me some other details later, but I'm good for now."

Hermione walked over to the secret door and pulled out her dragon heartstring wand.

"Alohomora," Hermione whispered, careful not to wake any other campers.

Racheal watched in interest. Hermione quickly and quietly opened the door and flinched when it made a loud creaking sound. She looked around to make sure she didn't wake any other campers. They all seemed to be asleep. Hermione and Racheal tiptoed into the large room and shut the door behind them.

"Middle door, right?" Racheal asked.

"Well, it doesn't matter, but the design on the door is really cool with all the etched diamonds on the gold background.

"Alohomora," Hermione whispered.

The door unlocked and she peered through the crack in the door.

"All clear," Hermione muttered.

The two soundlessly tiptoed into the room. It was a small library. There were bookshelves on all sides of the room, making space for a door. The books looked old and dusty. There was a rectangular table in the middle of the room. As soon as they were in, Hermione looked into the corner, gasped, and she and Racheal disappeared with a crack. The next moment, they were back on Hermione's bed, talking.

"What did you just do and why did you do it?" Racheal demanded.

"I apparated us. Our cabin counselor was in the library. Didn't you see? She will have noticed that someone was there. We need to pretend like we're sleeping. Now, get into your bed!"

Racheal rapidly climbed the ladder to her top bunk. Hermione and Racheal scrambled to get under their blankets and closed their eyes. Sure enough, their cabin counselor, Ellie, slipped out of the secret door and surveyed the room. She sighed and went back through the door.

After the counselor was gone and everyone had woken up, Racheal was questioning Hermione again.

"What was Ellie doing in a library in a secret room?" Racheal questioned quietly but confusedly too.

"She was reading a book. It was titled How to Destroy Magic. That book is dangerous. It's in Magical History. It has the answer to the question: How do you destroy magic? It hasn't been seen in well, centuries," Hermione said in her know-it-all voice.

"Why would Ellie want to destroy magic?"

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