When I Break....

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I feel the dizziness begin to subside as we enter the hallway. Its okay. You're fine. Caleb watches every step I take and his eyes narrow slightly at me before Mrs.Worshire opens her mouth, "I have had enough of you for one day mister!" She states rather dramatically. "And Rooney, you should know better than to encourage such immaturity." I simply nod my head and eye the tiled floor. 

"Ma'am this had nothing to do with, Rooney. I was making jokes and she laughed. I didn't mean to get her in trouble." Caleb pleads with his puppy eyes which seems to work on her. Her total demeanor changes and her facial expression softens.

"I'll let this one slide, Mr. Monroe. But I don't want to hear a peep out of you for the rest of class, got it?" She wiggles her finger at him and he nods gratefully. "Go back to your seat, Caleb, I want to have a word with Rooney." He nods once more and leaves us in the hallway, closing the door behind him. Her pearly eyes turn to mine, "Are you alright, dear? You look pale."

Her question catches me by surprise, "Yes, I'm——I just——-" I clear my throat, "First day jitters, I guess."

She nods her head making her red hair glisten from the florescent lights above us and narrows her eyes as if to say I don't believe you, but instead she says, "Why don't you go to the nurse and check in later? We won't be starting anything important anyways." her smile gives me warmth and I smile back.

"No, it's okay. I'll be fine once I settle in." I reply hoping that she'll leave it alone.

"Are you sure?" she asks one final time before I nod my head and walk toward the door of the classroom. She follows behind me silently and I make my way to my seat avoiding all eye contact with Caleb.

For the rest of the class I ignored his existence and if I'm totally honest I ignored the very existence of the whole class. My mind wandered far away from this school and it's toxic environment. It took me to a place where I was safe, where it was just me and the trees dancing to the sound of the wind. That was my happy place, it was a shame that it's walls came crumbling down as soon as the familiar sound of the school bell rang. Bringing me back to the place that I loathe the most. The place that I didn't feel safe at all.


The rest of the day flew by with chattering teachers and gossiping students reminiscing on their memories of summer and how much they wished they didn't have to be at school. I could say I was among those students, but I would be lying. I really don't care to stop and talk about boys or my plans for my next rebellion against my parents. Those things don't interest me and I stopped acting like someone I'm not a long time ago. All that gave me was a life of solitary confinement within these High school walls and I preferred it.

I linger by my locker, waiting for the crowd to disperse before I leave. Today really pushed my limits and I am physically drained to the point of exhaustion. My brain is in a blur and my impatience is on the brink of boiling over. But I continue acting like the schools biology book is the most interesting thing I've ever seen in my life until something catches my eye. I close my locker and steadily make my way over to the school announcement board. On it are sign-up sheets for after school clubs and flyers for events in and outside of school. One flyer in particular calls to me, it reads, "The Haunting Of Louburg Valley: The Seville Estate" My brows come together with intrigue.

"Whatcha reading?" A young voice says next to my ear.

I nearly jump out of my skin and I scold him, "Don't ever do that to me again, Caleb!" I smack his arm.

He smiles playfully, "Ow, that hurts you know!"

I roll my eyes, but tear the flyer off the billboard and fold it a few times before stuffing it into my bag. "Then don't sneak up on me." I say turning on my heel and making a beeline for the parking lot.

"Were you reading about the Seville Estate?" He asks me.

"Yes, Caleb." I answer, feeling my irritation being tested once more.

"Are you into the ghost stuff or something?" He asks in disbelief. I'm shocked that he knows what the Seville Estate is, given that he is the new kid.

"No and even if I was that is none of your business." I say as I approach the double doors at the end of the hallway and struggle against their weight to get them open. He shakes his head with a small smile and opens them for me. "Thank you." I say breathlessly.

"No problamo." He says cheerfully. We walk in comfortable silence for a few minutes until I feel him staring at me. 

"What?" My eyes widen at him awkwardly.

"Why do you walk like that?" He asks innocently.

My cheeks flush as I realize how obvious my limp has become and I stop dead in my tracks feeling embarrassed and ready to lash out like a cornered dog. I eye him with a level of anger that could only be described as consuming. He turns to look at me as if to say, 'Why did we stop' and then realization hits and he shrinks, "It is none of your damn business, Caleb! Instead of following me around like a puppy maybe you should go make friends your age and stop bugging me! I have no time for stupidity and I definitely don't have time for you! So fuck off!" I feel my cheeks burn and my eyes sting. I need to get the hell out of here.

I leave him in the shrunken state that I caused and for the remainder of the long walk to my car I fight off the tears that threaten to break the barrier. My jeep shines in the light of the mid afternoon sun and offers me shelter from the storm inside of me. I open the driver side door and throw my bag over to the passenger's side and fumble my way into the car. My palms smack the steering wheel repeatedly and I weep. Thanking the high heavens that my car is parked facing the woods behind the school. So the only being witnessing my break down is an unsuspecting squirrel.

"You probably think I'm crazy too." I stare at the little creature as it stares back at me. It scampers away as if it were taking my secret meltdown away with it. Oh, how I wish this could all end. How I wish I could be normal.

 An Idea pops into my head and I wipe the fallen tears away and start the engine. I drive off in hopes that the place I'm going will offer me some comfort.


TADA!!! :) I have been battling with myself for almost six months now trying to decide how I want this story to pan out. Granted I don't think I know exactly where I want to take it. But I think I have a concept now:p

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I look forward to hearing what you think! Please feel free to vote::Comment::or just read for the pure enjoyment! :) Thank you for the support and I hope you stick around for the next chapter in Rooney's life! :)

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