Chapter 8

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"Ah!" Angela sat up, tangled in a blanket that wasn't hers, in an office that wasn't hers. Her cheeks flushed red as she realised she was still in Reyes' office. On the floor, no less. Someone tried the door, and she scrambled to her feet, tugging at the blanket, trying to get it off. But the door was locked, she noticed, and through the foggy glass she saw red hair. Moira? How had she gotten into Blackwatch? Did Morrison know about her, did he know about what she'd done? Her research into human genetics? Even more, did Gabe know? Did he know about her experiments that were shut down? She folded the blanket and laid it on the chair, wishing she had a mirror to fix her hair. A sudden yawn nearly dislocated her jaw. How long had she been asleep, sitting in that chair? She looked at the desk clock, reading 7:47. Either only a few hours, or overnight, and she hoped it wasn't overnight. She left the office, closing the door softly behind her, then made her way to her quarters, wondering why she saw only a few agents wandering around. She was brushing her teeth, debating on whether or not to shower before she went to bed for real, when a knock sounded on her door. "Five minutes." She nearly swallowed the toothpaste. So it had been overnight. And somehow she'd forgotten she had a mission today. Morrison was not going to be happy. He really didn't like that she had become friends with Gabe, although he didn't say anything about her making Jesse a prosthetic. But falling asleep in his office, that could be taken any number of wrong ways and she decided against saying anything. Adrenaline surged through her veins and she splashed water on her face, scrubbed it dry and pulled her suit on. Her gear was in the armory, she remembered. It had needed cleaning after the last mission. She hurried down the halls, pulling her hair up as she walked, pausing for a few seconds to get herself a cup of coffee and an energy bar.

She thought she'd seen him, during the mission. Hiding in the back, just watching. Waiting until they might need him. A faint, "Need healing!" drew her attention back to the mission. She didn't see him again until they'd returned to base, with their mission accomplished.

~A few days later, during which time Angela has run a plethora of successful tests on Jesse's prosthetic arm~

"Hold still and lie down. This won't hurt much unless you keep wiggling." Angela gripped McCree's shoulder, pushing him back.
"I want to see, doc," he protested.
"Well, you're not going to. I'm putting you under."
"But why? I promise I won't move."
"I have to attach the base and it's a surgical procedure." She picked up her driver and showed him the screws she would use to anchor the prosthetic. "Those are going in your arm. I'm putting you under for your own safety." His eyes widened and he paled a little. "Right. Got it, doc."
She smiled and patted his shoulder. "Don't worry. It will only take a few minutes once you're asleep."
She turned as the door opened and Reyes knocked on it.
"Can I supervise this operation?"
Angela pointed to the chair and handed him gloves, glasses and a mask.
"If you want. Sit down and put those on." She put on a pair of gloves herself, and inserted a drip into Jesse's right arm. He was out within thirty seconds, and she changed her gloves and put on a hair net, safety glasses and a mask. She powered up the driver. "If you're squeamish, Gabe, don't look."

He slowly pried open his eyes, his thoughts clouded like he'd been asleep for a week. The doctor was watching a screen. His left arm felt heavy, much heavier than usual. He tried to pick it up, but couldn't. The doctor looked at him.
"Jesse, you're awake," she said. "How do you feel?" He tried to sit up. She put her hand on his chest. "Hold still for a few more minutes, alright? I need to strengthen the bond." A weird sensation hit his left arm, and his mind cleared. She put her staff down and gently pulled him to sit up. He looked down at his left arm. A sharp breath escaped his lungs and he made a fist. He bent his elbow, and touched the tips of his fingers together. He couldn't stop looking at it, moving it, couldn't get over the fact that he had two hands again, ten fingers. He looked at her, his mouth hanging open and a tear in his eye. She smiled and nodded. "Success," she said quietly. Commander Reyes stood up from where he'd been sitting. "Well, kid, how's it feel?"
Jesse shook his head. "I-I... I don't know, boss." His breath came hard and fast. "I...I guess it feels pretty great." He stood up, fighting off a headrush. A grin slowly spread across his face. "Thanks, doc." Angela smiled. "Of course. I'll want to see you back here in two days. Let me know if you have any issues with it, or any pain." She walked him to the door. "I know you just woke up, but try and take it easy today, Jesse. Resting will do you more good than I can." He nodded, still dazed. "Sure thing, doc."

She let him leave, then began wiping down the plastic cover of the bed with a cleaning wipe.
She'd forgotten Gabe was still there.
"I'd say a success like this calls for a celebration, wouldn't you?"
"Yes, I suppose it does. What did you have in mind?" She heard him stand up, and she turned to look at him.
"I'll pick you up at six-thirty tonight, how does that sound?" She smiled.
"I think that sounds just fine, Gabe."

"Hey Genji, look!"
McCree entered the room, waving with his prosthetic. Genji smiled, not that anyone could tell.
"Dr. Ziegler is truly amazing, isn't she?" Jesse nodded.
"Didn't even hurt an' all I hafta do is rest today." Obviously proud of being given the rest of the day off, he turned to leave.
"Jesse. Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna go show Dr. O'Deorain."
"She's not going to be excited, Jesse. You're probably going to be in trouble if you--" he stopped. "And there he goes," the cyborg muttered to himself, returning to his contemplation.

Five-thirty. Angela stood in front of her mirror, mentally critiquing her dress. It was long, cut to gracefully drape over her figure. It had no sleeves, only thin straps over her shoulders. She shook her hair down, running her fingers through it and pulling her bangs to one side. She struck a pose and laughed at herself. I look fine, she decided, pulling a t-shirt over her head and going to do her makeup.

Gabe struggled with his tie, having not worn one in well over ten years. Not since Gerard's wedding. He frowned at his hands, remembering seven years ago when they'd been told of his death. But enough brooding, he told himself, giving up on the tie. He stuck his head in Moira's lab.
"Do you know how to tie a tie?"
She materialised in front of him. He swore, startled.
She gave him a disapproving look.
"Yes, I can tie a tie, Commander. Do you want me to tie it for you or show you how?"
"Just show me, Moira." She untied her tie and held it up.
"Like so." She tied it in a perfect knot very slowly, pausing after each step.
"How's it look?" Gabe asked after they had finished. She made a face.
"Well, it's certainly not perfect, but it'll do for tonight. It's not in the mess it was when you got here, that's for sure." He nodded.
"Thanks." He turned to leave.

Six twenty-five. He stood outside her door, wondering if five minutes would make all the difference. And then he remembered they would. Moira refused to do anything when her nails were wet, and often five minutes either saved your life or ended it. He leaned back against the wall next to her door, catching a faint sound of music. Was she singing? He couldn't tell. And then his hands started shaking. His breath came fast, and he noticed his palms were sweaty. He looked at his watch. Three minutes. He had time to go dry his hands.

Six-thirty. A soft knock sounded on her door. She opened it and saw Gabe, in a suit, no less. His eyes widened when he saw her, and she smiled.
"You look...amazing." He seemed breathless. She blushed and smiled a bit wider.
"Thank you, Gabe. And you look quite sharp yourself." She noticed his tie, tied rather loosely in a girl's knot. She reached for it, but stopped.
"Do you mind if I--"
"Go ahead," he said. "I know it's terrible."
"No no no, it's not terrible. It's a good knot, just a little loose. The only problem is that it's a knot that women use." She pulled it snugly against his neck and stepped back.
"Oh, that's better."
"Thank you, Angela." He offered her his arm, which she graciously accepted, and they made their way to the car that would take them down the mountains.

||Author's notes:
I apologise for cutting this chapter a little short, but it would have been like two chapters rolled into one. So have some explanations instead lol:
I'm not going to be using the new hero, Sigma, in my story since he wasn't announced until like three days ago. So, in this story, the main Talon group, when they appear, is Moira, Sombra, Widowmaker, Reaper, and Doomfist.
I'm also not following the canon timeline exactly, and I won't elaborate on this because spoilers.
I probably won't use all the characters that already exist if they don't tie into the story at some point.
I will try to keep a chapter coming out every week, but my life is in a stressful place right now and I apologise if I have to postpone one for an extra week.
And, as always, thank you guys so so much for reading my story, and a special thank you to those who voted on it! You guys are the absolute best!! Thank you!

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